This aura is deadly

Chapter 587 Missing Jacob

As the sky gradually darkened, Chen Ke went out from the other end of the alley and returned to the street.

Dark blue filled the sky, leaving a touch of red in the far west, and the small moon loomed in the east.

There were far fewer pedestrians on the street, and the occasional empty carriage passing by ran very fast. Everyone seemed to be in a hurry to go home.

Chen Ke also found that there were an unusual number of patrolling police officers. They walked in teams of more than a dozen people from one end of the street to the other, as if they were on guard against something.

He ran quickly towards the still-to-be-demolished house where Jacob and his children had lived when he last arrived. Hope to meet them there.

After nightfall, Langdon became a little cold, and the air was filled with a sweet smell, which was the rancid smell of mud and garbage mixed together.

After a while of effort, Chen Ke finally arrived at the bank of the Thames River. The big house in his mind had changed into something else. It looked like some kind of workers' dormitory, with the door open and orange lights. Seeping out from the door, several workers were squatting by the ditch in front of the house to wash themselves.

"Okay, Jacob, it seems you and your cubs have moved." Chen Ke sighed.

How can we find Jacob?

Chen Ke rubbed his temples, closed his eyes and meditated for a while, and suddenly thought of a way. Jacob is the leader of the Longtown Thieves Group. If Jacob is still alive, he should continue to adopt abandoned children and child laborers. You only need to pay attention to the streets and find a pickpocket, and you should be able to ask Jacob. The whereabouts of the cloth.

However, it is already dark now, and it is not easy to find those little pickpockets. Besides, those children 29 years ago should have grown up. Are they still active in stealing things on the streets?

If this is the case, then Jacob is training generations of Longtown thieves in disguise, although his original intention is to protect the homeless children.

"We have to find a place to spend the night." Chen Ke said to himself.

He was penniless and knew no one else here. Even the coffeehouse established by the foundation here was burned down in 1859. In desperation, Chen Ke came to the park in the city and found a long Sit down on the bench.

As time passed by, Chen Ke looked up at the bright moon and closed his eyes to pass the time. This night, he thought about many things, and the one he thought about the most was about the witch.

The description of Angel's Ashes once said that there can only be one witch in each era, but it did not mention what would happen if there were multiple witches.

There is no doubt that four witches already existed in 2009. Flame Witch Diana and Fantasy Witch Shreli were born after Chen Ke took the power of other witches, while Asra's Fantasy Witch Makoto Fujiwara and the Company's Furious Witch Oliveira were both created by traveling through other time and space. Come.

If we really want to say it, Diana and Shrilly are the witches of the 2009 generation. When Oliveira and Fujiwara Makoto coexisted in Opportunity City, Chen Ke didn't feel anything strange happening in the city.

Of course, if we insist on being reasonable, Oliveira may have traveled to 2009 from other eras recently, and when she arrived, Fujiwara Makoto happened to be killed by Chen Ke.

Why can the witch resonate with the green holy diamond? This is something Chen Ke can't understand. Oliveira has one in her hand, and Langdon also had one in the 19th century. They should have tried to activate it. However, these sacred diamonds can only exert their value if they are activated in the Dream Center. This is enough to illustrate their relationship with themselves. .

Either this thing originally belonged to Chen Ke, or the Dream Center has something missing in the dream world. In short, these holy diamonds can work in Chen Ke's hands. No matter whether the result is good or bad, only facts can Know.

Chen Ke thought wildly and stayed like this until dawn. After all, time cannot be lost in the Dream Center, and every time the dial is turned, it takes a long time to continue to turn it. It is better to think of a solution in this world.

Chen Ke sat like this until dawn, leaning on the back of the chair with his eyes closed, looking like he was asleep.

Chen Ke felt someone quietly tugging at the corner of his clothes. He opened his eyes slightly and saw a child trying to look through his coat pocket.

The corner of Chen Ke's mouth raised slightly. He was thinking about going there early in the morning to see if he might encounter some pickpockets, but he didn't expect that he would come to his door. He pretended to be asleep and let the child explore his body.

Get up and catch him and ask him now. I'm afraid you won't be able to ask anything and it will be a waste of opportunity. It's better to wait for him to leave and follow him from a distance to see where their lair is.

"Tsk...poor guy."

The pickpocket searched for a long time but didn't find a penny in Chen Ke's pocket, so he said disgustedly.

Chen Ke still closed his eyes and pretended to sleep. This little pickpocket reminded him of the little Jack in the past, the little boy who followed Jacob. I wonder if he is doing well now. After 29 years, Little Jack must have become a big boy. Jack.

Wei Wei opened his eyes and saw the little pickpocket running away in despair. Chen Ke quickly got up and followed him from a distance. The two walked through the streets and alleys in tandem, and Chen Ke always appeared in the pickpocket's blind spot at just the right moment.

Early in the morning, the streets began to get busy again. Cargo carriages rolled over the bumpy roads, and factory whistles sounded. Newsboys stand at crossroads and read out the headlines.

"Headline! Headline! The mysterious man kills again, another woman is disemboweled, and the Public Security Bureau is helpless!"

The little pickpocket attacked a few easier targets, and then met up with two friends in front of a cafe.

"Kevin, how was the harvest?" the companion asked.

"Not much. I met a well-dressed homeless man in the park. I thought he was a rich man who spent the night in the park after drinking too much." said the little pickpocket known as Kevin.

"Oh? What happened next?" the friends asked.

"He is really penniless. I thought I would be lucky." Kevin shook his head and sighed, looking like a businessman who had lost money in business, looking like a little adult.

"If he has no money on him, the clothes must have been stolen." The friend said.

"Who knows? By the way, do you want to float on the Thames River?" Kevin said.

"Well, I haven't succeeded yet this morning...but if it's just a waste of time, it won't take long." The little friend couldn't stand the temptation.

"Let's go, let's go. It's still early. Those who get up early are workers, and the rich don't come out until noon." Kevin said with a smile.

The three children smiled happily and ran all the way towards the Thames. It seemed that even if they were pickpockets, children were still children and liked to play.

Chen Ke continued to follow them, watching these little guys playing in the countryside, catching fish by the river, and spending time lying on the embankment. They didn't look like professional pickpockets at all.

When the three children noticed that the sun had slipped over their heads, it was already afternoon. They got up and ran in the direction of Big Ben in a panic. Chen Ke also stood up from the bench beside him, casually. Followed slowly.

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