This aura is deadly

Chapter 500 Betrayal

Although Lucina and Diana calmed down, Chen Ke returned to the fact that they were not compatible with each other. If he was not around, the two of them would probably still be at each other's throats.

Lucina gets jealous too easily, and although Diana is not interested in her, she is the kind of woman who likes to show off her strength, and is not very easy to deal with. I can only think of a way to prevent these two guys from meeting each other in the future.

"You said you have a way to find Wang Aileen? Chen Ke, tell me, what are you going to do?" Diana broke the silence.

"I can see what she is doing in the future, but if she is already dead, there is nothing we can do." Chen Ke said.

"She's not dead, I can feel it." Diana said firmly.

"We'll find out soon. Wait for me here. I'll go there..." Chen Ke was about to go in, and the two girls stood up at the same time.

"I think it's better if I go with you." Diana said.

"I'll follow you, but don't disappear again." Lucina said with her hands on her hips.

Chen Ke had no choice but to make an invitation gesture and let the two women go in first.

The Dream Center is Chen Ke's sanctuary, and only his closest companions can know about this place. Needless to say, Lucina, but he doesn't particularly trust Diana.

When Diana walked past Chen Ke, Chen Ke put a hand on her shoulder. She stopped in confusion and looked at Chen Ke.

"Can I believe you?" Chen Ke asked.

"In 2006, you once said that you were my destined villain. Do you remember, right?" Diana asked.

"Of course I remember." Chen Ke said.

"Maybe that's not the're more of a superhero than me." Diana laughed.

"Don't try to get close to him. He is my superhero, not yours." Lucina had already walked in the door just now, but at this time she turned back, stood behind Chen Ke, and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Listen Lucina, I have no intention of competing with you for Chen Ke. He is not my type. I hope you can feel at ease saying this," Diana said, spreading her hands.

"No, I just hate you." Lucina snorted, took Chen Ke's hand and pulled her into the door.

Diana shook her head helplessly and walked through the door. The three of them came to Chen Ke's room in the Dream Center.

As natives of the Commonwealth, Lucina and Diana had never seen a working-class apartment in the Phoenix Republic, so they were so curious that they temporarily forgot the purpose of coming here and just visited this small apartment. .

"Where does this house come from? Chen Ke, have you lived here before?" Lucina asked curiously.

"Yes, I lived here when I was in high school." Chen Ke said.

Diana didn't have anything to ask. She just walked to the desk and flipped through the pile of books. She picked up a Chinese translation of "Dark Elves: Homeland" and started flipping through it curiously.

Lucina stood by the window and looked outside. The windows in this room could not be opened. She tried for a long time, but she gave up because she was afraid of damaging the window. She just pressed against the glass and tried to understand the scene outside.

"Let's go see where Wang Ailin is. Huh?" Chen Ke coughed, and the two girls came to their senses. They quickly put their curiosity behind them and followed Chen Ke.

Chen Ke took the two women out of the house and went to the neighbor's door next door. After brewing his emotions, he knocked on the door.

"Teacher...I'm here to review..." Chen Ke said cautiously.

Both Diana and Lucina felt very weird, especially after going out and standing in the corridor and seeing the weird scenery outside, it was really hard to put down.

"Chen Ke, what is this place? Why do I feel like this place is so similar to the Great Void?" Diana was a little nervous.

Lucina had never seen this kind of scene before, but she just followed Chen Ke closely.

"It's very safe here. I promise, this may be the safest place in the world." Chen Ke assured.

At this time, the door opened a crack, and Teacher Zhou poked his head out, with a smile on his face. Under the dark green skylight, it looked so eye-catching that even Chen Ke couldn't help but take a step back.

"Chen Ke? Are you here to review so soon?" Teacher Zhou said with a smile.

"Can I review?" Chen Ke asked.

"You must learn to combine work and rest. Don't think about eating a big fat meal in one go. You need to digest the knowledge slowly." Teacher Zhou taught.

"Okay Teacher Zhou... I will only look at it once..." Chen Ke touched the back of his head and looked at Teacher Zhou sheepishly.

"Hmm... that's okay. Seeing that you are quite active, let's review again today." Teacher Zhou nodded and turned to walk into the room, but he saw Lucina and Diana and stopped again.

"Chen Ke, did you bring the female classmates in the class?" Teacher Zhou said.

"I...uh." Chen Ke looked back at the two girls, not knowing how to answer.

"What is he talking about?" Diana asked.

Teacher Zhou spoke in Chinese, and of course Diana and the others couldn’t understand it.

"He asked you to wait outside." Chen Ke said.

Diana nodded and bowed to Teacher Zhou with her hands clasped together. Lucina followed suit and bowed.

"I'll be out in a few minutes. Just don't fight outside." Chen Ke said worriedly.

"Unless she is itchy, I will take good care of her." Lucina said.

"You can be rougher," Diana bickered.

"Chen Ke, ask your female classmate who lives downstairs to stop being too noisy from now on. There are many old people in this building, so be quiet." Teacher Zhou said strangely.

"Okay... let's go review..." Chen Ke nodded.

He followed Teacher Zhou into the room, closed the door, and came to the familiar small study room.

Teacher Zhou was grading papers before. Stacks of papers were piled on the desk. Chen Ke saw that there were some strange words on the papers. He used a red pen to make a lot of crosses and hooks on them, and also used There are many symbols that reverse the order of words.

Teacher Zhou took out the textbook from the desk drawer and handed it to Chen Ke, then walked to the desk and continued to correct the papers.

Chen Ke held the book "Future Observation" and slowly closed his eyes. He kept thinking about Wang Aileen in his mind. Then he opened the textbook, and the white pages turned automatically and quickly, and animations appeared on it.

The upper body of Wang Aileen suddenly appeared on the page. The perspective was very strange, because Wang Aileen seemed to be staring at Chen Ke. She was probably using a laptop, right?

Chen Ke saw Wang Ailin staring at him intently, feeling panicked and confused.

He tried to get more information, but this perspective was prescribed, and he could only see her occasionally raised hands, which seemed to be typing on the keyboard.

"Wang Ailin... what are you doing?" Chen Ke said to himself. He really couldn't see the environment Wang Ailin was in because there was a white wall behind Wang Ailin.

Chen Ke noticed that Wang Aileen's typing on the keyboard was rhythmic. The intervals were not long and the input time was not long. She was not typing all the time, so she was definitely not writing a paper or doing anything, but more like searching...

Moreover, every time she typed on the keyboard, her eyes looked a little different, her mouth opened slightly, and the expression on her face was full of desire and joy. Chen Ke couldn't help but guess whether she was watching a pornographic film.

"Are you on the pornographic website...Wang Aileen!" Chen Ke pursed his lips and frowned, really unable to guess the meaning of this image.

"This is what will happen in the future... At least Wang Ailin is still alive, but she... wait a minute!" Chen Ke suddenly noticed something. He stared at Wang Ailin's face carefully and found some clues.

Wang Aileen seems to be getting older...

In Chen Ke's impression, Wang Ailin is just a girl of the same age as himself, and because she looks a bit cute...she looks a little younger. But in this image, Wang Ailin is more mature, and she must be in her 30s.

Chen Ke fell into confusion. What does this mean?

At this time, a figure walked behind Wang Aileen. Only the body part was in the picture. The figure was wearing a white researcher-style robe and rubber gloves on his hands. Judging from the chest, he should be a woman.

The woman stayed on Wang Ailin's right side, holding the table with one hand, and hitting Wang Ailin's left shoulder with the other hand. Wang Ailin looked up and smiled affectionately, as if she was an acquaintance.

Is this in the institute?

Chen Ke looked carefully again. When he saw a small nameplate on the right chest of the man's clothes, he took a deep breath, and the textbook began to tremble at this time.

Chen Ke couldn't hold the textbook with his hands. It closed automatically and fell to the floor.

Teacher Zhou picked up the textbook, looked at Chen Ke with a smile, and said, "Look, I just said you can't eat a big fat man in one sitting, right? If you don't have enough energy, learning will be ineffective."

"Well...I'm leaving first, Teacher Zhou." Chen Ke nodded and left the small study silently.

He didn't know how to explain to Diana, because he saw a small nameplate with the word HCP on another person's chest. Wang Aileen might have joined the foundation.

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