This aura is deadly

Chapter 60 The second random analysis

"Perhaps you have stayed here for a long time and mixed up the monthly records?" Chen Kedao said.

"No, you don't understand. I won't remember the time wrong...because October 6 is the 7th wedding anniversary of my wife and I. I won't remember it wrong. I was still thinking about it in the black box space that night. What gift are you going to give her on the 6th..." Parker shook his head.

"Can you show me your mobile phone...?" Chen Ke asked. For some reason, he wanted to confirm whether the Parker in front of him was the one who beat the dog with him last night.

"What do you want to do?" Parker wondered.

"Just give it to me." Chen Ke stretched out his hand.

Parker took out the iPhone 3G from his small pocket and handed it to Chen Ke.

Although it is a bit exaggerated to say this, when Chen Ke just touched this mobile phone, he was extremely sure that it was the one that Chen Ke did not take away that night.

It's a pity that the battery is out, otherwise I could really turn it on and check the time.

The phone is fine, but what about the gun...?

"Parker...can you show me your gun?" Chen Ke returned the phone to Parker.

Parker took the phone, was stunned for a moment, and then frowned. He suddenly understood what Chen Ke meant, and said angrily: "Wait... wait! Do you suspect that I am fake?"

Chen Ke hugged his chest, but he didn't expect Parker to see what he was thinking.

"This is very important to you and me. Because what you said that night was different from what I saw." Chen Ke explained.

"In that case, why don't you show me your Glock 17 so that I can confirm whether you are you? Your clothes, your backpack, your sword, when you first met me It looks very different when you arrive..." Parker said angrily.

Chen Ke was actually speechless. This was indeed the case. He was no longer what he used to be. He was no longer the rookie who was chased away by a few dogs last night. His equipment was also brand new.

However, this was all because he safely jumped out of the Psychic Explosion Space and experienced some changes in the City of Opportunity, which were obviously incomprehensible to Parker.

Because in Parker's eyes, Chen Ke disappeared when he was surrounded by dogs. Under normal circumstances, without external force to open a new opening, people in the spiritual explosion space cannot get out.

Obviously, in Parker's timeline, before P.W.A.T could open the door, he was frightened by the contract demon's roar and jumped through the door, returning here again.

"You must know something..." Parker looked at Chen Ke, with complicated emotions in his eyes.

"I don't know whether I should tell you Parker. I think you are not mentally prepared for this. Moreover, I am not sure whether I am right...give me some time and let me think clearly." Chen Ke said.

Who would believe that they are dead?

Moreover, Chen Ke is still not sure whether Parker is really dead. Because his view of time and world view were greatly impacted at this moment.

Chen Ke has lived on Earth for 24 years, and the dozen hours after time travel were enough to subvert his inherent concepts of all common sense about time, space, world, science, history, etc.

In the world he lives in, there are some hypotheses of "parallel universe" and "time travel", but those are just hypotheses. There are no known experiments and phenomena that can prove that these two hypotheses are "100% OK".

But the Parker in front of Chen Ke is simply the destroyer of the truth of the universe! Of course, so is myself...

Why did he just sleep in the bedroom and travel to another world with a completely different historical style? Why is Parker, who died before his eyes, sitting here talking to himself now?

Before Chen Ke could digest the existence of so-called "psychic powers" and "monsters", a combination of "time paradox" and "parallel universe" punches hit him in the face, leaving him confused.

The world is really crazy.

"Okay, you must tell me after you think about it clearly." Parker shook his head.

Parker looked frustrated and sat there without saying a word. Chen Ke didn't know what to say and could only sit back in his seat.

It's like two people washed away in the torrent of time, each having doubts about their past.

He continued to think further along the lines of "time paradox" and "parallel universe".

In Chen Ke's world, countless science fiction novels and science popularization columns have many hypotheses about "time travel".

If time could travel and a young man went back in time to kill his grandfather, would he still exist? This is the famous "grandfather paradox".

The scientific community's answer to this paradox is that no one can go back in time.

Science fiction novels deal with it more romantically. When you do something that goes against the relationship of cause and effect in the flow of practice, either the universe will try its best to interfere with you, or you will create a new parallel universe...

However, neither Parker nor Chen Ke seemed to have done anything contrary to time cause and effect, but differences still occurred. why is that?

Judging from the current situation, this world is more like what is described in science fiction novels, creating a parallel universe. When the incident that destined Parker's death occurred, the timeline quietly split into two routes, running away in different directions.

The theory of parallel universes first appeared in the 1950s. Some physicists discovered that the quantum state observed each time was different. Since all matter in the universe is composed of quantum particles, these scientists speculated that since each Quantum has different states, so the universe may not be just one, but may be composed of multiple similar universes.

The famous "single electron double slit interference" experiment led the physicist Bohr to propose the equally famous "Copenhagen interpretation". The state of the same electron will change depending on whether there is an observer observing it. This change is called for "collapse"

In Chen Ke's eyes, Parker's throat was bitten and blood flowed all over the floor. He not only took Parker's gun and money, but also escaped from there safely. But in Parker's eyes, he escaped from danger by himself, while Chen Ke took advantage of the chaos to escape.

The timeline is like a seed, with two lives, two lives with three lives, and three lives with infinite lives... Could there be countless parallel universes, countless Chen Kes, with exactly the same things happening, but with completely different details?

Thinking of this, a sense of panic lingered in Chen Ke's mind. The oldest human emotion is fear, and the oldest fear is the fear of the unknown.

In my original world, would there be someone exactly like me who would wake up in the morning as usual, have breakfast with his family, and then go to work in the company...

If Chen Ke in that world did not become a vegetative state, but was exactly the same as his original self, then who would he be now...?

The more I think about it, the more outrageous it becomes...

Chen Ke grabbed back his wandering thoughts and focused on the matter in front of him again.

Random thoughts and random guesses are meaningless. Don’t think about things you don’t know. If you want to know, go and see for yourself!

Chen Ke shook his head and put on a tough-guy philosophical expression. I am who I am. My consciousness and experience are continuous. I come from my world. If I can find a way, I will return to my world. If I encounter The other Chen Kes were regarded as heretical monsters and burned to death immediately when they encountered him! Whoever is awesome will live!

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