This aura is deadly

Chapter 491 What have you lost?

Chen Ke opened the door of his home again, and the afternoon sunshine of Opportunity City hit his body, bringing a burst of warmth.

He checked his belongings and found all the holy diamonds. Although he didn't have a gun in his hand, it was fine.

Chen Ke walked out and stepped onto the street of Lafite Road in April Opportunity City. He closed the door and turned around to see that it was actually a Zio clothing store.

Next to Potts Bar across the street, a black RV attracted special attention. Chen Ke knew that it was Li Moyang's car.

"Didi dididi..."

The Blackberry phone rang in response. Chen Ke took it out and saw that it was indeed Li Moyang calling.

This afternoon was the time when he and Li Moyang came into contact for the first time. Li Moyang would take the opportunity to get in touch with the extraordinary level for revenge, and hoped that Chen Ke would help him kill Corrigan, the founder of the Si Group.

The opportunity to contact the extraordinary was actually just a meeting with Lin Yayin. This woman from the seance sect did tell Chen Ke something, and Corrigan was just one of Lin Yayin's series of assassination lists.

Are the dependents people who transcend time? Chen Ke doesn't know that the other Chen Ke is also a dependent, but he has traveled through time, so even if Chen Ke goes back to the past, he will not be resurrected.

However, Corrigan is just a dependent, and it is unknown whether he has time traveled through Chen Ke, so Chen Ke does not know who is the current highest authority in the Si Group.

"Hello." Chen Ke answered the phone.

The person opposite didn't speak, and Chen Ke didn't speak either. They were in a stalemate with each other.



He just watched the call timer on his mobile phone reach more than 1 minute. During the last call, Chen Ke was the first to speak out uncontrollably. This time, he was much more patient.

"I have to say that you are really patient, Chen Ke." Li Moyang spoke on the other end of the phone.

"I've always been very patient," Chen Ke said.

"You are indeed not an ordinary killer. I like your attitude. Next, I will ask you three questions. Just answer them and don't interrupt with nonsense. Do you understand?" Li Moyang said.

"Listen Li Moyang, I know you are sitting in a black extended-length RV with a tail number of three 6s. It is parked next to the Potts Bar on Lafite Road. How about we stop being polite and come to you directly? "

"..." Li Moyang didn't speak on the other end.

Chen Ke hung up the phone and walked straight to the black RV. The bald man in a suit looked at the approaching Chen Ke in surprise, and slowly moved his hands to the inside of his suit pockets.

Murderous aura surged from Chen Ke's back, pouring into the bald head's body. The bald head stood firm for two seconds, then staggered and fell beside the car door.

Chen Ke stepped forward, pressed his left hand on the roof of the RV to activate the time pause, stopped the time of the entire vehicle, and created a sealed cage. An orange light flashed in his right hand and he transformed into a blasphemous dagger. The dagger stabbed into the bald man's chin.

He turned the handle of the knife, and the sharp blade penetrated the jaw, tongue, and went straight to the brain. The rotating blade sliced ​​the bald head's brain to pieces. Then Chen Ke restored the dagger to a holy diamond, and the small orange diamond stained with blood was immediately put into the dimension pocket.

The bald head rolled his eyes, and the blood from the cut on his chin dripped onto his black suit. Chen Ke held his arm and sat him down on the bench beside him. He drooped his head, as if he was asleep. Same, but covered in blood.

Li Moyang saw through the window that one of his bodyguards had been killed, and quickly urged the driver to drive.

"The accelerator of the car can't be pressed!" the driver said in a panic. He tried to open the small window between the driver's cab and the passenger compartment, but couldn't do it.

"Are you kidding me?" Li Moyang said angrily. He gestured to the fat bodyguard sitting opposite him. The fat bodyguard took out his USP pistol, looked at the people outside warily, and tried to check whether the car door was locked.

"Don't panic Mr. Li, you are safe. He is alone and has already alerted us. I have a gun..." the fat bodyguard said while watching the car door being opened.

Chen Ke got in, held the bodyguard's USP pistol with one hand, pushed it back, and ejected a bullet.

The bodyguard pulled the trigger, but Chen Ke pushed the pistol's slide back, leaving the gun empty and unable to fire. The next second, the pistol disappeared from the bodyguard's hand.

It appeared in Chen Ke's dimensional pocket.

Chen Ke produced a blasphemous dagger out of thin air in his left hand, stabbed it into the bodyguard's thick neck, cut it horizontally, chopped his Adam's apple into pieces, and blood spurted all over the seat.

Li Moyang watched Chen Ke get into his car, kill his bodyguard, and sit there indifferently.

"I'm sorry, Li Moyang, for staining your car." Chen Ke moved the body of the fat bodyguard to the side, and then knocked on the small window of the cab. The driver had been knocked unconscious by his murderous intent.

"It seems you know more than me." Li Moyang was a little surprised, but still maintained a relatively calm posture.

"There are too many eyes and ears around you. I would like to lend an explanation." Chen Ke sat down and looked at Li Moyang.

"Of course..." Li Moyang's expression changed, and his eyes revealed doubts and expectations.

The body of the obese bodyguard was kicked out of the car door by Chen Ke, and the driver was forced to start the car and drive towards the junction of Holy Oak and Lafite Road.

"Well...don't you want to ask why I have your phone number and why I know who you are?"

In the car, Li Moyang still couldn't believe what just happened. He took out a bottle of red wine from the small refrigerator on the side, poured it for himself and Chen Ke, and then picked up the cup and drank it all.

"Red wine should be sipped, you taught me that." Chen Ke reminded.

"I don't know how to describe this feeling... Chen Ke, this is the first time I meet you, but I feel like you knew me before." Li Moyang shook his head.

"This is not the first time I meet you, let's get to the point, what does it mean that the Descendants are staring at you?" Chen Ke asked.

"Descendants... how do you know..." Li Moyang asked in confusion.

"Don't talk nonsense, just answer my questions." Chen Ke said.

Li Moyang frowned, maybe he had never heard anyone talk to him like this since he was a child, but he had to endure it under the pressure of the situation.

"Chen Ke, do you believe in time travel?" Li Moyang asked.

"I believe more than that... That woman, Lin Yayin gave you the technology more than 100 years later, allowing Wuan Heavy Industry to surpass the world, it must not be without cost, right?" Chen Ke said.

"Well! You know Lin Yayin?!" Li Moyang was shocked.

"You have a house in Opportunity City. That broken place is an alienation in itself, which can isolate all psychic power. I really want to know why Lin Yayin helped you, and why you, a heavy industry in the Phoenix Republic, came to the United Federation to engage in psychic industry." Chen Ke asked.

"Lin Yayin... She said that her foundation has a founder plan... I don't know what that means, but I seem to be the founder she mentioned." Li Moyang said.

"Founder, I have heard of this word." Chen Ke said.

Xu Jing once told Chen Ke in 1859 that the origin of the Gods Sect was in 1859. They were a group of crazy people who worshipped gods. However, if it was just such a group of people, the tone would be completely different from the Human Connection Foundation.

There is a contradiction.

The old man in the Dream Center said that the Foundation and the Gods Sect originally came from the same source, but they had different views on gods and psychic power. Some people from the original foundation separated and founded a new foundation.

All I can say is that either the origin of the Descendants is like this in this 999th restarted world, or one of Lin Yayin and Xu Jing is lying.

Of course, there is another possibility that the so-called founder is not the founder of the foundation or the Descendants at all, but has another meaning.

"Chen Ke, Lin Yayin and I are not in a cooperative relationship, she is restraining me." Li Moyang said.

"Do you mean that she is forcing you to do the spirit business?" Chen Ke asked.

"No, no, I want to do the spirit business myself, but buying that manor and being locked up in it is not my intention." Li Moyang shook his head.

"I always thought you were partners, controlling the killers to kill people during the day, and doing what you love together at night." Chen Ke shrugged.

"She is indeed very beautiful, but I am not a man who thinks with his lower body. She gave me advanced technology and used extreme methods to ensure that I could enter this industry smoothly. This kind of help is not without price. I know your background. You are a killer of the Si Consortium. I wanted to hint to you and let the consortium intervene to create opportunities for me, but I didn't expect that you still exceeded my expectations." Li Moyang said.

"How did she ask him to repay her?" Chen Ke asked.

"I haven't said it yet, but I am a businessman, Chen Ke. Judging from her gift, I will definitely pay a lot in the future." Li Moyang replied.

"All the gifts given by fate have already been secretly marked with a price." Chen Ke nodded.

"I have paid the price for my wealthy background, Chen Ke. I lost my parents. They were mistakenly killed by Superman in front of me. I don't want to experience it again, and I don't want to guess what I will do next time." Li Moyang said seriously.

"No one in this era can be immune. This power... this aura is deadly." Chen Ke said.

"Then what did you lose?" Li Moyang asked.

"I lost my world." Chen Ke said.

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