This aura is deadly

Chapter 59 From the future

"Okay Parker, tell me about this place. Where do you think this is?" Chen Ke pointed to the area where they were.

This is a rift basin inside the cliff. There are a handful of stone walls that resemble the ruins of ancient buildings, and a bunch of ashes soldiers that can be resurrected. They are wearing medieval chain armor, but Chen Ke knows nothing about history, so he also sees I can’t tell which period the equipment is from.

"I don't know, I thought you should know. Doesn't the Administration have files on this place? Haven't you been exploring the Great Void?" Parker shook his head.

"This is the Great Void?!" Chen Ke was stunned.

"You haven't noticed yet?" Parker couldn't believe it.

Chen Ke looked around excitedly. Things he took for granted before became strange now.

Just a second ago, he had always thought that the portal had just sent him to a remote corner of the earth. He had always regarded the mysterious kingdom under the cliff as an ancient relic that had not been discovered by modern society. However, he never thought that he would actually come here. Into the great void.

"I thought you would be used to this kind of place, but I didn't expect you to be like me... In the first few days, I was also very surprised, curious and scared." Parker said.

"Not every agent has the authority to investigate the Great Void. This is a national secret." Chen Ke said nonchalantly.

Parker felt that what Chen Ke said made sense and nodded.

Chen Ke turned to ask about Parker's situation these days and the weapons in his hands...

The grenade that Parker threw just now should be a flash bomb used against monsters. It has almost the same principle as the grenade that Morgan threw, but the effect is obviously better.

This difference in effect may be partly due to the level of the monster itself. Living zombie soldiers are definitely not as powerful as contract demons, that's for sure.

But the problem is that when Chen Ke first met Parker, if he had this weapon, he would have used it long ago.

"Where did you get that grenade?" Chen Ke asked.

"Inside the nearby tent..." Parker pointed to a rotten wall.

Has anyone been here?

Chen Ke didn't say anything. He immediately stood up and walked towards the rotten wall. After walking around to the back, he found a small triangular tent.

The tent was not big and could accommodate at most three people to rest inside. The zipper door was open. Chen Ke bent down and looked inside. He saw three weapon boxes placed inside and a pair of gray sleeping bags next to them.

The weapon boxes were all empty. Judging from the shape of the spaces, the three boxes contained a stylish assault rifle, eight grenades, and twelve boxes of ammunition.

On the lid of the box were written three large white letters: H.C.P.

There are dots in the middle of the letters, so they must be the abbreviations of three words. Which three words are they? Could it be the Si Group? Or is it the code name of the Authority's team dedicated to exploring the Great Void?

"Have you taken all the weapons?" Chen Ke turned around and asked.

"Actually, there aren't many. I only found more than thirty rounds of .45 bullets and three grenades. I didn't see the long gun when I came here." Parker replied.

"So, you could throw grenades in the building, why didn't you?" Chen Ke asked.

"I don't have a grenade rack on me. When I first came here, I didn't bring grenades at all, only bullets." Parker said.

Chen Ke sighed, but at least he could confirm that the disciplinary attribute .45 bullet used by Parker was obtained from here, and it seemed to be more powerful.

The only pity is that I don’t know who took the automatic rifle.

Chen Ke rummaged around in the tent again, but couldn't find anything useful. Maybe there was some food in the tent, and maybe that's how Parker survived.

Chen Ke left the tent disappointed. He thought he could find some clues, but the results were not satisfactory. He felt that he was falling into one unexplainable mystery after another. Not only the conspiracy and trajectory, but also the time paradox was now against him.

Near the tent, a small stone well attracted Chen Ke's attention. He walked to the well and looked at the dark bottom of the well. A stream of air hit his face, sending a rotten smell. He didn't know How deep is this well?

"Have you gone around? After all, there is an ancient city down there, maybe you can find some food." Chen Ke asked insinuatingly.

"No, no, it's not a good idea to rush around in the void. I've always stayed here, and except for the first two days when I was looking for you, I never left." Parker shook his head.

"You are also an investigator after all, but you don't even have any curiosity?" Chen Ke said helplessly.

"Curiosity will sometimes kill you. I would rather sit here and wait for the next time the door opens." Parker was noncommittal.

"What if the other doors are never opened? Are you just going to sit here and starve to death?" Chen Ke said.

"You may not believe it... I have been here for so long and I have never felt hungry or thirsty." Parker said.

Chen Ke was stunned.

"Time seems to stand still here. It never gets dark... and I never feel thirsty or hungry, but I still feel sleepy and tired. In short, if we don't commit suicide, we have unlimited time to wait for rescue... "Parker said.

What Parker said makes sense, especially since Chen Ke can open the portal by himself. When the time comes, he can just find a place to open the door and take Parker out with him. It will be a pleasure.

"But you have to pay attention to these ashes on the ground. They seem to be alive. A piece of ashes somewhere can turn into a living zombie soldier. I have been changing positions to rest these days, living with two nights of sleep for three days. ..." Parker said.

"These... ashes on the ground, I feel like they are not ordinary dust..." Chen Ke lowered his head and used his feet to dust the ashes on the ground.

It feels like ashes.

Combined with the flying dust flying all over the sky, Chen Ke felt as if a fire had occurred here, burning all living people to ashes.

"There's nothing normal here, Chen Ke. I'm not surprised now. By the way, what day is it now? Did you bring your mobile phone? Mine is out of battery." Parker said.

Chen Ke took out his Nokia E63 and looked at the time, March 23, 2009, 2:27 pm.

No matter what goes wrong with the world, or even with time itself, the electronic counter will not be affected. That's right, Chen Ke has only stayed in this world for less than 24 hours from time traveling to now. To be precise, it's only about fifteen hours.

It’s really super fulfilling…

"23rd, 2:30 pm." Chen Ke said, putting his phone into his pants pocket.

"It's been so's already the 23rd..." Parker said to himself, but then he thought about it and showed a strange expression.

"No, no, show me your phone."

As if Parker wanted to confirm something important, Chen Ke handed him the phone. Parker pressed the button, clicked on the calendar and looked at it for a long time, his brows knitting together.

"March? How is it possible... is your phone broken?" He handed the phone back to Chen Kedao.

"How is it possible? I bought it at Wal-Mart! I bought it less than a day ago!" Chen Ke looked at Parker in surprise. Parker's expression was very strange, as if he had seen something depressing, or in other words, what did he think? Things that I can't even figure out.

"What's wrong, Parker? What went wrong?" Chen Ke asked cautiously.

"Listen to me Chen Ke, I don't know if it's me or this place that has a problem, damn it, but please believe me, I only became an investigator in July this year...I started executing the first one in September. This task...I entered the black box space on October 4th, and came here after the second stack effect...Damn it, Chen Ke, what the hell is going on? Tell me, your phone is broken, it must be your phone! "Parker's voice was trembling, and his eyes were full of helplessness and confusion. Sometimes he crossed his fingers, sometimes he put his hands on his thighs, feeling a little at a loss.

"Calm down... calm down... Parker, listen to me, maybe you remembered it wrong..." Chen Ke was also very surprised when he heard what Parker said.

If Parker wasn't joking, it meant that he was talking to someone from half a year later...

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