This aura is deadly

Chapter 591 Longtown Night

Chen Ke and Parker waited until nightfall and when the moon rose, left the wooden house and walked towards the security station.

Diana sat by the door and said goodbye to them. Parker joked that it was not a dangerous thing and made it look like the final farewell. Lucina did not come down from the second floor. Chen Ke looked and saw that she was still sleeping. Poloz Taking care of her.

Chen Ke put on a 19th-century black suit and a fedora hat, standing with Parker like a gentleman with his silent butler.

The moonlight pours on the earth, like covering the black dining table with a white tablecloth. In 1888, your night was very quiet, and the stars in the sky were twinkling, as if countless eyes were peering into the human world.

It was just dark, and the streets quickly became deserted. Except for the patrolling security team, no other passersby could be seen.

The nightlife in Longtown was concentrated in high-end private clubs and bars. There were no night markets and shopping streets in that era. Of course, it may be because of Jack the Executioner that the residents of Longtown did not dare to go out on the streets at night for fear of becoming the next generation. A victim with his throat cut and disemboweled.

"Two gentlemen."

The two of them had only been wandering around the street for a few minutes when they were spotted by the patrol. The security team of four people, all holding oil lamps in their hands and whistle sticks on their waists, walked quickly towards Chen Ke and the others.

Seeing their cautious looks, Chen Ke and Parker just stood there and waited to avoid getting into any trouble.

"Gentlemen, can you tell me where you are going?" the security captain took off his hat symbolically and said to Chen Ke.

"We are going to Mr. Sean's private club. Actually, we are already a little late." Chen Kedao.

"Oh...oh...I'm very sorry sir, why don't you take a carriage?" The security captain immediately became respectful after hearing Sean's name.

"The weather is nice tonight, we can just take a walk, and more walking is good for the body." Parker said.

"Ah, is there another explanation?" The security captain scratched the back of his head and smiled awkwardly.

"I noticed that there have been more people patrolling the streets recently. Did something happen?" Chen Ke took the opportunity to ask.

"It's dangerous at night, sir...haven't you read the newspaper recently?" the security captain asked.

"Of course I saw it...a few women were killed in the street, that's all." Chen Kedao.

"Yes, the method is very cruel, and we don't know if he only kills women... so everyone is very scared. I suggest you two go by carriage." The security captain arrived.

Chen Ke put his hands in his pockets. At least he could confirm that Jack the Ripper also existed in this time and space.

"It's just a little thief. I suspect he is either a mental patient or a loser who has a hard time living. He can only attack women who are powerless to restrain a chicken," Parker said.

"We don't think so, sir, that murderer is definitely not an ordinary citizen... I can't go into details, but you'd better pay attention to your safety." The security captain shook his head.

"Thank you for the reminder. If we encounter trouble, we will run to the security station to take refuge. Um... By the way, where is the nearest security station here?" Chen Ke took the opportunity to ask.

"It's very close. Turn around this street and go right. It's on Baker Street." The security guard said.

"Thank you. We are in a hurry, gentlemen." Chen Ke symbolically picked up his fedora hat from his head, and then put it down again, treating it as a hat-off ceremony.

Chen Ke and Parker said goodbye to the group of patrolling security officers, and followed their guidance to the security station. This security station is a relatively large main station, which is different from a small station with only a few small security guards.

At this time, the door of the security station was closed tightly, and the gas lamp hanging at the door was hissing. Chen Ke glanced inside with his spiritual vision and saw dozens of figures walking around inside. He looked down and saw There were more than a dozen people sitting or lying on the wall inside. It should be a cage used to hold some misdemeanor prisoners.

"Okay Parker, this is why I brought you out." Chen Ke looked at Parker.

"Do you want me to go in and steal information?" Parker understood.

"That's right, you turn into ashes and sneak in through the crack in the door. Then look at their case files and find out everything about Executioner Jack. If possible, bring them out to me." Chen Ke said.

"It's not a problem to go in and take a look, but it's very difficult to bring those files out... I can turn into ashes, but those files can't. When the time comes, the people inside will probably see a pile of ashes wrapped around a pile of ashes. The pile of paper flew out the door..." Parker spread his hands.

"Oh...that's going to be difficult." Chen Ke pinched his eyebrows. Parker doesn't have that convenient ability to transfer items, so it's still very inconvenient to do petty theft.

"So how is your memory...? know what I mean, right?" Chen Ke asked.

"It's okay to only record some key information, but don't expect me to memorize those files in a few minutes," Parker said.

"Then help me look at the records of the Jack the Ripper case from September to early October. Note down the location and time of the incident, as well as the name of the victim. Let's confirm how different it is from Wikipedia. If there is a chance, Just bring out the files you think are more important." Chen Kedao.

"You have so many demands, I'll take care of it," Parker said.

The two came to a nearby alley. Parker took off his hat and coat, wearing his everlasting red plaid shirt and jeans, and then his whole body slowly turned into a pile of ashes on the ground.

Chen Ke never gets tired of watching the process of Parker turning into gray. It's so amazing. His skin and clothes will slowly fade into black and white, and then break into dust. I wonder how Parker feels during the change. .

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh...

Chen Ke picked up Parker's suit and watched a cloud of ash float toward the security station. It hovered by the door for a while, and then flew in through an open window on the second floor.

Parker made the right choice. If such a large amount of ash entered through the crack in the door, it would be noticed by others quickly. Parker must seep in from a place with fewer people, and then try to spread the ashes as much as possible, so as not to Get attention.

Chen Ke was waiting in the alley with his clothes in his arms. He lowered the brim of his hat to block his blue pupils.

Inside the security station, I saw a blue human figure inside, disappearing and reappearing for a while, that was Parker. Parker is sneaking around on the second floor, gathering into a human form so that he can turn things over with his hands, and turning into ashes so that he can move.

Chen Ke was waiting for the results outside. He had three immature guesses about the matter.

The first guess is the worst. Little Jack is really the Ripper, and after Jacob found Little Jack and discovered the truth, he fell into self-blame and suffering. It is very likely that Jacob was trying to persuade Little Jack was brutally killed in the process. After all, a 60-year-old man couldn't do anything to a young man in his 30s.

The second guess is a bit nonsensical. Jacob is Jack the Ripper. This situation comes from Chen Ke’s random analysis. Maybe little Jack was killed by a woman who became an alienated individual. Jacob went out to look for it. Later I learned the truth, so...

Chen Ke shook his head. The third guess was undoubtedly the most optimistic. Jack the Ripper and Jacob had nothing to do with little Jack. They just lost contact. But having said that, if it is the third situation, it will be even harder to find.

Which one will it be? Chen Ke didn't know, and now he could only assume that it was the first case.

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