This aura is deadly

Chapter 468 Echo

When the darkness in front of him dissipated, Chen Ke found himself standing on a cliff.

The dark green sky was turbulent, but he couldn't feel a breath of wind. A path wound down, leading to a small circular terrace in the distance. On the cliff behind the circular terrace, there was an apartment building.

He stood on the edge of the cliff and looked down, and all he saw below was the same turbulent sea of ​​turquoise clouds as the sky.

There was no longer a countdown in the corner of Chen Ke's eyes, only the blue words "Deep Sleeping Place" remained.

The things he carries are still there, the holy diamond in his wallet and the black stone in his heart are still in his hands.

He wanted to test whether his psychic power could still be used, so he had an idea and wanted to summon the moonlight sword and the black gun.

The hands are empty, nothing.

He tried to condense Angele's Ashes and Soul Gun in his right hand, and even tried murderous aura and future vision, but all powers failed.

"Fuck..." Chen Ke cursed.

He walked down the path on the cliff, wanting to see the apartment building. From a distance, this apartment building looked a bit like the one he lived in before traveling through time.

When Chen Ke came to the circular platform, he found a white-haired old man in a white suit sitting on a big rock, facing the cliff, as if he was watching the scenery.

Chen Ke subconsciously thought of Colonel KFC.

He became alert and slowed down. He didn't know whether to walk quietly from behind him or simply sneak up behind him and choke him or push him. After all, no one could come to a place like this.

"It's spectacular, isn't it?" the old man said suddenly. He turned around and was not wearing black-rimmed glasses.

"You don't seem surprised." Chen Ke was bending down at this time, as if he wanted to touch the old man's back. As he spoke, he straightened up and put his hands in his pockets.

"This is your territory, not mine. You should be the one who should be surprised." The old man said.

"Ha... my territory... it's my first time here. You seem to be more familiar with this place than me. Where is this place?" Chen Ke asked.

"This is the frontier of dreams. Maybe you will know another name." The old man smiled.

"Dream Center..." Chen Ke thought.

"I've been waiting, waiting for the owner here to show up, but I didn't expect to wait so long, but fortunately there is no concept of time here, and my old bones will not die here." The old man smiled. , walking towards Chen Ke.

"Then who are you? The housekeeper here?" Chen Ke asked.

"Me? My name is not important, but I want to ask you first, have you been to the base reality?" the old man asked.

"You also know the basic reality? Are you from the foundation?" Chen Ke was stunned.

"It's hard not to know, after all, I'm from there. And... I'm not a member of the Cradle of Humanity Project Foundation, but from the Human Connection Project Foundation." The old man laughed.

"Human Connection Project..." Chen Ke knew that this foundation was Lin Yayin's organization.

"It seems that you have been to the base reality. Tell me, how are they?" the old man asked.

"They are all dead. The last one called me over...wait, how do I know whether I should trust you or not?" Chen Ke said alertly.

"I will tell you everything you need to know, and you certainly don't know as much as I do. Young man." The old man laughed.

He turned around, facing the unpredictable wind and clouds outside the cliff, and said: "You should know your mission, right? They told you the current situation of mankind and their choices. And you are theirs. A big gamble."

"That's right... they..." Chen Ke sighed.

"The HCP Foundation's deus ex machina plan, I know, they hope to restart the world and give mankind another chance." The old man nodded.

"Is there really a way to kill gods?" Chen Ke asked.

"No." The old man answered simply.

"That is to say..." Chen Ke hesitated.

"The Foundation has tried 999 times, but luck is not on their side. You are their last chance. I have to say that they are lucky this time at least. When they launch the ability, at least the people who get the ability will He's a young man. I originally expected the outcome to be even worse," the old man said.

"This is not fair to me." Chen Ke shook his head.

"So, that's why I'm sitting here waiting for you. Young people, besides restarting the world, there is another way to choose." The old man said.

"Another way..." Chen Ke was startled.

"Don't worry, I don't intend to put the responsibility on you as quickly as they did." The old man said, and he invited Chen Ke to sit on the stone on the edge of the cliff.

"In our reality, we did not have contact with gods for the first time until 2100. Human civilization is still too young. From slash-and-burn farming to the information age, it only took more than 5,000 years. Therefore, when we faced that power for the first time, there was no way Abuse of restraint and reckless extortion are bound to happen," the old man said.

"Then, who are those gods? What do they want to do?" Chen Ke asked.

"Who knows? They suddenly appear there and then use their power to influence us. The gods' purpose is simple and direct. They just want to give birth to their own children." The old man answered.

"Having a baby? Just for this?" Chen Ke didn't believe it.

"Don't get me wrong, gods giving birth to children is different from us mammals. Have you ever seen a dependent family?" the old man asked.

"I've killed two." Chen Ke answered.

"Well, very good, it seems that the Foundation has really hit the jackpot this time. You know and have experienced more than I expected. I should have guessed how you killed your followers. You should have an Old One in your hand." The old man laughed.

"I've heard of this, the rulers, and the outsiders." Chen Ke said.

"You are right, the gods are divided into the Outer Gods and the Old Ones. They are all gods, but their manifestations and relationships with humans are completely different." The old man said.

"The Old Ones are gods that have existed on Earth for billions of years. They have played an important role in our mythology and history. They have a symbiotic relationship with humans and have achieved great achievements. And the Outer Gods... are gods from outside the Earth. Their only purpose is to turn all humans into followers." The old man added.

"The Old Ones can't kill gods either?" Chen Ke asked.

"Gods can't kill gods either. The Foundation has been trying to find a way to kill gods, but we don't have much time. This is why they want to advance the time for humans to contact gods when they restart the world." The old man said. "But it doesn't work." Chen Ke said.

"It's hard to get the timing right. If it's too late, there won't be enough time. If it's too early, people will be more easily corrupted. I have a negative attitude towards this plan." The old man shook his head.

"How to explain these... holy objects? At least in our place, this kind of thing is called a holy object." Chen Ke took out the holy diamond from his wallet and let the old man take a look.

"999 restarts have shaped 999 timelines, among which there are many heroes who use psychic power. You have to know that this is the dream of God, and dreams are also a kind of complex memory. When a world is restarted, the things held by those heroes will form an echo and float in the new world. What they have done will also form a unique space and float in the new world. Those are just the echoes of the past." The old man explained.

Chen Ke finally understood the origin of the holy diamond and the great void. It turned out that these things came from the timeline before the first 998 restarts.

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