This aura is deadly

Chapter 495 Li Moyang’s ambition

Lin Yayin's body slowly melted and eventually turned into a puddle of corpse water. Together with everything on her body, she died without leaving any trace.

Chen Ke dipped the toe of his shoe into the corpse water and found it was sticky, staining the upper surface of the shoe with a layer of brownish black.

"Are you sure... this woman was possessed by the old ruler just now?" Chen Ke said to himself.

"100% chance." Blackstone thought.

Chen Ke frowned. If this is the case, this matter is a bit big. Judging from the fact that he possesses Lin Yayin across time and space and does not hesitate to kill her, this ruler's status in the foundation is not just a tool.

More like someone in a position of power.

Chen Ke didn't know whether the foundation in the basic reality would be controlled by the old rulers behind the scenes, but to a large extent, it shouldn't be so exaggerated.

The thing that made Chen Ke feel a bit dangerous was not the ruler himself, but the fact that the ruler's ability could actually have an effect on the Dream Center, which was very bad.

No matter how powerful the superpower is, Chen Ke is not afraid. If he can't be defeated, he can escape immediately. The dependents also have methods of killing, but he has never had the experience of killing gods.

The characteristics and usage of the Dream Center still need more exploration. Originally, Chen Ke wanted to make this place a prison for superpowers, just like the Manhattan Prison in Marvel comics, but it seems that this plan may go bankrupt.

Chen Ke turned his attention to Li Moyang. This guy had received benefits that he shouldn't have received, and now he wanted to get away with them. He was indeed a businessman.

He returned home, opened the door, and returned to Li Moyang's mansion. The fire in the fireplace was crackling, the sofa was empty, and Li Moyang was missing.

"Li Moyang?" Chen Ke called.

No one responded.

He turned on his spiritual vision, but could not see anything. The house itself was an alienated object that could block all psychic effects. However, Chen Ke, Lin Yayin's fist that emitted blue fire just now, could see it clearly.

There are only three possibilities, either Lin Yayin is scaring people, or the homeowner has the final say on who can use psychic powers in this house, or... Lin Yayin is not using psychic powers.

Chen Ke shook his head, thinking further and further. It is meaningless to think about questions that cannot be answered. The most important thing now is to find Li Moyang.


The sound of a shotgun being fired came from under his feet, and Chen Ke became alert.

He took out the USP pistol from his pocket. There were three bullets left in the magazine. He slid the magazine out of the handle, took out the two bullets and threw them away. Then he unloaded the magazine and ejected the bullets. , and inserted the magazine back.

At this time, the divine blood bullets were slowly loaded, 1, 2, 3...9, 10, 11...all the way to 12 rounds. A row of red bullet icons appeared in Chen Ke's field of vision.

With this ability, you don't even need bullets, which is very convenient.

Chen Ke pushed the door open and came into the corridor. The gunfire just now came from downstairs. Who else is in this room besides Li Moyang?

He followed the sound of gunshots all the way downstairs. The white wooden door leading to the basement at the top of the stairs was ajar, and there was blood on the edge of the door frame.

Just when Chen Ke was about to go down to find out what was going on, Li Moyang opened the wooden door with a shotgun and went upstairs step by step as if nothing had happened.

"What...are you doing?" Chen Ke asked.

"I'm killing mice. I guess you've finished it over there too? Come on, let's sit down and have a drink and have a good chat." Li Moyang wrote lightly.

Seeing Li Moyang walking up to the first floor as if nothing was wrong, Chen Ke said nothing. He and Li Moyang returned to the room on the second floor together, and the other party's attitude towards him changed 180°.

Before time was reversed, Li Moyang was arrogant and impatient with Chen Ke, but now, although he still has the same aloof attitude, his actions have become very cordial.

Li Moyang poured a glass of champagne for Chen Ke, added two ice cubes and threw it in. Then he sat on the sofa and filled a glass for himself. He seemed to be in a good mood.

"Chen Ke, tell me, how is Lin Yayin?" he asked impatiently.

"Dead." Chen Ke said briefly and directly.

Li Moyang was silent for two seconds, his brows relaxed, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly. He raised the glass and made a toast gesture, then raised his head and drank it all.

Chen Ke also drank it. He had to say that although he was not a drinker, this wine was really delicious. As soon as he took a sip, he knew it was not cheap.

"Great! You exceeded my expectations! The moment you opened the door and took her away, I knew you were extraordinary!" Li Moyang said excitedly.

"Don't be too happy too soon! Li Moyang, you know that after doing this, you and I will face their revenge, right?" Chen Ke reminded.

"Of course I know, but I am already aware. Chen Ke, have I told you about my affairs?" Li Moyang talked to himself and Chen Keman, and then started talking to him.

"You really want to tell me this?" Chen Ke asked.

"Of course, you helped me solve a big problem, Chen Ke, which means a lot to me. I thought it would take me more than ten years to get rid of the control of the seance sect, but you only spent a few minutes. "Li Moyang said.

"You mentioned that your parents were accidentally killed by Superman. I'm curious about how they were accidentally killed?" Chen Ke picked up the wine glass and shook it, and the ice cubes echoed in the glass.

"That Superman was chasing another illegal spiritual cultivator, and two people crashed into my company's consortium building with their bodies of steel. That happened in 2004," Li Moyang said.

"Spiritual practice...?" Chen Ke heard a new term.

"In the Scarlet Phoenix Republic, there is a way to use psychic energy without injection, but that method is not long-lasting. The advantage is that it can bypass all supervision. The disadvantage is that you have to consume a lot of resources, and there is no financial group behind it. Spiritual cultivation cannot be practiced," Li Moyang said.

"Practice? You can't say that you can gain spiritual power by doing spiritual exercises and taking medicine." Chen Kedao.

"Of course it's not that comfortable, and it's dangerous. They need to consume huge amounts of drugs regularly to turn their bodies into spiritual energy carriers. If they are not careful, they will be poisoned. They claim to be spiritual practitioners, but in fact they are just a group of drug addicts. Addict." Li Moyang said.

"But if you can become a superman just by taking drugs, that's too powerful..." Chen Ke shook his head.

"It's not without cost. After the leader takes drugs and becomes a superman, he can only last for a few days. At the same time, they have such strong power in a short period of time that they can't control it. Moreover, those messy drugs are not good things. Taking them After a long time, the body will get worse," Li Moyang said.

"Do the mainstream psykers of the Scarlet Phoenix Republic also inject liquefied psionic energy into the spinal cord? Maintain it for 7 days and leave it idle for a month after drainage?" Chen Ke asked curiously. He really didn't know the situation there.

"This is the most mature, safest method in the world with no side effects. All serious psychics follow this process. In the Scarlet Phoenix Republic, there is no psychic industry, and psychics are all official people. "Li Moyang explained.

"I have heard about it for a long time. After all, it has its own national conditions there... But I am very curious. If spiritual products are a worldwide industry, then if the Scarlet Phoenix Republic does not do it, wouldn't it be a step behind?" Chen Ke asked.

"The development and research of psychic energy in the Scarlet Phoenix Republic are all done by state-controlled institutions, and there is no open private market. In the field of civilian psychic products and medicines, the Scarlet Phoenix Republic is indeed lagging behind, at least I haven't seen it there. Spiritual skin care and beauty products...but in the military, they are still very competitive," Li Moyang said.

"Okay, let's talk about the international situation. What did you kill in the basement just now? I'm more concerned about this." Chen Ke took a sip of champagne and asked.

"Lin Yayin brought some kind of strange creature, which looks like a dog but is not a dog. It is used to guard the interior of this manor. It is mainly responsible for monitoring whether I have left here." Li Moyang said.

"Then you kill it...? So simple?" Chen Ke asked.

"Thanks to you Chen Ke, that thing seems to have no IQ. If I don't go out, this thing won't attack me. And when Lin Yayin is not around, that thing doesn't seem to have special power. The main reason why I didn't do anything before is Afraid of Lin Yayin..." Li Moyang served Chen Keman.

"I hope you are prepared. Lin Yayin is dead, but this is not the end." Chen Ke reminded.

"I'm prepared and aware. You don't really think that I do spiritual birth to make money, do you?" Li Moyang said with a smile.

"Then what are you trying to do?" Chen Ke asked.

"I want to decipher the secret of psychic energy and find a way to erase it from this world. This is my purpose." Li Moyang said.

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