This aura is deadly

Chapter 62 Unnamed Corpse

Against the cold wind blowing from the end of the crack, Chen Ke slowly adapted to the cracks that were getting bigger and smaller, and kept moving forward like a squirm.

The rock wall was wet, and all the moisture generated by the tundra and thin ice at the top flowed down the crack. However, because Chen Ke was wearing a relic coat, only his lower pants and shoes were wet.

It seems that holy objects will not be affected by phenomena in reality, and this also indirectly proves that the Great Void has some elements of reality to some extent.

I don’t know who first came up with the word “holy object” to refer to the equipment made of these small diamonds. Can’t we just call it “equipment”?

In the outside world, holy objects can only be used briefly and then turn into the form of small diamonds. However, in the Great Void, holy objects summoned from diamond form cannot be changed back, and the summoning is cost-free.

This made Chen Ke speculate about the relationship between the Great Void and holy objects.

He has understood that the black box space is the connection node between the Great Void and the real world. The monsters that appear in the black box space are actually native species that enter the Great Void through the portal.

Killing monsters will have a chance to drop holy objects, which means that these holy objects were originally products of the Great Void.

If the holy objects were originally physical products in the Great Void, how did they get connected with monsters and turn into small diamonds?

No matter how much I think about it, I can't figure it out. Kill a dog and explode a sword. What the hell kind of logic is this?

However, even if this is the case, Chen Ke is not entangled. Since the world has given him this result, he does not need to find out the principle. He only needs to know that "the more you kill, the more you explode, and the more you explode, you become stronger." It'll be over at two o'clock.

After twisting and turning in the cracks, Chen Ke finally felt the exit after his pants and socks were completely wet. He couldn't wait to squeeze out and straighten the wet trousers that had been twisted into a ball under his lower body.

Outside this crack is a small space that is only three meters long. There is a small crack above which sheds a piece of white light, and in front of it, there is a wall.

Yes, a wall.

This wall is made of blue-black bricks. Because it is wrapped in the mountain wall, no one has painted it. There are cracks on the wall that are thought to be damaged, and there are remnants of bricks on the ground. It was dark inside the wall, and the cold air came from this space.

Chen Ke originally wanted to light the fire sword for lighting and see how the power was going. But before igniting the broadsword, he paused.

no. According to his experience of reading novels for many years, the building buried in the valley might be a tomb. The flames of the Fire Sword were too fierce. He was afraid that if he entered, it would ignite other flammable materials, and it might also burn down the Si Family Group. The clues left by the team.

He needs a more elegant lighting object.

He put the PPQ.45 back into his holster and took out the dim light black ring candlestick from his backpack.

A strange blue candle lighted up, and Chen Ke stretched the candlestick into the darkness inside the wall. The illumination range of the candlelight was small, but it was large enough for Chen Ke, giving him a visual range of at least four steps away.

As far as the eye can see, the scene inside the room far exceeds Chen Ke's expectation. All he sees are thick and huge bookshelves. The height requires the use of a wooden telescopic escalator to reach the top row of books. Although it only showed a small corner in the darkness, it still gave Chen Ke a great shock.

Looking up, the damaged parts of the building's dome looked like stars in the dark sky. The cool air was filled with the strange smell of moldy books. There was a dead silence all around, as if it had been forgotten for thousands of years.

This is not a tomb, more like a library.

Chen Ke glanced around and felt that there was no danger. He stepped into the wall with one foot and accidentally knocked off a brick and fell to the ground, breaking the eternal silence.

Chen Ke stopped his movements, holding the candlestick in his left hand and the sword in his right hand, with one foot still hanging in the air. He stayed there quietly for twelve seconds, his eyes rolling, watching with vigilance.

Nothing happens.

He took a deep breath and walked into the dark library, carefully and curiously moving between the rows of bookshelves.

The books on the bookshelf were all large. Chen Ke moved the candlestick closer and looked at the words on the books carefully, but he couldn't understand them. These letters are not English, but rather a variant of Greek letters.

He reached out and wanted to take down a book so that he could take it back and study it carefully. However, the moment his fingers touched the book, the seemingly intact hard-covered book quietly turned into ashes.

He touched several other books, and the results were exactly the same. He tentatively touched the bookshelf partition, and the area where the partition was touched began to slowly change color, from orange to burnt carbon black.

Chen Ke simply ignored the bookshelves and books. Since this was a library, there must be exits that could lead to other places.

Chen Ke walked around the bookshelves and found that the entire library seemed to be a circular structure, with a relatively empty aisle in the middle. There were stairs on both sides of the wall that could go up to the second floor. There were also many bookshelves on the second floor.

The hole in the wall where Chen Ke came in was directly under the stairs, and on the left side of the corridor was a double wooden door. It seemed that this was the way out of the library.

Out of curiosity, he raised the candlestick towards the end of the right side of the aisle. He didn't know if he didn't illuminate it. He was startled when he illuminated it. In the right corner of the dark library, there were several rows of long tables, and there seemed to be a few people lying on them. on the table.

Are there also Ashes Zombie Soldiers here?

Chen Ke instinctively didn't want to provoke them. Whether they were difficult to deal with was not difficult, but in the case of attribute restraint, Chen Ke didn't have a weapon in his hand that could easily inflict damage on them.

Fire broadswords have the same properties as themselves, so the associated physical damage will also be weakened. Unless you change to a pure physical holy object, you can easily deal with it.

Based on this characteristic, Chen Ke figured out some tricks. It seems that holy objects are not good if they have various elemental attributes. The bloodletting sword like before is more practical. Of course, if the attributes are incompatible, the power will be even more amazing. It seems that only by keeping holy objects with multiple attributes around can you flexibly deal with various situations.

Chen Ke looked at his feet. The floor was made of wood and was very clean. There were only some scattered papers and unknown black charred objects. There were no ashes. The figure lying on the table might not be a living corpse in ashes.

Driven by curiosity, he bravely walked over there. As the distance got closer, the figures on the table became clearer and clearer.

They have turned into skeletons and are wearing large cyan hooded robes with mysterious symbols on them. Judging from their posture analysis, this group of people should be copying something here before they die.

There were papers and quills left on the table, and without a second thought, they would be reduced to ashes at the slightest touch.

There were eight of these remains, one of which wore darker robes, and strangely, its skull actually had a beard.

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