This aura is deadly

Chapter 477 Trouble is coming

Lucina put on jeans, came out from the underground stairs, walked around an iron door and came to the fishery.

Three men wearing sunglasses appeared in front of her. They were in neat suits. The leader of them fit the image of spies portrayed in spy movies. They had business-like expressions, as if nothing was negotiable.

"We're looking for Chen Ke." The agent said straight to the point. One of them even covered his nose, as if he couldn't stand the smell of fish.

"Huh? I've never heard of this name." Lucina raised an eyebrow and said.

"Miss Lucina, I will only say the next thing once." The agent said.

"Oh? Then keep it short." Lucina said, hugging her chest.

"We understand Chen Ke much better than you understand him, so you don't need to hide anything from us. What you have to do now is very simple, tell us where he is, and then find a boyfriend again. No one will bother you, and you can continue to live your life." The agent said.

"Are you done?" Lucina asked.

"Yes," the agent said.

"Then, what I'm going to say next will only be said once. I don't know you at all, and I don't know Chen Ke at all. What you have to do now is very simple, just turn your head and go where you came from. Don’t bother me again from now on,” Lucina said with a smile.

The three agents looked at Lucina indifferently, and then looked at the fishery workers working around them.

"Miss Lucina, we hope you can consider our request for you more maturely and carefully, otherwise, we may meet again in another unpleasant way," the agent said.

"Are you threatening me?" Lucina asked.

"That's right." The agent nodded.

"The bus stop is over there." Lucina pointed towards the street opposite the fishing ground.

"I hope you won't regret it, Miss Lucina," the agent said.

After saying that, the three of them looked around the fishing ground and then left wisely.

Watching the three agents leave, a feeling of uneasiness filled her heart. Lucina immediately returned to the underground safe house, picked up her cell phone and called her father Heinard.

"Dad... agents from the Administration just came to the fishery and asked me to tell them where Chen Ke is. They seem to know the relationship between Chen Ke and us..." Lucina said.

Heinard was stunned at first. What he had been worried about had happened.

"Are they just looking for Chen Ke? Did they mention the postman?" Heinard asked.

"No, I don't know how much they know about the postman, but the fishery must have been monitored by them..." Lucina was a little worried.

"We have to be ready to give up that place. I know that Chen Ke will get into trouble sooner or later..." Heinard sighed.

"Dad... do you know what Chen Ke goes to do every time he leaves?" Lucina asked.

"I don't know, I asked, but he never said, but I know he was a killer before joining the postman." Heinard said.

"I think it's not just this dad... I have been keeping a secret for him, and I think I should tell you now..." Lucina said.

"What did he tell you?" Heinard asked.

"It's not what he said...but what I experienced with him...the night he rescued me from Asra...we had a fight with a psyker...Chen Ke was also one Psychic." Lucina said.

"I've known this for a long time...I knew it even if he didn't tell me." Heinard shook his head.

"Huh? You actually knew this a long time ago?" Lucina was a little surprised.

"If he didn't have any special abilities, how could he have escaped from Asra with you? The point is not here...but the fact that he has been hiding things from us. It's not without reason that the Administration found him." Hai Nader said.

"He must be an illegal psychic...Is this why the Administration is looking for him?" Lucina said.

"No, no, no...if Chen Ke was just an illegal psyker, the Administration wouldn't have let him come to us until now. I suspect he is..." Heinard hesitated mid-sentence.

"I know what you are going to say...Dad...I know that you suspect that he is not human." Lucina said.

"I don't want to say this, but I think he may be the same thing as Asra's group of freaks. You can't tell what they are... but I think Chen Ke is a bit more advanced than them..." Heinard said.

"I...I can't hear his heartbeat, nor can I feel his body temperature...Other than that, he is just like a normal person. Dad, now is not the time to talk about this, no matter what you say, I won't Give up on him," Lucina said.

"I know, I don't mean that. Chen Ke is more like a human being than the bunch of beasts I know. That's why I acquiesce in your relationship with him." Heinard said.

"If he is something... that is being held by the Authority, and then he escapes..." Lucina said while guessing.

"I'm afraid that's the case. The Administration and Research Institute have special places to house strange things. Maybe Chen Ke ran out from there... Damn, if that's the case, we can't help." Heinard said.

"I don't know, I'm in a bad mood. I watched him last night from...forget it, he's gone, I can't find him, dad, what should I do?" Lucina rolled up her hair and looked irritably in the safe house. Pacing back and forth.

"Don't move for now, and don't tell Pihom about this. I just met with him, and he told me a very bad news. The Southern Branch of the Postman seems to be involved in a trouble. Mom. Yes, it seems that after one night, everything has changed for the worse!" Heinard said.

"Postman... We haven't moved for a long time, but Chen Ke has been busy." Lucina said.

"Wait until I come back, Lucina. Then we'll see if we can find a way to contact Chen Ke." Heinard said.

"Okay dad, I'll wait for you to come back." Lucina said.

She hung up the phone, threw the phone on the table, and looked back at the empty chair next to the bed. How is it possible to find a way to contact Chen Ke? He just disappeared before his eyes, leaving only the nonsense words "I will be back".

Lucina grabbed the shotgun on the table, loaded it with 4 rounds of deer shells, and loaded it with a click.

If her guess is right, if Chen Ke really ran away from the Bureau, what will she do in the future?

No one would be stupid enough to fight against the Authority. That would be tantamount to fighting against the country. Moreover, the person the Management Bureau wants to find will definitely be found, and there will be no way to escape.

"There's always a way... there's always a way..." Lucina said to herself.

"Didi!" I remembered the sound of car horns on the street. It had only been a few minutes before Heinard came back? It's too fast.

Lucina ran out of the safe house and walked to the street outside the fishing ground. The road was empty, not a single car.

"Fake, did you hear me correctly?" Lucina sighed, turned around and walked back.

The hot air hit her face, and the flame bloomed in front of her like a flower. Then there was a strong airflow that blew her six meters into the air.

Finally, there was a deafening explosion.


Lucina flew in the air for three seconds, hit the opposite street light pole and bounced back, then lay on her back on the hot asphalt road.

The fire shot into the sky, and the blue sky in the afternoon was distorted by steam. Lucina felt as if her body bones were falling apart, and a stream of heat surged out of her ears. The fishery instantly turned into a pressure cooker that was belching fire.

Many fishery workers screamed and fled from the factory. Their skin was melting, and the strong smell of fish and roasted flesh assaulted Lucina's nasal cavity.

She couldn't figure out what it was that instantly set the fishery on fire. At this time, three agents in suits appeared in Lucina's field of vision.

"Miss Lucina, as I said, the next meeting will not be so pleasant, let alone so short," the agent said.

"Go...fuck you..." Lucina said, trying to sit up from the ground.

The agent stepped hard on Lucina's abdomen, and the heel did not penetrate into her flesh. Lucina's neck turned red and her tongue stuck out of her mouth.

"We need to talk," the agent said.

"I won't tell you anything." Lucina glared.

"I don't want to talk to you, but to talk to your body." The agent said coldly.

He kicked Lucina hard in the chin, and Lucina fainted instantly.

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