This aura is deadly

Chapter 505 Strange Little Key

This sledgehammer is also related to the Kingdom of Vanherd. It seems that this kingdom is in a very special era.

Chen Ke is very curious. If Van Heder is the history of the current world, then the use of magic and psychic powers in this world should be even older. Why do official records show that humans only discovered psychic powers in 1910?

He then looked at the next holy object.


[Durability: Excellent]

[Deep love: The whip will attack the target according to the holder's consciousness, and wrap the flesh and bones with growing spikes. 】

[Magic Spread: The holder's magic can be transmitted to the entangled target through the whip. 】

[A soft vine whip used by Enrique, who longs to be a witch. Enrique is ugly in appearance. She uses various illusions to deceive men and satisfy her own vanity. 】

This whip is suitable for entangling the enemy. Strictly speaking, it is a control weapon, but Chen Ke does not need such a thing, because he has two trump cards for control: time pause and time bomb, no matter which one is better than this whip Easy to use.

Chen Ke was very satisfied with that hammer. Once he hammered it down, even if the opponent could withstand the damage, he would still suffer tons of psychological pressure. Moreover, it seemed that this thing was passive and non-consuming. If you have a whip, use it when you get the chance.

After Chen Ke inspected the two confiscated sacred objects, the operation over there was still continuing. The bullet head had been picked out and the doctor was suturing the wound.

Judging from the shape of the bullet, luckily Hall was shot with a pistol. If it had been an automatic rifle, his entire shoulder would have exploded.

Hall had already fallen asleep. Lucina tied up the black plastic bag filled with thread and blood-stained gauze and found a place to burn it.

After busying for a while, the doctor finished his work. He took out a card swiping machine and waited for Lucina to pay the bill.

"Is this a POS machine? Do you use this thing to pay your bills? Aren't you afraid that the FBI will find you?" Chen Ke asked in surprise.

The doctor ignored him and watched Lucina take out a magnetic card, swipe it, and then leave expressionlessly.

"Bang." The doctor closed the door and said nothing the whole time, as if he had never been in this room.

"The underground doctors' guild has its own methods." Lucina shook her head.

"Okay. What are you going to do now?" Chen Ke changed the topic.

"What am I going to do now? What are you going to do now?" Lucina asked.

"If it were Pihom and Heinard, what would he do?" Chen Ke said.

"Lao Pi would say, let's go avoid the limelight. Dad would say, don't take revenge. What about you, Chen Ke? What would you say?" Lucina asked.

Since the accident at the gun store, Lucina has been suppressing her emotions and sadness, but now that she has temporarily calmed down, her tears finally burst into tears. She has a pretty face with big eyes full of tears, but her expression is extremely determined.

"What matters is you, what do you decide to do?" Chen Ke said solemnly.

"The Si Consortium has ruined my whole family! You can't even try to calm me down. I'm going to fuck them hard. I'm going to go right now..." Lucina said.

"Do you know where to find them?" Chen Ke asked.

"I don't know, but I will go into every building of the Si Group and kill every one of them." Lucina said angrily.

"How to kill them? A shotgun?" Chen Ke asked.

Lucina doesn't speak, she's just an ordinary woman with nothing but muscles and guns.

"As soon as you step through the door, their psychic killers will cut you to pieces and maybe give you to Asra as a toy. Maybe it's because of this that your future will become me. The way you see it." Chen Ke said.

"I don't care, Chen Ke, don't try to stop me." Lucina said.

Chen Ke stepped forward and grabbed her arm, and a murderous aura rose up and poured into her body. Lucina staggered, her face became extremely ugly, she struggled to take a few steps, and then fell to Chen Ke's side. In arms.

"You stay here and watch Hall carefully, and leave the rest to me." Chen Ke picked up Lucina and threw her on the sofa.

The Si Group attaches great importance to the Green Holy Diamond. The new chairman Slavin is in Opportunity City tonight. This is his only chance. There must be many psychic killers stationed in the Si Group Building.

There was no news report on the previous large-scale gun battle in the lower city of Opportunity City. This shows that Slavin must have spent a lot of money to bribe the county police of Opportunity City.

Slavin wanted to be foolproof, and so did Chen Ke.

Chen Ke couldn't take into account the safety of an ordinary person during the battle, he wanted a quick victory.

Hall was still lying on the table at Lucina's house. Chen Ke put a blanket on him, put painkillers and antibiotic tablets on his hand, and then opened the door and entered the dream center.

When he returned to the familiar room, the first thing Chen Ke did was to stand in front of the wall clock again, hoping to turn back the time again and prevent the deaths of Heinard and Pihom.

However, on the wall clock, the scales from April to July of 2009 disappeared.

"Holy shit! Is this still consumable? Can the regret medicine only be taken once?" Chen Ke exclaimed.

He tried to move the minute hand to the previous position of the month scale, but the minute hand seemed to be welded to death and would not move no matter how hard he tried. Only the hour hand could move back and forth between 2009 and 1859.

Chen Ke sighed. This time travel ability is only free on the scale of years. Months either have special consumption requirements or can only be moved once...

This is far less flexible than the foundation! But it's useless to complain. At least Chen Ke can take the regret medicine once.

Maybe you can use your future observation ability to see what happens after you attack the Si Group Building?

Chen Ke came to Teacher Zhou's house. He knocked on the door. After a long time, no one answered the door. It seems that this ability is still cooling down... He has seen the future of three people in total. He doesn't know how long it will take before he can do it again. Watch it once.

In this case, you can only rely on yourself. Since you have been in this world as a killer for a few months, let's test your skills as a killer and solve this matter. It is also a good time to test the effect of the sledgehammer just seized from the consortium killer. .

Chen Ke's right hand flashed with purple light, and a sledgehammer suddenly appeared in his hand.

It's called Solar Eclipse, probably because the owner of the hammer turned his back on the doctrine of the sun. One look at the human skull on the hammer makes you feel cautious.

This skull is not exactly a skeleton, because it still has an expression on it. It is an expression of extreme disappointment and anger. Sure enough, it is wrong to make Dad angry.

Chen Ke tried to swing it and discovered a fatal problem. This hammer was twice as heavy as the Moonlight Sword. Although it was not as powerful as Faralis's ruthless anger, it was not easy to use it as he wished. thing.

"It's so heavy... why bother?" Chen Ke sighed, barely able to hold it with both hands, and smashed it from top to bottom, but it took such a long time to attack, who would wait to be beaten?

Chen Ke put the Holy Diamond into his dimensional pocket. In a blink of an eye, he suddenly found an inconspicuous little thing in the inventory. He zoomed in and observed that it was a silver key.

This silver key is very unique. The head of the key is a statue of a silver knight with flying wings on the helmet. Chen Ke frowned. After thinking for a long time, he couldn't remember what the key was used for, or when he got it.

Just when he was about to give up, he suddenly remembered something Pankya had said to him.

"There is a secret door in my office in the Si Group building. This door can lead to my grandfather's office."

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