This aura is deadly

Chapter 61 Miles, is that you?

Chen Ke carefully recalled what happened last night, and was awakened by the excruciating pain. Then he climbed up from the pool of blood and met the first person who wanted to kill him.

He recalled his experience of more than ten hours, trying to figure out when time started to go wrong.

Chen Ke believed that Parker was the key to sorting out the time problem. He was like Schrödinger's cat.

When Parker entered the black box space on October 4, he encountered the double effect and then jumped into the big void.

When he entered the spiritual explosion space where Chen Ke was from the door on the side of the big void, the disorder of time began.

Maybe he came earlier than Chen Ke, maybe later, but in any case, Chen Ke met Parker.

Their timelines were tied together. After encountering a pack of dogs in the lobby on the first floor, it was unknown which of the two triggered the conditions and time forked.

Who was it? What did they do? Caused the problem of time?

Was it because of my own crossing? If so, then the difference would not be just the life and death of Parker.

He looked up at Parker, and combined with what he had said before, Chen Ke had a bold guess.

Perhaps, this Parker was originally from another parallel universe. He came to this universe through the Great Void, replaced the Parker of this universe, and then died in front of Chen Ke.

But the Parker of his own world accidentally jumped into the Great Void and sat here sighing?

It doesn't match...

The time is wrong. Parker only became an investigator in September and will not meet himself in March...

Besides, since it is a parallel universe, why is there only one Parker?

Chen Ke grabbed his hair and stared at the tip of his shoes, unable to think of any reliable inference.

If the building last night was a large-scale single-electron double-slit interference experiment, then who conducted the "observation" and caused Parker's death?

What exactly determined Chen Ke to enter the parallel timeline of "Parker is dead"?

That night, how many people were there in the building besides himself and Parker?

Chen Ke took out his Nokia E63, opened the notepad, and recorded the relevant doubts in it.

When he just crossed over, Chen Ke killed the black man who pointed a gun at him. When the black man found Chen Ke's office, he was actually looking for "Miles" as he called him.

There are two people now.

And the "plan" mentioned by the black man

It should be the plan of the S Group. They plan to do something in that building. No matter what they are trying to get, it is definitely not a good thing. This plan includes his own death.


The black man killed by Chen Ke should not know the specific use of the "holy object", so he was killed by his own blasphemous dagger without any defense.

What does this mean? The people sent by the S Group could not be unaware of the holy object. The black man should not be affiliated with the S Group, at least not one of the core executors of the plan.

And the blasphemous dagger.

At present, Chen Ke is already familiar with the use of holy objects. As a cold weapon, holy objects can have such a powerful effect on monsters, mainly because of the various entries attached.

And holy objects are obviously classified by color. What he has seen so far is white and blue. The blasphemous dagger that killed Chen Ke was orange. Does that mean that the dagger was a better holy object?

Chen Ke still remembered that its entries were two [extracted] and one [used].

Does being used mean "used to open the door"?

At the cost of one's own heart... no, life, to play the role of this dagger, and then open the door to the great void?

Chen Ke seemed to have grasped the key point and subconsciously touched his heart. There was no movement, because there was no heart there. There was only a vortex mark that occasionally spun in circles.

Thinking of the contract demon and it kept yelling "You owe me a soul..."

Chen Ke took a deep breath and stood up. This Si Consortium! It's just like his fucking cult! He is likely to be used as a sacrifice and offered to the contract demon to open the door to the great void!

As the previous owner of the body, Lin Mo is indeed dead. Chen Ke seized the gap of Lin Mo's death and traveled into Lin Mo's body, creating a paradox!

This is also the reason why the contract demon completed the contract but did not get the sacrificed soul, so the contract demon targeted himself.

Chen Ke could not calm down for a long time. He must find a complete blasphemous dagger and see with his own eyes what the three entries are to confirm his guess.

"Have you thought of anything, Chen Ke?" Parker asked when he saw Chen Ke stood up.

Chen Ke shook his head. The time was not right yet. He could not be sure whether his guess was correct.

"I think we should go down and see what is here. Maybe we can find new clues here." Chen Ke suggested.

Chen Ke knew very well that the people from the Si Consortium had also been here. Maybe they could find some clues here to see what they got here.

"No, I don't think this is a good idea. It's safe here. The zombies turned from ashes will not revive here, and there may be more monsters below. I don't have much ammunition anymore. I don't want to go down and die." Parker did not respond to Chen Ke's call and decided to squat here and wait for rescue.

Chen Ke sighed. He took out the PPQ.45 magazine and inserted ordinary bullets. The monsters here did not eat fire attributes, so there was no need to waste fire bullets.

In this case, I have no choice but to go by myself. He held the pistol in his left hand and picked up the flaming broadsword in his right hand, walking down the only path in the rift valley.

Although this place is located at the bottom of a naturally isolated valley, the smooth roads and scattered wall-like debris around it made Chen Ke think that this place was once a village.

Use your feet to dig up the dirt on the ground, and you can see the remains of the stone brick road buried underneath. After walking forward for almost a hundred meters, the road surface sank hundreds of meters with the force of fractures. Looking down, you can still see the as if There are more masonry fragments of houses in the bottom of the abyss. In the distance, the skylight shines on the basin through the gaps in the rift valley, forming a desperate situation.

Chen Ke looked down along the mud and stone platform on the side. On the left side of the road, there was a mud platform about five or six meters high. Next to the mud below, there was a crack in the rock wall. It looked like he could squeeze in. Beside the crack, there was a weapons box that was exactly the same as the one in the tent. It was covered with mud and dust, as if it had been left for a long time, and it was also printed with H.C.P.

Chen Ke looked around. If he went down the slope from here, he might not be able to come up for a while. If the crack was a dead end, he would be depressed.

Chen Ke turned back towards Parker's position and shouted: "Hey! Parker!".

Parker's figure walked out of the pile of debris and looked at Chen Ke. Chen Ke waved, and Parker waved too, and then walked back to where he was sitting.

Parker could hear it, and if he couldn't get up, call him for help. With this thought, Chen Ke held on to the edge of the mud platform, crossed the edge, and slid down the mud slope.


As soon as he landed, Chen Ke walked straight towards the weapon box. It was a complete weapon box that had not been opened yet. The whole box was almost one meter long. Judging from the thickness, it should be able to fit a long gun.

He looked at the gap again and saw gusts of cool wind blowing, which meant there was an exit on the other side of the gap. No matter who brought this weapon box, it was obvious that they could not transport the box from the gap to the other side, so they had to abandon it here.

Chen Ke tried to open the box, but found that he couldn't. The box did not have any visible locking device or gaps. If he had not seen it opened in a tent, Chen Ke would have even doubted whether it could be opened.

He lifted the box and shook it for a while. He couldn't hear any movement inside. It didn't feel empty in terms of weight. It could only be said that the internal fixing was very good.

He used his flaming broadsword to explore various parts of the box to see if he could reach into the cracks and pry it open. When he found that it didn't work, he fired two shots at the box. The bullets ricocheted when they hit the box, and there were even bullet marks on the surface of the box. No.

He sighed and could only give up, stood up and walked towards the crack.

This crack is probably big enough for a person to squeeze in sideways. Considering Chen Ke's size, the space is relatively spacious. However, this crack is not a straight line, but a twist. This is why the weapon box cannot get in. reason.

Cold air surged out of the gap and blew onto Chen Ke's face. It seemed that the other side of the gap was very cold.

His eyes scanned the mountain wall next to the crack, and suddenly he found a line of English carved with a dagger: "Miles, we enter from here."

Chen Ke's eyes lit up, he switched the gun to his right hand, and squeezed into the gap sideways.

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