This aura is deadly

Chapter 586 [Victoria Blood Plague: City of Shame]


When Chen Ke got excited, he slipped his right hand and pulled the hour hand down by half a minute... He quickly looked at the dial. The hour hand had already passed the 1859 mark and landed on the blank dial that could not be turned downwards.

The window became blurry and the scene changed. The cockroach lying on the glass disappeared. The noise of the street came from outside. Chen Ke heard the sound of the carriage turning and the sound of wheels rolling over the mud.

Chen Ke recognized the noise. He looked back at the blank dial. The hour hand stopped just below 1859. He wanted to push the hour hand back, but it couldn't move.

"What year is this...?" Chen Ke jumped off the stool and opened the door. Directly opposite him was the King's College that he and Xu Jing had visited before.

He was still wearing a modern suit, but now, Chen Ke had no worries. He closed the door and walked onto the lively street. Behind him was a tavern. The people on the street were bustling. No one noticed this person walking out of the tavern. young people.

The sun is scorching in the sky at this time, but there is still a bit of chill in the air. Judging from the attire of pedestrians on the road, it should be autumn now...

"Madam, madam?" Chen Ke grabbed the arm of a lady passing by.

"What?! How can you be so rude!?" the lady screamed.

Across the street, a blue-clad sheriff looked toward them.

"I don't mean anything else, ma'am, I just want to ask what year it is now?" Chen Ke asked.

The lady looked at Chen Ke with disdain, broke away from his hand, and left in a hurry.

"Hey! I just want to ask about the time!" Chen Ke spread his hands.

"You! Sir?!" The Sheriff shouted at Chen Ke. He looked to the left and right, avoided the passing carriage, then rushed to Chen Ke and put his hand on the handle of the whistle stick at his waist.

"What?" Chen Ke looked at the sheriff.

"Sir, where do you live?" the sheriff asked cautiously.

He saw that Chen Ke was acting strangely, but the suit he was wearing felt very expensive. Although he didn't know Chen Ke, the sheriff didn't think Chen Ke was an ordinary character, so there were many concerns in his words.

"I live..." Chen Kezheng was about to make up a lie when he suddenly had an idea and reported the baron's address of his dead wife.

" turns out you bought that house..." The Sheriff took off his hat and held it in front of his chest, bowing slightly to Chen Ke.

"Is there any problem?" Chen Ke asked.

"It is said that a couple died there a long time ago... There are many evil things in the house..." the Sheriff whispered.

"... I have heard that story... It is said that the baron's wife has a strange disease, and the slightest touch will cause severe pain." Chen Ke said.

"It's better to get sick than to be disemboweled. Times have changed, sir." The Sheriff shook his head.

"What year is this year? I forgot my pocket watch. I drank a little too much yesterday." Chen Ke asked.

"Uh... October 2, 1888. It's noon now..." the sheriff said.

"Thank you." Chen Ke said, patted the Sheriff on the shoulder, and then walked into the crowd.

The year is 1888...? Chen Ke's mind was full of questions, why did he suddenly go forward an extra 29 years? Isn't it that he can't take the initiative to go to an era he has never been to before?

It seems that the problem lies with the little cockroach calling his father.

"This is really fucking disgusting... How could I have a cockroach son..." Chen Ke shook his head, maybe that thing recognized the wrong person... This guess was stupid enough, but he would rather believe that he was right.

The first goal now is to find Jacob!

Jacob in 1859 looked to be about 30 years old. Chen Ke was not sure how old Jacob was, but after 29 years, he would be 65 years old at most.

But considering Jacob's living conditions and the medical health situation in Longtown in the 19th century, Chen Ke could not guarantee that he was still alive. Moreover, when Chen Ke left last time, Jacob still had some problems with his eyes, which made it even more difficult. Chen Ke became worried.

Chen Ke walked to the hospital where Jacob was last seen. Miss Nightingale should know his whereabouts.

Since he did not have the money of this era, Chen Ke could only go on his own based on his impressions. This long journey took Chen Ke nearly a noon and an afternoon. Fortunately, he had unlimited physical strength, and as a person of this era, In the center of the world, the streets of Langdon are extremely lively. Walking alone on the streets is like giving yourself a vacation to go shopping.

When he arrived in front of the hospital, it was almost dusk. The solemn hospital building was dark, and two carriages were setting off from the yard. Twenty-nine years later, the hospital had been expanded to some extent. The side of the hospital was originally covered with bread. The low-rise building of the house is also included in the hospital.

Chen Ke walked to the door and found that it could not be opened, so he patted the door.

"jump jump jump……"


A female voice came from inside.

"I'll... find a friend. His eyes are broken..." Chen Ke said.

The sound of the wooden floor being stepped on came from the door, and a woman wearing a white apron and holding a lamp opened the door.

The orange oil lamp light hit Chen Ke's face. He looked at the woman and said hello with a smile.


Halfway through the words, I realized that I had made a mistake. The lady in front of me was a young nurse.

"I...I'm looking for Ms. Nightingale." Chen Ke said.

"Dean Nightingale?" asked the female nurse.

"Ah... yes, I have a friend who suffered from eye disease... 29 years ago... I had some things to leave, so I entrusted him to Ms. Nightingale. I want to know how he is doing now." Chen K explained.

The female nurse looked at Chen Ke nervously, as if she was guessing something.

"Let's go, sir, I don't know you." The female nurse wanted to close the door.

"Wait a minute!" Chen Ke pressed his foot against the door.

"Sir... please leave, otherwise I will call the security team..." The female nurse was a little scared.

"Ma'am... I just want to know where Dean Nightingale is. I really care about that friend." Chen Ke said.

"You entrusted your friend here 29 years ago? How old are you this year?" asked the female nurse.

Chen Ke was speechless. He had forgotten this... He looked like he was about 25 years old...

"Quickly leave, sir! I'm going to call the security team!" the female nurse said seriously, her voice trembling.

"What about Ms. Nightingale?" Chen Ke asked.

"Help! Help!" the female nurse shouted.

"Dudududu!" Outside the yard, several police officers ran over from across the road, blowing whistles.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Chen Ke had no choice but to run away. He went around to the back of the hospital and saw that there was nothing there. A purple light flashed on his feet, and the ascending boots appeared on his legs. He jumped over the hospital wall with a double jump, and then called back Boots, disappeared into the alley around the corner.

Friends Peng, who is repeated at the end of the article, please refresh it. My hand shook when I uploaded it and I pasted it wrong...

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