This aura is deadly

Chapter 476 Where is Chen Ke?

Lin Yayin was pacing in the carriage, and when Wang Ailin finally woke up, it was already half an hour later.

"Ms. Wang Aileen, you are finally awake." Lin Yayin said.

She looked at the Asian girl in front of her. She was only wearing a white vest and underwear. Her two white thighs were in an inward shape, her slightly red knees touched each other, and she was covered in cold sweat.

"What do you want... to do?" Wang Aileen's voice was trembling.

"You have been pretending to sleep just now, like an ostrich with its head buried in the soil." Lin Yayin said.

"Did you see it?" Wang Aileen was a little surprised.

"It's hard to tell... your breathing is very rapid, which is not what a sleeping person looks like. You look nervous, but you don't have to be like this. I'm here to recruit you, not to hurt you." Lin Yayin is patient. road.

"Recruiting...?" Wang Aileen was puzzled.

Lin Yayin looked at the other people in the carriage and said, "Gentlemen, please leave the two ladies alone for a while, okay?"

"Where's our money?" the kidnapper asked.

"Please come this way." The bald man next to Lin Yayin looked at the kidnapper with disdain.

"Whatever you say... let's go." The kidnapper looked at his partner, not bothering to fight with the bald head, and left the carriage door in a wise manner.

When the bald man left, he looked at Lin Yayin, as if to confirm some information. Lin Yayin nodded, and then focused on Wang Ailin.

"Bang." The carriage door closed again.

"Okay, there are only two of us here now." Lin Yayin said, she took out a folding knife and came to Wang Aileen's side.

Wang Ailin looked at the sharp blade and narrowed her eyes in fear, thinking that Lin Yayin was going to torture herself.


Wang Aileen's whole body tensed up, preparing to endure the pain, but nothing happened. She opened her eyes again and found that Lin Yayin had not hurt herself, but had cut the rope around her wrist.

"I think you might feel more comfortable this way. You see, we should have a good chat to resolve the previous barriers and misunderstandings between each other." Lin Yayin said.

"Who are you? What do you want me to do for you?" Wang Aileen stroked her wrist.

"My name is Lin Yayin. I come from a place you can't understand. It's far away from you, but it's not out of reach." Lin Yayin replied.

"If I can't understand, Ms. Lin, then I can't help you. Obviously, you must think that I can understand, so you came to me, right?" Wang Aileen said.

"I'm afraid you can't understand it now, but you will definitely understand it in the future... It is precisely because I saw you in the future that I found you now." Lin Yayin said.

"You come from the future...?" Wang Aileen asked.

Lin Yayin reached out to touch Wang Aileen's cheek and asked with a smile: "Do you know where the sexiest part of your body is?"

"Um...back?" Wang Aileen guessed.

"No, it's your brain." Lin Yayin smiled.

Diana had no clue, but she didn't want to go back to Opportunity City immediately. She had a feeling that Wang Aileen was waiting for her and she couldn't go back yet.

However, it was already 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Looking at the busy pedestrians and traffic, this big city was full of vitality, and even the sky seemed to be clearer. This girl from the deserted Opportunity City felt out of tune with the people around her.

There was no point wandering around here alone, so Diana had no choice but to seek help from the Authority. She thought about it and decided to overstep her authority and ask Steve directly for help.

Steve, who was in the command center of the Opportunity City Administration, was sorting out his thoughts when he received a call from Diana. He left the command room and went to the bathroom before answering the call.

"Diana? Are you planning to return to Opportunity City now? You are one of the targets of those killers, and it is only safe to stay in the Authority." Steve said.

"I'm sorry Steve, I can't come back yet. I haven't found Wang Aileen yet. I need your help now." Diana said.

"Listen Diana, I also want to help, but everyone on the list needs help. There is no result in calling. You should come back and think about it in the long term." Steve advised.

"No, I don't want her to be a corpse when I find her. That's not what I want. Can you use the agency's spy satellites and intelligence network to find Wang Aileen?" Diana said straight to the point.

"What are you talking about? Diana, that's not what I can say. Only the chairman of the authority has the authority to decide such things." Steve said.

"Can you do me this?" Diana asked.

"I...I don't know. I can only try it for you, but it is unlikely that the chairman will use a national defense-grade satellite for a researcher." Steve said.

"Wang Aileen is not an ordinary researcher." Diana said.

"That satellite is not an ordinary spy satellite." Steve said.

Diana didn't speak. Steve was right. The Administration's intelligence satellites were not used to find people, but to monitor psychic explosive areas. The satellite network monitored dangerous psychic enclosed areas 24 hours a day, including dangerous areas. The inland sea and the uninhabited mountains.

"I'll ask you...Diana, where are you now?" Steve asked.

"I'm...waiting..." Diana looked around and saw a bus stop. She looked at the stop sign.

"I'm at Brooklyn South Station, and there's a bookstore nearby." Diana said.

"Very well, why don't you sit somewhere and I'll call you after I ask the chairman." Steve suggested.

"Thank you, Steve," Diana said, but she had no hope.

The two ended the call, and Steve frowned as he looked at the phone. He took out another phone, clicked on the phone book, and dialed a number.

After a few seconds, the call was answered.

Steve said: "At Brooklyn South Station, near the bookstore, don't mess it up this time."

After saying that, Steve hung up the phone and left the bathroom.

Lucina leaned against the wall, looked at the empty chair in front of her, stuffed potato chips into her mouth, and waited for Chen Ke to appear again.

But one night passed, and Chen Ke never came back.

"It's just one night plus one morning..." Lucina said to herself.

"He was like this before. He suddenly disappeared for a while, and then suddenly appeared again..." Lucina threw the potato chip bag aside.

"This time he just disappeared in front of me... maybe he was like this before..." Lucina sighed.

"But he was so nervous about leaving this time..." Lucina clenched her fists and rolled out of bed.

The safe house was as empty as ever, but this time, Lucina felt that it was particularly empty.

Dong dong dong...

There was a knock on the door.

"Ha! I knew it!" Lucina was overjoyed and hurried to open the door.

There was a fishery worker standing outside the door, his brows furrowed and his eyes very nervous.

"What?" Lucina's heart dropped.

"Someone came to Chen Ke... and said he was from the administration." The worker whispered.

Lucina also tensed up and her eyes involuntarily glanced at the pistol on the table behind her.

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