This aura is deadly

Chapter 478 Fantasy Cage


Lucina woke up and felt a splitting headache, dizziness, and numbness in her arms.

She heard a chain swinging above her head, and only her toes could barely reach the ground. She looked up and saw that her arms were tied with chains and hung on the roof beams.

"Woo..." When the double image in front of her merged into one, Lucina found that she was in an abandoned factory.

The empty workshop was piled with unnamed rusty equipment, and the mottled walls were covered with green creepers.

In front of her, the agent was fiddling with something on an iron table, making disturbing noises.

Hearing the movement behind him, the agent stopped what he was doing, turned around and looked at Lucina, with a cold expression on his face, looking very professional.

When he turned around, Lucina also saw the things on the iron table: a hand-held electric saw, a pair of needle-nosed pliers, a Nepalese army knife, and a pack of scalpels, etc. There were also several syringes on the other side of the table, and a green plastic bucket was placed next to the corner of the table, which should be filled with clean water. "Ms. Lucina, how did you sleep?" the agent asked. "I didn't dream about you." Lucina said, and she could still feel the pain in her chin, which should be a broken skin. "I said before that our next meeting might not be so pleasant." The agent said as he picked up the needle-nosed pliers on the table and slid his fingertips across the mouth of the pliers. "Of course I remember that some men are not satisfied with just one rejection. They will chase you and lick you until you step on their faces." Lucina smiled. "Well, you see, every adult has to bear the consequences of their own choices. We should have reached a consensus in your fishing ground and no longer have any intersection in the future, but you chose another path, which made our lives have a painful intersection." The agent said. "Then what? Are you going to wait for me to cry and beg you?" Lucina said. The agent put down the needle-nosed pliers.

"To be honest, Ms. Lucina, I like women like you, strong, sexy, beautiful, and strong and funny, so even now, I am willing to give you another chance." The agent said.

The agent walked to Lucina, put his hands on her waist, and looked at Lucina very seriously.

"Tell us where Chen Ke is, and we will let you go when we find him." The agent said.

"Take your claws off me." Lucina said.

"I hope we can reach a consensus. This is your last chance." The agent said.

"You never have a chance. We have nothing to say." Lucina said.

The agent sighed, let go of Lucina, and turned to the iron table.

"You know... this is far from the city center. There is nothing around the factory. Even if you drive to Lafite Road, it will take half an hour." The agent said.

He picked up the needle-nosed pliers, looked at it, shook his head, put it down, and picked up the Nepalese army knife next to him.

"Do you know what this means, Miss Lucina?" the agent said.

"Remind me." Lucina said, looking up at the chains that bound her hands, and then looking at the environment around her, trying to find some way to escape.

"It means that no matter what I do to you, no one will come to save you, and even if someone wants to save you, you won't be able to survive until he comes." The agent said, while trying the blade of the saber with his thumb.

"And no matter how you scream, no one will hear you. It's pretty desperate, isn't it? But the good thing is that screaming helps relieve pain, and you can scream out without worrying about neighbors calling 911 to sue you for disturbing the public." The agent put down the Nepalese saber, as if he felt it was not powerful enough.

"You can't scare me, sissy." Lucina said.

She was not completely ignorant of torture. The purpose of the interrogator was to get answers, so even in the current situation, Lucina felt that she still had a chance to get out of it.

At most, she would be beaten, and she could always find a way to escape... Lucina secretly encouraged herself.

Half an hour later…

Saliva dripped down her slightly opened lips to her chest. Finally, Lucina was already covered in wounds, but the agent was still standing in front of her.

"You are strong, Miss Lucina, but people's spirit has its limits." The agent shook his head.

"Spirit?" Lucina panted, sweat dripping down the curve of her chin to the ground.

She felt something different, and the wounds on her body were slowly disappearing. The experience just now seemed like just a nightmare.

"Miss Lucina, I'd better briefly introduce your current situation. I can tell you generously, so the torture against your body is just an illusion." The agent said.

"Since you told me this, I have nothing to worry about." Lucina said coldly.

"I admire you for saying this, but I want to remind you that illusions can deceive your brain and bring real pain. I can torture you again and again, and enjoy every inch of your muscle until you decide to tell me where Chen Ke is, or you collapse before that." The agent said.

"You are a pervert." Lucina said. "Yes, I am a pervert, so what? You are my toy now, nothing more. Keep your current look and attitude, Miss Lucina, I will enjoy the process of destroying your mind, no matter how long it takes..." the agent said coldly.

"You are not from the Administration at all, right?" Lucina said.

The agent was stunned for a moment, but stopped hiding it.

"At this juncture, there is no need to pretend anymore... That's right, we are not from the Administration." The agent said.

"The Administration will not use such old-school torture methods. You are not even psykers, and you have nothing to do with Asra." Lucina said.

She felt that her guess was correct. The Administration had countless ways to make a person speak, and Asra... they could send out silent witches, but for these agents in front of them, they could only hang people up and beat them.

"You are right. So... let us continue to have fun, Miss Lucina." The agent snorted coldly, picked up the Nepalese army knife on the side, and opened Lucina's vest.

Lucina's curses and screams came from the factory, and the agent began his long, cruel, devastating, but not fatal torture.

Just like the scene in the 7th level of hell, a few minutes after each torture, she would recover again, and the cycle would repeat without sleep.


After another round of interrogation ended, the agent placed the bloody hook in his hand on the iron table and washed his hands in a green bucket to remove all Lucina's fat fluid and blood stuck to his hands.

Lucina's body was covered with horrific wounds cut by knives, like a bloody person.

The torture lasted 16 hours, that's what the agent told her.

In a few minutes, Lucina's physical injuries would disappear, but 16 hours without food or water, accompanied by crushing pain and profuse sweating, was still torturous.

Lucina watched the agent wash his hands. When his hands left the bucket, the water inside turned red.

At this time, two more agents walked in from outside the factory door. They did not push the door open, but walked directly through it.

"President Craven called... urging us to hurry up."

"Chen Ke's girlfriend is very difficult to deal with. I have never seen such a woman. I thought I could get her to speak in a few minutes by using the Dream Cage."

"Did she really last this long?"

"This woman's tendons are not in vain, and she is a member of the postman..."

"I'll explain it to President Craven, but you'd better hurry up."

"I know, I know... I will find Chen Ke and make him spit out the green diamond he snatched."

The three agents were talking a little further away, but because it was so quiet here, Lucina still heard what they were saying.

Who is Craven... Lucina doesn't know him, and has never heard of this name, but they mentioned the postman, the green holy diamond... Lucina suddenly realized that they were people from the Si Consortium!

She saw the blood-red water in the green bucket suddenly become clear quickly, and her body trembled violently at the same time. The next second, all Lucina's limbs came back, and all the wounds on her body disappeared.

The chain suddenly wrapped around her left arm, like a snake suddenly coiling up the prey that appeared in front of her.

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