This aura is deadly

Chapter 467 When the countdown reaches 0

Chen Ke was also startled. He trembled with fright when he saw a girl rushing out from the left and threw him to the floor.

Lucina held down Chen Ke's gun-holding right hand with her left hand, pressed her right elbow on Chen Ke's neck, and tried her best to grab the gun.

"...Come down..." Chen Ke felt Lucina's full weight pressing on him.

Unlike other Internet celebrities with thin arms and legs, Lucina's muscles are real. Chen Ke estimated that Lucina may weigh more than 130 kilograms.

Lucina's figure is not as exaggerated as King Kong Barbie, and she looks like an ordinary girl when she wears clothes. However, her body fat is very low, and the fat is accumulated in the places where it should be accumulated, giving her a bumpy figure.

After taking off his clothes, he is 170 centimeters tall, with beautiful muscle lines and healthy bronze skin. People can't take their eyes away and can't control his brother. His charming Latin accent is also unforgettable.

"What do you want to do? Chen Ke?!" Lucina held Chen Ke's right hand tightly and stared at Chen Ke and asked.

"You come down first...!" Chen Ke said, patting Lucina on the shoulder with his left hand.

In fact, he had ninety-nine ways to turn Lucina over and throw her down, but Chen Ke couldn't bear to throw her down.

And this girl is too strong.

A few minutes later……

Chen Ke put on his pants, sat on the bed with Lucina, and briefly explained to her what he was going to do.

Of course, Chen Ke didn't tell her about the countdown to his life. He just told her that some changes might happen to him in the next 16 hours.

Lucina didn't understand, Chen Ke didn't know what would happen, and the two reached a deadlock.

"Will you disappear forever?" Lucina only cared about this.

Chen Ke didn't know how to answer. First of all, he would definitely not die like this.

After all, he is the foundation's last chance to restart the world. If the countdown reaches 0, he will die, and Lin Yan won't say that.

But what if he travels to another version of 2009? So for this Lucina in 2009, he has indeed disappeared forever.

"I don't know what will happen, but I have to give it a try." Chen Ke shook his head.

"Is this important?" Lucina asked worriedly.

"It's very important." Chen Ke said.

Chen Ke touched her shoulder. Ever since he time traveled, this life countdown has been a mystery that he has been unable to solve. But now, the answer to the mystery is right in front of him, and he must figure it out.

"It's not that bad. Just keep it a secret for me. No matter what you see after 16 hours, don't tell anyone else." Chen Kedao.

"In other words, in the worst case scenario, I only have 16 hours left?" Lucina asked.

"Things won't be that bad. But if you want to do something with me...just do it in these 16 hours." Chen Ke promised again.

"Then do what lovers should do." Lucina said.

Chen Ke laughed, he understood what Lucina meant.

For the next 16 hours, they traveled together, shopping on the streets of Lafite Road like an ordinary couple, visiting shopping malls and clothing stores.

As night fell, they chose a movie at the cinema, kissed in the last row, and had dinner at a steakhouse.

They didn't return to the safe house until 11 o'clock at night, but Lucina was still not sleepy. The two spent a crazy night, and their strong love seemed to be about to ignite the ammunition in the house.

At 4 o'clock in the morning, Lucina was sleeping soundly on Chen Ke's body. She was panting lightly, her body covered in fine sweat, and her long, slightly curly hair stuck to her back.

The countdown in the corner of Chen Ke's eyes only had the last 30 minutes left. He gently patted Lucina awake. In the darkness, those eyes just looked at him quietly.

"Wish me good luck." Chen Ke said.

"Let's continue when we get back. I still have the strength." Lucina said with a smirk.

Chen Ke gently hugged Lucina aside, got out of bed and got dressed. While putting on shoes, Lucina hugged Chen Ke from behind and sniffed the back of his neck.

"You'd better keep a certain distance from me. I don't know what will happen then." Chen Ke reminded.

He moved a chair and sat down, watching the countdown and quietly waiting for his fate to come.

A piece of painful soul appeared in Chen Ke's right hand. He made two plans. If the countdown reached 0 and he felt something strange, he would immediately pinch it to save his life.

Lucina knelt on the bed, covered her body with a cup, and observed Chen Ke nervously.

12 minutes left...

"You'd better take a photo with your I can see it when I get back." Chen Ke suggested.

Lucina wrapped herself in a quilt and got out of bed, picking up her mobile phone from the table.

"Remember to switch to offline mode and don't upload it to Facebook..." Chen Ke reminded.

"I'm not as stupid as you." Lucina said as she clicked on the photo mode and pointed it at Chen Ke.

5 minutes left...

Chen Ke sat on the stool, shaking his legs because of nervousness. If he had a heart, his heartbeat would be extremely fast right now.

"The last moment... let me see..." Chen Ke muttered, staring at the corner of his eyes as the time passed by.

"Chen Ke... Although I don't know what you are doing now, I still want to advise you to forget it... I have never seen you so nervous..." Lucina was also a little nervous.

"It's's's not like I haven't died before..." Chen Ke shook his head, holding the soul in his hand and trying his best to control his fingers not to pinch it in advance.

The last 60 seconds...

Chen Ke held his breath as the memories after time travel passed by in front of his eyes like a revolving lantern.

Encountering Parker in the building... The black box space and the contract demon... The postman's bank robbery... Van Heder's adventure... The world in 2006... Encounters at sea... The black stone of the institute... Rich second generation Li Moyang And two foundations...Ms. Haroyne trapped in the camera...19th century Longtown...base reality...

Everything Chen Ke has experienced in the past few months, before time travel, would have been a major event that could last a lifetime.

The last 10 seconds...

Chen Ke took his soul back and prepared to face this fate.

His nervousness infected Lucina, and she didn't even care that the quilt slipped off her body. She held her phone tightly with both hands to record Chen Ke's status. And because she didn't know Chen Ke's specific situation, she was even more nervous than Chen Ke.




Chen Ke watched the countdown turn red.


"It's 0..." Chen Ke said to himself.

"What reached 0?" Lucina asked nervously.

The small letters in the corner of his eyes changed.

"Your lifespan has been reduced to zero..."

What will happen...? I'm not dead either... Chen Ke was still sitting on the stool, time was still passing, but nothing happened.

"Hehe... I... am I thinking too much?" Chen Ke smiled half-heartedly. He didn't know what expression he should use to face Lucina now. A feeling of joy surged up. It turned out that he didn't need to be so tired at all. .

He looked at Lucina and smiled: "See, I said it wasn't that bad, right?"

"Chen Ke..." Lucina's expression did not change much, she was still nervous.

"What's wrong?" Chen Ke saw an ominous aura on Lucina's face.

"You are becoming transparent..." Lucina said in horror.

Chen Ke was stunned, raised his hands and looked at it. No, it was not him who was becoming transparent, but the surrounding scenery, including Lucina.

A line of small words in the corner of the eye changed at this time, the red font turned into blue, and the message changed.

"Return to the Dream Center."

ah? What's this……

Lucina dropped her phone and immediately rushed to Chen Ke to hug him, but she missed. Her hands went through Chen Ke and she could only grab the chair.

"Chen Ke! Chen Ke!" Lucina shouted.

"Don't panic! Lucina, I'm not dead, I'm just going to another place... I'll find a way to come back, believe me." Chen Ke promised.

The world around Chen Ke gradually became transparent, darkness slowly surrounded him, and Lucina could only barely see an outline.

"Listen Lucina, I will find a way to come back! Don't tell anyone about this!" Chen Ke shouted, and only saw Lucina nodding.

"You must come back! Chen Ke!" Lucina shouted towards Chen Ke's silhouette. When the shadow completely disappeared, there was nothing on the stool.

Lucina gasped, and the great fear and grief turned into tears and fell down. She clenched her hands into fists, stood up suddenly, kicked the sandbag hard, and shouted towards the ceiling: "Fake! Fake! Fake!"

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