This aura is deadly

Chapter 506 Chen Ke’s Revenge

Late at night, Lafite Road area of ​​Opportunity City.

Chen Ke straightened his suit and tie and stood in a shadowed corner, observing the Si Group Building across the street.

He asked Li Moyang for a suit and borrowed his shotgun. Using the Dream Center, Chen Ke could save a lot of time on the road and appear wherever he had been before, just like teleporting through a door. .

The Si Consortium building across the street was dark, and everything looked so peaceful, but Chen Ke knew that the city was destined to be restless tonight.

Even late at night, there were still a few pedestrians driving in circles on the streets around the Si Group building, and the stalled cars hidden in the corners and alleys turned out to be patrol cars from the county police unit.

Who wants that green holy diamond? Can you even let Slavin, the newly promoted chairman of the consortium, bribe the county police at all costs, deploy a large number of psychic killers, and personally go into battle to rob it?

He wanted to ask Slavin himself. Not only that, but he also had no intention of hiding and engaging in assassination. Chen Ke took to the street and walked straight towards the Slavin Group Building.

Following Chen Ke's actions, the surrounding pedestrians began to slowly gather towards him. Chen Ke took a glance with his spiritual vision and saw that there were at least twenty people on the street, not counting that there might be more hidden in nearby buildings.

Then let's just make a big fuss, since he can't go back to the daily life of an ordinary person anyway.

Chen Ke's whole body flashed with orange light, black armor attached to his body, and blue light condensed in his right hand. Seeing Chen Ke using his psychic powers on the street, the killers on the side were stunned for two seconds, and then decisively took out their guns and shot at him.

The hidden police cars around them also flashed their sirens at the right time, and the blue and red police lights made the streets psychedelic at night. However, they did not stop the killers, but parked their cars at both ends of the street, which effectively blocked the area around the building. Blocked up.

"Bang bang bang!"

The killers kept shooting at Chen Ke, and the bullets hit him with sparks.

The killers on the street are all ordinary people. Some of them use pistols, and some have mini submachine guns hidden in their arms. They shoot small-caliber 9mm bullets. The impact of these bullets cannot shake Chen Ke's armor at all.

Chen Ke raised his hand and fired a psychic crystal gun. The blue light gun, which was amplified by the life countdown, flew towards the police car. It directly hit the mailbox and caused a magic explosion, igniting the gasoline in the mailbox. The police car took off with a bang and bounced up. It was four to five meters high and killed all the county police officers inside.

People in the building should have also seen the movement on the street. A large group of ordinary killers with live ammunition poured out from the gate on the first floor. They were all cannon fodder and had no psychic powers at all. They could only attack with firearms.

Chen Ke couldn't understand these people, just like he couldn't understand the villain's men in Hollywood movies. Why would he rush in all the time when he knew the protagonist couldn't be killed?

Chen Ke did not use Angeli's flames. After all, there were other buildings around him. He only wanted to kill people from the consortium and did not want to cause indirect harm to other people.

The psychic crystal gun fired one after another, piercing through the group of killers. The streets were full of broken limbs. Sure enough, this was not a movie. Seeing that the guns and ammunition had little effect on Chen Ke, the killers only fought for less than 2 minutes. Just started to evacuate.

Chen Ke walked with clanging steps, used his psychic energy to burst open the glass door of the building, crushed the tiles on the ground, and walked towards the elevator.

Slavin is in the building. If he guessed correctly, he should be on the top floor.

But at this juncture, isn’t it a good idea to take the elevator? If they cut off the power to the elevator, he would be trapped inside.

Chen Ke sighed, turned and walked towards the safe passage. He didn't know how many floors the building had, but it would definitely not be lower than 30 floors.

He didn't mind climbing the stairs, after all, he had unlimited physical strength, but it would be a bit sad if Slavin ran away while he was climbing the stairs.

Chen Ke thought for a moment, opened the elevator door with his bare hands, and looked up the elevator shaft.

I don't take the elevator, and neither do you.

He threw a psychic crystal gun at the elevator cable, and the cable broke with a heart-stopping sound. Then, an even more terrifying sound of breaking through the air came from the elevator shaft, and the sound became louder and louder.

Chen Ke took a few steps back. When the sound of breaking through the air approached the bottom of the building, he heard someone shouting inside. Under the attention of the spiritual vision, several guards with guns were stuffed in the elevator car, and they were falling desperately with the elevator.


The elevator dropped directly to the underground floor, causing the entire floor to shake. Chen Ke felt relieved, turned around and walked into the safe passage, climbing all the way up the stairs.

At the same time, in the consortium chairman's office on the 32nd floor, several senior county police officers, Slavin, and his bodyguards were closely watching what was going on downstairs.

The fat man in a black suit with a sinewy face looked at the movement on the monitor, then turned to look at Slavin.

"Mr. Slavin, is he yours?" the man asked. The few bald guys accompanying him were also murderous.

"Of course not... Mr. White, how could I do that kind of thing?" Slavin sat on the sofa and looked at the man with very fearful eyes.

White lit a cigar and sat on the sofa opposite Slavin. He thought about it and suddenly asked: "Who is he? Why do he come here?"

"He was a mistake of ours... His name is Lin Mo, and he used to be the psychic killer of the Si Consortium." Slavin answered truthfully.

"Well... he is very strong. If we can train psychic killers of his level in batches, maybe... we can do a lot. At least leaking the psychic injection technology to you is not such a bad thing." White laughed. got up.

"With all due respect...Mr. White, he is fighting all the way up. Is it right to think about that kind of thing now...?" Slavin asked carefully.

"Four P.W.A.T teams have been deployed downstairs. We are absolutely safe here. I really want to see how long it will take him to come up." White said.

"I don't think this is a good idea... We should escape by helicopter quickly!" Slavin wanted to stand up, but the bald man next to White glared at him. As soon as his thighs gained strength, he sat down again. .

"Leave? Abandon your company? Think carefully about Slavin, how long have you waited for this position? Even if Corrigan died of illness and Pankia disappeared, you would not be able to sit here without my secret support." White scornfully road.

"I didn't deny this, why are you saying this now?" Slavin said dissatisfied.

"I just want to see if you are worthy of this position." White smiled.

Slavin was sitting on pins and needles, he knew very well that Lin Mo had suffered a big loss from Pankiya, and judging from what he saw on the monitor, Lin Mo's combat effectiveness was much higher than before in the consortium.

"He will kill us! White!" Slavin shouted at White.

"We'll find out, let's see how capable he is." White laughed.

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