This aura is deadly

Chapter 588 Trouble in 1888

The three pickpockets were moving around in the crowd. If it weren't for his spiritual vision, Chen Ke might not have been able to follow them closely.

Contrary to expectations, the place where they hid was not the Big Ben clock tower. Instead, they bypassed it and ran straight to a secluded street.

The street was cold and incongruous with Longtown, the residents were slow-moving, and the carriages from the outer streets never drove into it.

Chen Ke slowed down in time because he noticed that when he stepped into this mysterious community, many eyes around him were already staring at him.

The craftsmen doing handicrafts, the hawkers, and the women washing clothes in front of their homes all looked at Chen Ke secretly. There is no murderous intent, but the vigilance and suspicion in his eyes are also uncomfortable.

"Stop." A steady female voice came from a certain room.

Chen Ke stood on the street, and it seemed that the person who was talking here was about to show up.

"It seems my children have brought back a tail. Who are you? What are you doing here?" the female voice asked.

Chen Ke looked up and saw a group of young people emerging from the rooftops on both sides, holding crossbows in their hands and aiming at him.

"I mean no harm." Chen Ke opened his hands and said.

"Answer the question stranger." The female voice said again.

"You'd better show up and talk to me, don't talk..." As soon as Chen Ke started speaking, three arrows shot into the mud in front of him, only half a step away from him.

"You are not qualified to bargain." The female voice said.

"Your children are pickpockets." Chen Ke said.

"So you're the Sheriff? I've already taken care of it, don't even think about making another one." The female voice was impatient.

" used to know a person who took in child laborers and orphans in Longtown City. His children were also pickpockets. He must have some eye problems. I spent some money to ask someone to take care of him...I'm here Looking for him." Chen Ke said.

The female voice stopped for a while, as if she was brewing something.

"How do you know him?" After a while, the female voice asked again.

"I haven't said his name yet." Chen Ke smiled.

Not far away, the balcony door on the second floor of a two-story building was pushed open, and a white-haired old woman wearing a purple windbreaker with her hair tied up came out, with a young woman supporting her beside her.

"You're here to see Jacob, right?" the old woman asked.

"Yes! Then...who are you?" Chen Ke asked.

"I am his sister, Evie." Evie said.

She looked at the roofs of the buildings on both sides, and the crossbowmen retreated.

"Come in." After Evie said that, she turned and walked in the door.

Chen Ke quickly walked into the two-story building. It was a very clean apartment. Ewei slowly went downstairs with the support of the young woman. When she saw Chen Ke, she motioned for him to find a place to sit. Down.

"Make coffee for our guests, Poloz." Evie looked at the woman.

The woman nodded and went to the kitchen to get busy.

"Evie? Are you Jacob's sister?" Chen Ke confirmed again. This old woman had her hair tied up and her face was as thin as a sharp knife. Although she was old, she must have been a beauty when she was young.

She leaned on a cane, sat opposite Chen Ke, and looked at Chen Ke cautiously.

"That's right, he didn't mention you to me?" Evie asked.

"You seem... not surprised at all? When Jacob and I met, it was 29 years ago..." Chen Ke said. Since Evie knows Chen Ke, it must be Jacob who said it.

"He told me that someone paid money to cure his eyes, and he also said that he knew a person from the future. So I was prepared for this." Evie said.

"Does he know that I will come to him again?" Chen Ke asked.

"I think this is just his own idea. My brother is such a whimsical man." Evie smiled.

"Where is he?" Chen Ke got to the point.

"Tell me first, why are you looking for him? What are you here for?" Evie asked.

"I... I have some things to do here, and I need a place to stay. But something went wrong along the way, and I came 29 years late... I was originally going to come when you were younger..." Chen Kedao.

"Well, the reason is very reasonable, but you still didn't tell me what you came to do." Evie asked.

"I think it's better for you not to know about this," Chen Ke said.

"My brother and I are different. Since you want our help, you have to be honest." Evie did not give in.

"The more you know, the greater the trouble may be, and your small community may be affected. Doesn't that matter?" Chen Ke asked.

Evie was silent for a moment, seeming to be thinking.

Chen Ke didn't speak either, waiting for Evie to express her position.


Poloz placed two cups in front of Chen Ke and Evie, then poured coffee into the cups with a small iron pot. The hot brown-black liquid hit the bottom of the cup and splashed on the blue checkered tablecloth, leaving some Ink spots.

"You are really eloquent, cutie." Evie smiled.

"I need Jacob...and your help, but I don't want to put you in danger either." Chen Ke said.

"I know, Jacob told me that you are like this. Come, drink some coffee." Evie said, she stirred the coffee in the cup with a small silver spoon, and it was steaming.

"Then...where is Jacob? Upstairs? There should be nothing wrong with his eyes, right?" Chen Ke asked.

Evie said nothing and continued to stir the coffee.

Chen Ke noticed Evie's anxiety.

"Chen..." The door was pushed open, and a sturdy young man stood at the door.

Chen Ke looked at the young man. He was wearing a white long-sleeved shirt and a brown jacket, with a crossbow on his back, a hunter's hat on his head, and a brown beard on his chin.

"Who are you?" Chen Ke was not impressed.

"I'm Dayage. When you climbed out of the window, I aimed a slingshot at you. Did you forget that?" Dayage said with a smile.

"Wait a minute... let me think about it..." Chen Ke squinted his eyes and recalled, the experience of 1859 flashed through his mind like a 6x speed movie.

I remembered... They had just settled the matter between Baron Meaux and Lady Catherine that night. Jacob took himself to the unfinished workers' dormitory and said he would have a wall-climbing competition...

"Oh my god, Dayage, you can be my brother at your age now..." Chen Ke sighed.

"You are still so young, Chen. It's amazing, isn't it?" Dayage also smiled.

"Where's little Jack? Where is he?" Chen Ke asked with a smile.

Dayage's smile slowly disappeared from his face and turned into a little helpless. He looked at Evie, wondering whether he should say anything.

"What happened?" Chen Ke looked at Iwei and asked.

"Chen Ke, this is a bit hard to say, but Jacob may need your help again." Evie said.

Chen Ke sat up straighter.

"Little Jack is missing. Jacob has been looking for him. He would come back before, but a few months ago, Jacob also disappeared..." Dayage said.

"So, they disappeared? Your spies are all over the street, but you can't find them?" Chen Ke asked.

"If Jacob and Jack don't want to be found by them, then they can't find them. I really want to find them myself, but I'm too old." Evie said.

"You mean, Jacob is hiding by himself?" Chen Ke asked.

"This is my guess. If that's true, then it's better. But if it's not, that's bad." Evie said.

"Chen, can I ask you for help?" Dayage said.

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