This aura is deadly

Chapter 490 Reversing Time and Space

Chen Ke came under the wall clock. The dark wooden clock body had faded a little, and the plastic dial cover was also a little yellow. This was a big clock that his grandfather bought when he was still in his prime and had been used for nearly half a century.

The pendulum swung regularly, but it didn't move for a second. Chen Ke was very curious, so he moved a stool from the side and stepped on it, wanting to study it carefully.

After groping on the side of the clock for a while, Chen Ke opened the cover on the surface and reached out to hold the pendulum to stop it from moving. There was a clockwork key under the pendulum box.

This kind of old-fashioned wall clock needs to be wound up every once in a while, otherwise it will run slower and slower and the time will be inaccurate.

Chen Ke inserted the key into the hole on the dial, followed his father's example of winding the clock, and twisted it several times. In an instant, the sky outside emitted the sound of bells.

The bell stopped after ringing seven times. Chen Ke didn't know what this meant, but when he looked at the dial, he suddenly discovered that the clock scale on it was not numbers from 1 to 12, but densely packed years.

The year 2009 was originally engraved at 12 o'clock, but it was 1859 at 6 o'clock. There was a line of crossed-out numbers at 9 o'clock, and Chen Ke recognized it as 2006.

These are the three time periods that Chen Ke has visited, and outside the scales of these three years, the dial is empty.

On the minute hand scale, there are 12 small scales between 2009 and 1859. Chen Ke guessed that these represent the months. That's only 12 months. Among them, the first three months and the last three months are in red, and only the range from April to July is marked in black.

Chen Ke held his chin and thought for a while, and understood a little bit. This clock is a recorder of his travel time. The years he has traveled will be marked on the dial, so that means... he can manually adjust the clock and minutes to travel back. ?

Then the function of this clock is no different from the life portal? I wonder if using this clock to travel through time requires a soul?

But Chen Ke felt something was wrong. This clock must not be that simple. He studied the dial again and suddenly understood the difference between this clock and the life portal!

Although the ability of the portal can allow Chen Ke to return to the era he has been to, time itself is uncontrollable.

He still remembered that when Xu Jing took him through time, he turned a pocket watch to locate time and used a mirror to transform time and space. The wall clock in front of him was Chen Ke's pocket watch.

He tried to turn the hour hand on the dial. Chen Ke first tried to turn the longest minute hand, but found that it could not be moved. It seemed that he had to move it in order... He turned to turn the clock, and suddenly it slid to 1859. s position.

Nothing has changed…

Chen Ke fiddled with the minute hand again and found that it still couldn't move, so he gave up and gently moved the pendulum to let the clock start running again.

At this time, the bell rang again in the sky outside, a total of 12 times. When the bell stopped, the sound of carriages and pedestrians talking came from the window.

Chen Ke jumped off the stool curiously, walked to the window and looked outside. He wanted to open the window, but he couldn't. Moreover, the window glass seemed to be covered with a layer of fog, and the situation outside was blurry.

Through the blurry window, Chen Ke could see carriages and pedestrians coming and going in an endless stream on the street. He could also hear newsboys standing at the crossroads shouting the news of the day, and several workers-looking pedestrians carrying long things. Holding the bucket, walking in a hurry.

"This is...Langdun!" Chen Ke immediately recognized this familiar street scene. I wonder what Jacob's eyes are like?

I have the pocket watch, but where is the mirror? Xu Jing traveled through time and space through a mirror, what should Chen Ke do? He came to the door and took out the bunch of keys. Maybe he just needed to simply open the door?

Chen Ke held the door handle, brewed his emotions for a while, and then pushed the door open.

A chill hit his face, the pale sky cast white sunlight, and the smell of soot and earth rushed directly into Chen Ke's nostrils. Outside the door, pedestrians and carriages were seen in an endless stream. This was Longton in 1859. Guaranteed replacement if fake.

Chen Ke wanted to go out, but there seemed to be a transparent wall of air on the door frame, forcibly blocking him in the room.

"Not allowed out?" Chen Ke was confused.

At this time, a line of small words pops up in the upper right corner of the eye: Your life span is 0. it. This lifespan countdown only refers to how long one can stay in each time and space. However, the gods are not familiar with the vocabulary of human language and can only use some words that they think have similar meanings instead, so it causes trouble in understanding.

Chen Ke immediately pounded his chest. If he had not been misled by the countdown reminder when he was in Xijin Building, he would have entered this dream center first, obtained a dimensional pocket and the ability to actively travel through time, and listened to the old man from the seance sect explain the world view, maybe The start is much simpler...

"Can I change the text display of this countdown?" Chen Ke said to himself.

Of course no one answered him.

"Change it to world dwell time." Chen Ke thought for a while.

The countdown words in the corner of the eye changed, from "Your life remaining" to "World dwell time".

"Okay, I won't panic now..." Chen Ke said, took out a painful soul and crushed it. It will be credited in 50 hours, just like playing on the computer in an Internet cafe, so that he can play in the outside world again. It's been 50 hours.

After recharging, the air wall disappeared. Chen Ke walked out and looked at both ends of the street. Some pedestrians looked at me strangely, but quickly looked away.

He turned around and found himself standing in front of a small cafe, where the customers were talking loudly about something.

"This is the first time I have actively traveled through time... It feels very dull..." Chen Ke said to himself. He spoke Chinese, and his voice was not loud, so no one understood him.

Chen Ke realized that when he opened the door and traveled to 1859, the door was borrowed from the door of the tavern behind him. In other words, a door was not built out of thin air. From an outsider's perspective, Chen Ke borrowed the door from their era. Came out of a certain building.

This is a lot more convenient, at least you don't have to think about hiding your whereabouts through time.

"The question is, how to go back?" Chen Ke thought secretly.

He thought for a while, would he have to wait until the 50 hours were finished when he returned home? This is such a loss and so inconvenient.

In 1859, Chen Ke had nothing to do, and it was not like he went to find Jacob now. He turned around and closed the door of the cafe.

"Try it and see if my guess is right." Chen Ke said to himself and opened the door of the cafe again. The scene inside the door was not the scene in the cafe, but the room in the Fantasy Center Apartment.

"It's done... it's done... this is definitely the safest safe house in the world!" Chen Ke was so happy that he couldn't help laughing and stepped inside.

After he closed the door, several Longtown citizens who saw Chen Ke's strange behavior ran to the door of the cafe, opened and closed the door, with unpredictable expressions on their faces.

Chen Ke returned to the room, jumped on the stool again, and started playing with the dial. This time, he is going back to Opportunity City.

Opportunity City can not only turn the clock, but also the minutes. However, Chen Ke discovered that the range of the minute hand is only limited to April and July, that is, after robbing the bank and after returning from 1859 with Xu Jing. this period of time.

Chen Ke moved the minute hand to July. According to Xu Jing, people who transcend time will not be affected by time modifications, so even if he goes back to an earlier time, the other Chen Ke is destined to die.

"No, no... we can't go back to July..." Chen Ke shook his head. He had already seen the scene of Diana being killed by Badr through future observation, and also saw the scene of Lucina being tortured by Asra's people. He wanted to go back An earlier time and space could prevent this from happening.

He set the minute hand to April, which was almost the time when he returned from the 2006 Death World and before he met Li Moyang.

The consortium, the foundation, the seance sect, and Asra all have their own agendas. In the past, Chen Ke didn't understand this complicated relationship, and he didn't know his position in it, so he didn't have his own plans. position.

At that time, he just wanted to get more information and figure out how to erase the countdown to life by being someone else's knife and blending into the transcendent level. But now, Chen Ke knows his destiny, and his significance goes far beyond these organizations.

Chen Ke adjusted the wall clock. On that bright afternoon in Opportunity City in 2009, the day he met Li Moyang for the first time, the sky outside rang with bells. This time, he wanted to go back and start over, reversing the fate of two women. and the fate of the world.

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