This aura is deadly

Chapter 486: Undecided Analysis

Chen Ke and Phantom engage in the 47th battle. This is an evenly matched showdown at the end of the world.

They both knew what the other could do and what they would think. Chen Ke felt like he was punching in front of a mirror.

However, the phantom may know Lin Mo, but it obviously doesn't understand Chen Ke. The two competed with various joint skills, rolling and moving on the sand. Chen Ke locked the phantom's throat and dragged him to the edge of the cliff.

Phantom does not need to breathe and has unlimited physical strength, just like Chen Ke before. So no matter how he fights, Chen Ke will be consumed by him.

Chen Ke dragged him to the edge of the cliff and looked at the rolling green clouds below, which were exactly the same as the sky.

There is no distinction between "heaven" and "earth" here. The Dream Center is like an isolated island, floating in this indescribable space.

Down there is where the Phantom should be.

Chen Ke used all his strength to throw one of Phantom's arms behind his back, then kicked him on the back of his knees, forcing him to kneel down with the weight of his body.

Throughout the whole process, Chen Ke had been carefully controlling his emotions. Even if he had a little murderous intention, it would give his opponent a chance to fight back.

"This is... your ending. Don't let me dream!" Chen Ke roared and kicked the phantom off the cliff.

He stood on the edge of the cliff and watched the phantom being swallowed up by the sea of ​​clouds. During the fall, Chen Ke still had murderous intentions, so that the phantom put on Angeli armor again in the air and tried to throw a soul crystal at him. gun.

Chen Ke stood on the edge of the cliff and looked down, wondering if everything was over.

Green clouds rolled, bursts of white light emitted from below, dull thunder came from the sky, and a force emerged from the bottom of his heart.

Chen Ke's whole body exuded a white halo, and there were no pupils visible in his eyes, only a pure white light. He seemed to see something, but he couldn't see it clearly.

It didn't take long for the abnormalities in his body to return to normal, and the life countdown returned to his field of vision, which meant that his abilities were restored, but the countdown had reached 0, and he was now unable to use psychic powers at all.

Chen Ke stretched out his hand and tried it, but he couldn't use the Holy Diamond, but Angel's Ashes and his black gun could summon it.

"Are you here?" Chen Ke asked, looking at the gun in his hand.

“This is not a workplace/an unscheduled location.” Black Gun delivers its message.

Hmm... Chen Ke recalled the gun. It seems that even in the Dream Center, these old gods can still appear. Even in the dream world, there is only one god.

He ran quickly across the circular square, followed the winding path, and came to the downstairs of a familiar apartment on the cliff. It was his home in 2018 before traveling through time.

The 23rd neighborhood, No. 16, Gate 77, is the starting point of Chen Ke's 24-year life.

The community where he lives has no name, but is named after the street, because the entire area is made up of red brick buildings built with aid from the former Soviet Union in the 1970s.

This kind of building is very solid, with only 5 floors, four rooms on the first floor, and an outward corridor. Most of the residents are employees of state-owned steel plants.

However, in 2015, this community underwent old city renovation and was demolished. Chen Ke also took on a mortgage at that time.

The building stood there so abruptly. It was so quiet in the corridor that he even recognized his neighbor's room. In the window on the fourth floor, Chen Ke also saw the Beidou he had posted on the window to block the light. Fist of God poster…

Chen Ke tiptoed upstairs, fearing to disturb his non-existent neighbors. When he stood in front of his front door, he remembered that he didn't have the key.

The dark green iron door only has a bolt inserted, and the wooden door behind it is tightly closed. Chen Ke's home does not have a security door, and you can see dogtail grass hanging on the door to ward off evil spirits.

Chen Ke opened the latch of the iron door, and then tried to push the wooden door open, but it was locked. He put his face against the door and listened to the movement inside. He could hear the ticking of the old clock hanging in the living room. With.

Do you want to use Angel's fire to burn the door down?

Chen Ke couldn't make up his mind, but it seemed that he could only do this now. This building was fictitious based on Chen Ke's memory. It was created by the overlap of dreams and memories. If you burn through a door, it should be able to grow back, right?

Gray dust fell from his right hand. Chen Ke put his palm on the keyhole, and the flame burned. It didn't need to reach a thousand degrees. It only needed more than 200 degrees to melt the copper lock.

"Hmm..." Chen Ke noticed something strange. This door was invincible. The high temperature transmitted from the palm of the hand cannot affect the wooden door in the slightest. If the temperature is increased, it will only burn your hand.

In this dream center, Chen Ke will never die. No matter what circumstances lead to the destruction of his body, he can always wake up from the cliff path on the other side. Immortality is his curse.

Chen Ke simply put away the flame and sat on the steps in a daze. Everything here is beyond his control and understanding, although theoretically, it belongs to him.

Chen Ke frowned. Now, besides being in a daze and sleeping, Chen Ke now has an additional ability, which is to restart time.

This is not what he wants to choose. Whether it is sleeping or restarting, for Chen Ke, the difference is only whether he commits suicide alone or drags the whole world to commit suicide.

He is not a great man, and he does not have much dedication and sacrifice. Chen Ke is still willing to accept it if he can do good deeds without causing losses to himself if he has the spare capacity.

But if he sacrifices himself for the goal of "saving the world", to be honest, Chen Ke has only seen such a thing in movies.

Sleeping means sacrificing himself in exchange for a stable and happy life for all mankind in the world. It can be said to be a happy ending. If it were Captain America, he would probably do it.

But is living in a dream still considered living? Like The Matrix and Inception, does humanity need that kind of future?

However, the Foundation requires itself to fulfill the guardian's accusations. As long as there is no possibility of killing gods by humans before 2137, the world will directly enter the 1000th restart.

If we really want to say it, the world has already reached 2137... Xu Jing and Lin Yayin came from that year.

Judging from the fact that Xu Jing wants to help kill the family members, it seems that humans in this round have not been able to find a way to kill gods. Moreover, it’s already 2137, so time should be stranded on their side...

Chen Ke doesn't know what Xu Jing and Lin Yayin want to do. He currently only knows that the Seance is an organization that separated from the H.C.P Foundation. Although they call themselves the Human Connection Foundation, the English abbreviation of the organization is also H.C.P.

When Li Moyang met Chen Ke for the first time, he told him in Chinese before leaving, "The Seancers are watching you."

This meaningless sentence now has other meanings as Chen Ke acquires more information. Lin Yayin is indeed a member of the God Adventist Sect, so is Li Moyang too? No, Lin Yayin made a special trip to see Li Moyang in 2009.

"Hmm... Could it be that Li Moyang was just showing off?" Chen Ke frowned, puzzled.

Ah... I can’t update three times today... Yakuza 7 is so fun...

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