This aura is deadly

Chapter 592 His Descendants

"Hurry up... hurry up..." Chen Ke waited in the alley, whispering to himself while tapping the ground with his toes. He was not an impatient person, but Parker was too clumsy...

Chen Ke saw him stay in one place for more than a few minutes several times, and he didn't look like he was reading the files. He should just be hiding.


The sound of bare feet running on the ground came into Chen Ke's ears. His ears moved and he turned around to see a woman in a thin gray gown running towards Chen Ke.

The woman was not running fast. She covered her abdomen with both hands. There were thick bloodstains on her gown. Under the moonlight, her long golden hair looked a little white.

Chen Ke immediately became alert. He took a step back unconsciously. The woman in front of him was still dozens of meters away from him. She wanted to shout, but only made a hissing sound. When she ran a little closer, Chen Ke found that her throat was cut.

"What a hell..." Chen Ke knew that he was lucky. He summoned the blasphemous dagger and hid it under the suit in his right hand.

He didn't feel the murderous aura. The woman was normal, not an alien creature. The inside of her bare thighs was also burning with hot blood, which looked scary, but Chen Ke knew that she was just a victim.

It seemed that Jack the Ripper appeared tonight... but Chen Ke didn't expect him to do it so close to the police station.

"Madam..." Chen Ke stretched out his hand and tried to grab the woman's arm.

In the next second, Chen Ke heard footsteps on the roof, and a rope with a hook at the front suddenly dropped from it and wrapped around the woman's neck.

Chen Ke hurried forward, threw away the suit in his hand and tried to cut the rope.

"Uh uh uh..." The woman grabbed the rope around her neck with both hands, trying to pull it apart.

Suddenly, a black shadow jumped down from the roof, like an elevator, and the woman soared into the air. Chen Ke looked back and saw a man in a black hooded windbreaker falling to the ground.

"You'd better not move." Chen Ke took back the blasphemous dagger and pulled out his double-barreled spray gun.

"Long time no see, Chen Ke." The man turned his back to Chen Ke, pulling the rope, and suddenly said. Chen Ke didn't recognize who the voice was, but he guessed that the man in black could only be him... The man turned around. It was a thin face with a beard on his chin. He looked to be in his 30s. Half of his face was hidden in the shadow of the hood. His belt was full of throwing knives and daggers. A small hand axe was tied to his waist. The rope he was pulling with both hands extended to a chimney on the roof, then turned a corner and wrapped around the woman's neck. The woman kicked her legs in the air, and blood flowed down her thighs and calves, and finally dripped on the ground, emitting a foul smell from her body. "Jack?" Chen Ke asked. "You are still so young." Jack nodded. "What are you doing?" Chen Ke asked again. "You will know when you see it." Jack said. Jack pulled the rope down with both arms. With a snap, the woman's neck was cut by the small hook on the rope, and blood splattered on the wall. Then he wrapped the rope around his upper arm and twisted his body. The woman's tongue was twisted out of her mouth. Her eyes bulged out, and she looked at the moon in the night sky and wailed silently. Then, with a splash, a piece of purple flesh and blood fell from between her legs to the ground.

"Fuck! What is that?! You just killed a pregnant woman..." Chen Ke suppressed his voice and cursed, but he stopped halfway...

The flesh and blood showed a line of small words in his vision:


Status: Failed to descend...

"Fuck!" Chen Ke gritted his teeth and cursed. This piece of meat turned out to be a god...

"They are employed..." The black stone in his heart sent a thought at this time.

Chen Ke couldn't help but walk forward to take a look. The purple flesh was not pure flesh and blood, but a cylindrical flesh covered with round suction cups, but it was twisted and coiled together, looking like a lump.

There is no doubt that no matter what it can become, at least it has failed now.

"Jack...what's wrong with you?" Chen Ke looked at Jack in confusion.

"Shh..." Jack made a silent gesture, took out a knife and cut the rope, and the woman's body fell to the ground with a plop. He didn't clean up the body, just let it stay there.

At this time, a large group of ash fell behind Jack and surrounded him. Chen Ke hurriedly stopped him in a deep voice.

"Parker...wait a minute."

Parker moved to Chen Ke's side and turned into a human form again. Jack looked at Parker with a dangerous look.

"Is this your friend? He looks dangerous." Jack asked.

"Little Jack, what have you experienced in the past 29 years?" Chen Ke asked back.

"We just ask each other questions like this, and no one can get the answer. This is not a place to talk. You also want to see Jacob, right?" Jack said.

"Of course, you must give me an explanation." Chen Ke said.

"Then follow me." Jack said.

Chen Ke put away the double-barreled spray gun and handed the suit to Parker.

"Is he coming too? Can I trust him?" Jack asked.

"Evie trusts us, so can you." Chen Ke said.

"This is an extraordinary period, don't blame me for being suspicious." Jack said.

He put the knife into the leather sheath and walked between Chen Ke and Parker.

The three of them followed one after another. Parker didn't have time to put on pants, so he had to put on his suit jacket and hat. Along the way, he kept asking Chen Ke in a low voice about Jack.

"He was just a child when I came here before, and I don't know his current situation. What about you? Did you see anything useful at the security station?" Chen Ke asked.

Parker spread his hands helplessly, not because he couldn't find any case reports about Jack the Ripper, but because various brutal murders had been happening in Longtown intermittently since 1880.

In the past eight years, there have been hundreds of brutal cases of women being dismembered, disemboweled, and having their throats cut. The intervals were neither long nor short, with more than a dozen cases occurring within a few months. , and then there was no follow-up. When people forgot about it, more than ten cases appeared in succession...

Chen Ke frowned. If he said this, wouldn't there be a Ripper every year? Or in other words, this Ripper was active for 8 years? He couldn't help but look at Jack's back. What on earth is this kid doing?

Judging from the woman Jack hunted before, it was obvious that she was not an ordinary person... It was Chen Ke who misunderstood, or that the woman herself was an ordinary person, but for some unknown reason, she was pregnant with a god. 's heirs.

Jack's purpose is to prevent the arrival of gods?

The two of them followed Jack all the way to the Thames River, and finally came to the river bank. Jack untied the raft and picked up a long pole from the grass on the side.

"Come on, gentlemen." Jack jumped on the raft and pushed the pole into the water.

After Chen Ke and Parker also jumped on the bamboo raft, Jack pushed away from the shore and floated downstream. After more than ten minutes, they came to a drainage outlet.

"Jacob said that the first time he dealt with you was here. You were eager to get to King's College, so he took advantage of you. By the way, didn't the lady come with you? ?" Jack said as he pushed the bamboo raft into the sewer.

"Huh? Xu Jing and I have been here before?" Chen Ke had no impression at all.

The last time he came here, Chen Ke wanted to help the foundation and kill another madman with the same name as himself, but he died once and lost his memory for a period of time.

"She has other things to deal with." Chen Ke said.

"What about you? Why did you come here? Is there anything special about our era?" Jack asked.

"Aren't you just showing it to me now?" Chen Ke said.

As the bamboo raft floats in the dark sewer, what will happen to Jacob?

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