This aura is deadly

Chapter 499 Lucina vs Diana?

"That's enough, that's enough... Are you bullying me for not having a boyfriend? You just said so much, why did I suddenly travel through time and space?" Diana shook her head.

"You haven't traveled through time and space yet, but you are about to do it. You see hallucinations after a nosebleed, which is a precursor to traveling through time and space. Human beings' perception of time is a single line and one direction, but time is not a long river, it is a vast ocean, in which Undercurrents from different directions surge and mingle under the sea level, and no minute is isolated. But you jumped out of the sea of ​​time and can not be influenced by the change of time. Lucina, your father has not traveled through time yet. So he has no memory of July." Chen Kedao.

Diana still needs some time to digest the concept of time. She doesn't understand what Chen Ke means by the analogy of the sea, but Lucina believes it deeply.

"Since you can travel through time and space, is there any way you can find Wang Aileen?" Diana asked.

"What's going on with Wang Aileen?" Chen Ke asked.

"The killers tried to kill me, so I found a list from them with Wang Aileen's name on it. I rushed to her home overnight, but there was no one at home..." Diana answered.

"Well... I understand. Are you sure she hasn't been killed yet?" Chen Ke said.

"I don't know..." Diana said.

"Diana, Wang Aileen may also be a person who transcends time... She already knew me when I first looked for her. I suspect that she has also had nosebleeds and seen visions. If that is the case, even if we return to the present At this point in time, she will not be affected by time regression." Chen Kedao.

"Does that mean...the killers of the consortium have also been traced back? The fishery hasn't been bombed yet?" Lucina interjected.

"Of course, I came here from the fishing ground." Chen Kedao.

Lucina nodded. It was a huge asset. After hearing the news, she felt a lot more relaxed.

"I really have a way to find Wang Aileen..." Chen Ke said and stood up, turned around and opened the apartment door. Behind the door was not a corridor, but another room.

"Where is that place?" Diana looked behind the door, feeling a little weird.

"This is my home. It is absolutely safe. You can hide in it and no one can find you. But once you enter, only I can open and close the door. Diana, Lucina, are you willing to go in?" Chen Ke asked.

"I..." Lucina hesitated. Does this mean she is going to be imprisoned?

"I refuse...I don't want to be locked in the room." Diana shook her head.

"I can't force you, even if it's just to protect you, but I at least give you an option." Chen Ke spread his hands.

"Chen Ke, I want to fight with you." Lucina said.

"I can too, at least within the next three days..." Diana also said.

"No, no... you can't fight with me... I have to face enemies you have never heard of... Especially you Lucina, you are an ordinary person, you are very strong, but your muscles are no different from noodles in the face of psychic energy. ...Diana, even if you have psychic powers, you are too weak in front of the seance sect..." Chen Ke shook his head.

Diana pursed her lips, not knowing what to say, while Lucina was a little angry. She stood up and turned the table over.

"This is not the time to lose your temper!" Chen Ke was also angry and glared at Lucina.

At this time, the indoor environment changed. The walls and floors turned into steel, countless iron hooks hung down, and blood seeped from the gaps in the iron plates.

Chen Ke was shocked, it was an illusion! His body was immediately covered with Angele's elegy, holding the moonlight sword in his hand, he stepped in front of Lucina, blocking her and Diana behind him.

"Left or right?" Chen Ke said to himself, his eyes flashing with blue halo, using his spiritual vision to explore the surrounding world, but found nothing.

"Chen Ke, don't be nervous." Lucina said.

Chen Ke turned around and saw Lucina holding a coin in her hand.

The surroundings returned to normal, but Chen Ke was the weirdest person in the whole room.

"Where did you get it?" Chen Ke could tell at a glance that it was an alienated object.

An information pop-up appeared in front of him, indicating that the coin was something called a "fantasy cage", which could materialize everything about "torture" imagined in the holder's mind and create sensory a realistic experience, but once the illusion is cancelled, the damage caused will be restored.

The incredible thing about this coin is that the illusion can be canceled partially or completely, and it is entirely up to the holder to decide. In theory, it can be tortured and abused endlessly, and it is an excellent tool to wear down the spirit of the tortured person.

"Chen Ke... I was attacked by people from the consortium. You should have guessed what I went through." Lucina said.

Diana looked at Lucina in surprise, and Chen Ke understood.

"If you ask me, this is much more powerful than the Level 2 interrogation protocol..." Diana sighed.

"You too?" Chen Ke looked at Diana.

"Your girlfriend turned into a troll with this thing and opened me up..." Diana said angrily.

"This thing is too dangerous! Are you sure you want to keep it?" Chen Ke asked.

"I want Asra and the people of the consortium to experience what hell is. Chen Ke, this is my revenge, you can't take it away." Lucina said firmly.

"Well... when you're done with your revenge, can you lend it to me?" Diana asked in a low voice.

"I wouldn't mind using it on you." Lucina glanced at Diana.

"Okay Lucina... I can take you with me, but you have to listen to me." Chen Ke said.

"What are you..." Diana put her hands on her hips, as if she had been forgotten.

"We are going to defeat the Si Group." Lucina put her arms around Chen Ke's waist with an expression determined to win.

"Not just the Si Consortium, but also Asra, and then Badr. I want to change the established future. Before that, I will use my method to see if I can find the whereabouts of Wang Aileen." Chen Kedao.

"That means you will take me with you?" Diana asked.

"You can only be awesome for three days!" Lucina frowned.

"Lucina, I can also use a gun. Without that coin, even if you don't use psychic powers, you are no match for me." Diana said.

"Oh? Really?" Lucina let go of Chen Ke, slowly approached Diana, and clenched her fists loudly.

"Okay, okay... Lucina, you and her can't get along well..." Chen Ke grabbed Lucina's shoulders.

"You don't have to stop her, Chen Ke, she has a good figure...but I'm curious about Lucina's fighting skills." Diana smiled.

"That's enough for you... Do you want to fight here?" Chen Ke said.

Without saying a word, Lucina kicked away the stool and punched Diana on the bridge of the nose.

Diana turned sideways and slid her fist against her cheek. Then, she punched Lucina's soft lower abdomen with her left fist. She pressed her right elbow across Lucina's collarbone and hooked her left leg towards her heel, trying to pull her back. Lucina lay down on the ground.

But Lucina's left hand suddenly reached out and grabbed Diana's clothes, grabbing her to the ground together. The two hugged each other, rolling left and right on the floor and wrestling with each other.

"Let's see who is more powerful!!" Lucina was riding on Diana, raising her fist to smash it down.

"You are more aggressive than Wang Aileen..." Diana smiled and struck Lucina's throat with the knife, knocking her out of breath.

"Ugh...cough..." Lucina covered her neck, her face turning red. Diana slammed her knee into her flank and raised her fist to punch Lucina in the face.

Chen Ke hugged Diana and pulled her away from Lucina, then turned around and picked up Lucina.

"Oh! Damn it! Don't be like this, don't do anything to embarrass me." Chen Ke yelled. He sighed. He didn't expect that the two women would become like this when they met.

Lucina sat on the sofa, her throat still feeling uncomfortable. Diana stood aside and turned her back.

"We have more important things to do. If you want to continue, then I will solve the problem myself." Chen Kedao.

The two women had nothing to say and could only remain silent.

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