This aura is deadly

Chapter 496 Time Difference

"That's a lofty goal... I wish you success." Chen Ke said.

He was surprised by the lofty cause that Li Moyang wanted to work for, but he didn't show it on his face. The power of psychic energy came from the gods. He wanted to erase psychic energy unless he could find a way to kill the gods.


Chen Ke frowned, he looked at Li Moyang seriously, and a plan was brewing in his mind.

"What do you want to say?" Li Moyang was a little surprised, and Chen Ke's eyes made him a little uncomfortable.

"I don't think your goal is a temporary one?" Chen Ke said.

"Of course, I have been studying the composition of psychic energy for a few years, and I want to understand its secrets." Li Moyang nodded.

"Are you researching? Or is your team researching?" Chen Ke asked in confusion.

"I am researching it myself." Li Moyang said lightly.

"Then you are very brave! Could it be that you are better than the research institute?" Chen Ke's face was full of disbelief.

"Chen Ke, you may think I'm just a playboy, but you're wrong. I have twelve doctoral degrees and am proficient in seven languages. Why do you think I became the chairman of the world's leading heavy industry consortium in my early 30s? Is it just because I'm my father's son?" Li Moyang explained.

"Tsk... What's your research progress? Have you made any substantial progress?" Chen Ke asked.

"Well... It's hard to say. I have overcome many difficult problems. Whenever I say to myself, because I am Li Moyang..., I can succeed, but this time, my little magic failed... I can't analyze the composition of psychic energy at all." Li Moyang was a little frustrated.

"It seems that your 12 doctoral degrees didn't help." Chen Ke said.

"But as far as I know, the research institute is also at a loss for psychic energy. They are currently only at the level of psychic application... Don't investigate the reasons, just use it." Li Moyang said.

As he said that, he got up and took out a new bottle of champagne from the glass cabinet, and then returned to his seat.

"I roughly understand what you want to do... You want to analyze the essence of psychic energy... and then reverse the method of annihilating it?" Chen Ke asked.

"Very smart, that's what I think. Do you understand chemistry, Chen Ke? The elements of water are hydrogen and oxygen, and the chemical formula is H2O. If we want to kill water, we just need to separate hydrogen and oxygen. But what about psychic energy? What is this thing made of?" Li Moyang said distressedly.

"Maybe that thing is originally an element, and you can't separate it?" Chen Ke said.

"Impossible, a single element will not show multiple characteristics. Psychic energy is divided into 6 categories and 18 types. It can not only simulate the elemental effects of nature, but also contain human emotions and unspeakable energy. If it is just an element, why can it show so many appearances and characteristics?" Li Moyang shook his head.

"Didn't Lin Yayin tell you about psychic energy?" Chen Ke asked again.

"She wouldn't tell me this. Why didn't you think of asking her before you killed her?" Li Moyang spread his hands.

"She died very suddenly... and promised revenge, Li Moyang, I think it will be dangerous for you to stay here." Chen Ke said.

"They can travel through time and space. If they want to take revenge on me, I would have ceased to exist. So I think I am relatively safe for now, but... Chen Ke, who are you?" Li Moyang asked in confusion.

"Didn't you know it a long time ago?" Chen Ke said.

"I think my information is wrong... You are definitely not just a consortium killer, maybe an undercover agent of the Administration? Maybe... I don't want to guess, if you don't want to tell me, forget it." Li Moyang said.

"When I think it's necessary to tell you, I will tell you..." Chen Ke said.

His BlackBerry phone vibrated in his pocket, he took it out and saw that it was a call from Lucina.

"I think I should go, Li Moyang, you owe me a favor." Chen Ke stood up.

Li Moyang also stood up, apparently ready to see him off.

"We may be able to establish a solid alliance... Chen Ke, it's not a bad thing to have another rich friend." Li Moyang smiled.

"Nice to meet you, Li Moyang." Chen Ke nodded, imagining the scene of the safe house in the Heinard Fishery, and reached out to turn the door handle.

"Well... see you next time, Chen Ke. If you need anything, you know my number." Li Moyang watched Chen Ke walk into the door, behind which was the scene of another room.

Chen Ke closed the door and came to the safe house. The chair he had sat on was still opposite the bed. There were two pistols and a shotgun on the table, several AR15s leaning against the bedside, and a half-drunk cup of coffee on the table.

Lucina and Heinard were not there, so Chen Ke answered the phone.


"Did you notice anything? It's getting colder." Lucina looked at Diana, who was resting with her eyes closed.

Diana did not answer, but leaned on the chair with her right hand against her forehead, motionless.

Lucina felt a chill, and the weather suddenly became much colder. She looked at Heinard, whose expression was a little inexplicable.

"We should go back, Lucina." Heinard said.

"Ah?" Lucina was stunned.

"Who is this woman?" Heinard looked at Diana who was dozing off with caution, and couldn't help but want to take out the Glock pistol.

"Dad..." Lucina was a little surprised by Heinard's abnormal behavior. She slapped the table, trying to wake Diana up.

"Ah?! What?" Diana trembled and raised her head.

"Hey...little girl, who are you? Where did you come from?" Heinard asked.

"I...I am Diana, what are you going to sing about?" Diana looked at Heinard with a confused look on her face. She then looked at Lucina, who also looked confused.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Lucina was a little confused.

"Lucina, tell me what is going on? Why are we sitting in the basement of our house? How did this woman get in?" Heinard asked.

"What?" Lucina asked confused.

"Lucina...look at the time." Diana looked at the small wall clock on the wall and hinted.

Lucina also looked at it and immediately realized that there was something wrong with the time. She took out her phone and turned on the screen. The time changed from July to April. She stared at the table in silence and thought for a while, trying to figure out what was going on here.

"What is this? Is our phone broken?" Diana asked.

"No...there's something wrong with the time." Lucina said uneasily.

"I don't understand what you are talking about. This Ms. Diana, you'd better tell me where you come from." Heinard stood up and stared at Diana.

"If I remember correctly, you tied me up and imprisoned me here." Diana spread her hands.

"What?" Heinard froze on the spot.

"Dad...she is right, we kidnapped her." Lucina said.

"Hmm! Why don't I remember? What happened?" Heinard said in surprise.

"To be precise, you and I kidnapped her here in July..." Lucina added, then looked at Diana: "What month are you in?"

"I'm the same as you. It seems that only your father is affected." Diana said.

"I want to call Chen Ke..." Lucina said.

"It's's not like we haven't fought before, he's not in the service area." Diana shook her head.


"It's cleared! Fake! It's actually cleared!" Lucina shouted excitedly. Heinard stood aside, not quite understanding why Lucina was so excited.

"Lucina? Where are you?" Chen Ke asked on the other side of the phone.

"Chen Ke! Where are you? It's been two days since you disappeared from the chair! Are you okay? Are you still human? Do you have an entity?" Lucina trembled.

"What's your problem... I'm at the fishing ground, where did you go?" Chen Kedao said.

"The fishing ground...Chen Ke, the fishing ground was bombed..." Lucina said.

"What?!" Chen Ke said in shock.

"Then something strange happened, and there was a problem with time..." Lucina added.

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