This aura is deadly

Chapter 485 The Real Killer

Chen Ke opened his eyes, and the dark green sky was rolling with clouds. The surroundings were still the familiar monotonous scenery.

He sat up suddenly, patted the dust on his back, looked at the circular open space a thousand meters away, and brewed a new plan.

After the old man of the God-Descent Sect jumped down, he left a difficult problem in the circular square of the Dream Center.

The phantom wearing Angele's Elegy and holding the Moonlight Greatsword was standing there waiting for Chen Ke to continue the challenge.

The Dream Center is the core of the God's Dream. Even Chen Ke has lost all his abilities in this place. He is now just an ordinary person who can't die.

No matter how many times he is killed, Chen Ke will wake up at the end of the Dream Center. Now he has only two choices, either find a way to kill the phantom, or listen to the old man of the God-Descent Sect and have a dream that he will never wake up.

All his abilities are locked, and the countdown is gone. Only one ability of "sleeping" remains.

He climbed up and walked towards the circular open space again.

In fact, in the past forty-two battles, Chen Ke knew how to kill this phantom from the beginning, and the death was only due to his own mistakes.

Although he was a mortal body, and the phantom had all the abilities, even so, it also had shortcomings.

All of Chen Ke's abilities depended on the life countdown to increase and consume. Without life, there would be no psychic combat power.

This phantom had all the secret skills and holy objects he had ever had, but only lacked the Ashes of Angele and the Blood Bullets of God.

Chen Ke didn't know what the principle was. Maybe these two things were not what Chen Ke should have.

The easiest way to deal with this phantom was to use egg shrinking to keep safe. As long as you don't think about killing him and take a bystander attitude, you can slowly consume all its life.

Without murderous aura, the phantom would have no motivation, and the Moonlight Sword and the Black Knight Armor would eventually be restored to the Holy Diamond. In the end, he could only fight with himself in close combat. At that time, it was an equal battle.

Just wanting to hold on until the phantom's lifespan is exhausted is a dangerous process, requiring extreme patience and caution, and always guarding against being killed in one blow when the phantom is in a psychic state.

Chen Ke tried to trick the opponent into launching attacks continuously to quickly consume the lifespan, but the psychic crystal gun combined with the time bomb is basically unsolvable. If you are not careful, you can only wait for death.

Every time you die, the phantom's lifespan will be reset to the full value. It is equivalent to playing a zero-sum game with it, and one side must give up.

In the previous 42 attempts, Chen Ke successfully survived until the phantom's lifespan was almost exhausted six times. But when he continued to wait, he found that the opponent would not die because of the exhaustion of lifespan, but just no longer had psychic energy.

He still had to do it himself.

Chen Ke stood up and started the 43rd attempt. He felt that this was just like playing a game. He had saved the file at the end of this hillside. As long as he didn't give up, with repeated deaths and rebirths, he would understand the opponent's movements and pace more and more.

In the circular plaza, Phantom half-knelt on the ground, with the Moonlight Sword leaning on his right shoulder. It noticed Chen Ke's arrival, and raised its head that was originally lowered to the ground. It grabbed the hilt of the sword with its right hand, turned it twice, and pointed it at Chen Ke.

"What a pretentious guy, I've never played like this before." Chen Ke spat on the ground and rubbed his hands, staring at Phantom with his eyes, not missing his every move.

As expected, 90% of Phantom's first moves were time bombs. After controlling the opponent, he threw a full psychic crystal gun and stabbed him through the heart. This was one of Phantom's main ideas for fighting.

Chen Ke even knew where the time bomb would land. He jumped and just avoided the bomb's range.

But the most dangerous thing was behind.

The time bomb would be thrown randomly continuously. Chen Ke was now back to his mortal body, and he couldn't run and roll with unlimited physical strength like before, so he had to calculate the lead time, save physical strength, and carefully choose the time to roll and dodge.

After the Phantom threw ten time bombs, according to Chen Ke, it would enter the second stage, and the bombs thrown would become psychic crystal guns.

The Phantom lost patience with Chen Ke at this time. He would approach Chen Ke while throwing crystal guns, and swing the Moonlight Great Sword, trying to kill Chen Ke.

Chen Ke relied on the twelve stone pillars around the circular square to circle with him, avoiding the crystal guns while slowing down his pace.

But at this time, you must not get close to the Phantom, and you must always keep a distance of twenty steps. This is a painful lesson for Chen Ke. The Phantom will try to use the flame explosion skill of the Angele Armor to kill the target.

As a mortal, being hit by a thousand-degree high temperature is basically equivalent to a death sentence in this case. After severe burns, the body's muscle power will be completely lost, and you can only lie on the ground and wait to be pierced by the Phantom with the Moonlight Sword.

Chen Ke held his breath and looked at the phantom with a sly look. This private battle did not bring him the tension of the battle. Since he could not enter the battle with a trace of murderous intent and had to lure the opponent to attack, he felt more like a pushover.

He circled behind the stone pillars, and occasionally cursed without emotion, just to let the opponent lock on him.

This time it seems to be a good time!

With the experience of the previous forty-six times, Chen Ke was not panicked this time, and he knew what he should do. He only needed to wait for the opponent's psychic holy objects to be offline, and then rush out for a fair duel.


A crystallized gun flew past the stone pillar, and Chen Ke leaned behind the stone pillar with a victorious smile on his face.

More than 100 hours of life should have been squandered by the phantom. The old man from the seance sect may have thought that he had designed everything, but his most wrong thing was that he thought he knew himself better than Chen Ke.

The life countdown is not a timer for Chen Ke's lifespan, but the remaining time he remains in the dream world. When the countdown reaches 0, Chen Ke will wake up at the forefront of the dream. This is the so-called half-dream and half-awake state.

Chen Ke walked out from behind the stone pillar, and the opponent held the moonlight sword in both hands and stabbed him straight.

Chen Ke saw through it, turned sideways, and stepped on the sword blade into the soil.

The phantom's arms shook and the sword was withdrawn. The moonlight sword immediately emitted a purple flash and disappeared in a swish. At the same time, Angele's Elegy also flashed with orange light and was peeled off from the phantom's body.

The phantom turned into a dark figure in a suit. He had the outline of Chen Ke, but his face was covered with black mist.

Chen Ke clenched his fists. This was the seventh time he faced this thing. Success or failure depended on this. He didn't want to go back.

"Then let's start... let's see who is the real killer." Chen Kedao.

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