This aura is deadly

Chapter 596 True Lies

Chen Ke reached out to touch the small row of cockroach feet on the outside of Jack's upper arm. When he touched it even slightly, the little feet began to shake crazily.

"This thing is out of my control, just like hair. I don't know how long it will grow in a while," Jack said.

"How long has it been? Did it grow after you drank that bottle of blood?" Chen Ke asked.

"At first, it was just black spots on the arms, and then they bulged out every few days, and finally it turned into this. I asked him for a long time and he refused to tell me the truth. Finally, it got to the point where things got out of hand. This little bastard He just asked me for help. I didn't know if this thing was contagious, and I didn't want to panic Evie and the others, so I came out with him." Jacob said at this time.

Chen Ken hummed, and from Jacob's perspective, that's what happened.

"I really wanted to ask you for help, Chen Ke, but I didn't know how to find you. After all, you are not from our era." Jacob sighed.

"I could have come to you decades ago... Anyway, now that I am here, I will find a way to deal with Jack's problem. It seems that the problem lies with that woman, right?" Chen Ke asked.

"We can't find him, and Jack hasn't seen her for a long time. She said she has a way to take back Jack's power, provided... he helps her hunt the Pale Blood." Jacob said.

"Pale Blood...what is that? The nickname of some kind of monster?" Chen Ke asked.

"I don't know. She talks a lot, and she gives limited hints, such as heirs, blood donors, and pregnant women. The night watchman seems to be hunting such women who are pregnant with strange creatures." Jack road.

"By the way, Chen Ke... By the way... When you returned to my time, wouldn't it be that you had telepathy with me and came here to help?" Jacob smiled. Although he was already in his early 60s, he still spoke The style is still the same as it was 29 years ago.

"Ah... of course not. I came here to find someone, and by coincidence... maybe the person I'm looking for is the white-haired woman who made Jack look like this." Chen Ke said.

"That's easy! Do you know her?" Jacob asked.

"Didn't we go to Baron Meaux's mansion before? I met her there. Her name is Maria, and she is not a gas-efficient lamp. You'd better pray that she can keep her promise, otherwise you will be the only one to deal with her. Not her." Chen Ke said bluntly.

"Is she holding the green holy diamond in her hand?" Parker asked.

"If Diana read it right, that's it, but I don't know if the white-haired woman Diana saw is this one. After all, white hair is not a rare feature." Chen Kedao.

"Green holy diamonds? Are you talking about the pile you put in your wallet before?" Jack asked.

"Don't use any evil ideas this time... Believe me, it won't be of any use if you steal it." Chen Ke said.

"Chen Ke is right, Jack. The most important thing now is to find that woman and let her change you back. I don't want to lead a big cockroach back to see Evie." Jacob spread his hands.

"We just need to help her unlock this symbol...she will naturally come to us." Jack said.

Chen Ke came to the symbol, took out his mobile phone, and took a photo of the symbol. He couldn't understand it, but someone should be able to understand it.

"You are still thinking about helping her, Jack, you have changed." Jacob said helplessly.

"This is the fastest way, and I don't want to become a cockroach!" Jack said with a bitter smile.

"I have some questions for you. How did you know that those women were carrying strange things in their bellies? What if you killed the wrong woman? What if the woman you killed was pregnant with a normal human baby? Someone would call you Are you responsible?" Chen Ke asked.

News about Jack the Ripper in 1888 was not uncommon, and even turned into an urban legend for a time. Young women no longer dared to walk at night, and they became more wary and hostile towards strangers. In the end, it was still a secret. Human pot.

"I don't know how the secret keeper identifies, but I guarantee that every monster I get rid of is a monster with the offspring of the devil." Jack said.

"How do you identify them? Can your eyes see through their abdomens?" Chen Ke asked.

"No... I can smell the smell. It's the salty and wet smell of blood and amniotic fluid mixed together. If I have to use a metaphor, it's the smell of a rotten fish that has been dead for a long time and has been cooked at high temperatures..." Jack said.

"Fuck...I just got used to the smell in the sewer." Parker covered his nose.

"This is obviously some kind of ritual. The dean of King's College once used this place to extract the blood of child laborers. Now, this place is being used by others. I have observed here that two groups of people wearing red hoods came in. They seemed It's some kind of ritual going on." He said.

Chen Ke hesitated, not knowing where to start. When anything is mixed into rituals and cults, it will become complicated and crazy. Besides, Jack concealed a lot of information and made up some lies that only Chen Ke could hear. , he didn't know what Jack wanted to do.

Jacob couldn't hear Jack's lies, and he was taken advantage of by little Jack this time.

Chen Ke didn't tell the truth. He also wanted to see what Jack wanted to do. The Ripper of this era was not a certain person, but psychic powers. Psychic powers distorted people's will and caused them to behave in extreme ways.

Giving birth to gods with the help of a woman’s womb should be the purpose of these people. Xu Jing once said that 1859 was the origin of the seance sect. Now it seems that it is indeed true. 29 years later, the seance sect not only has not disappeared, but has made substantial progress.

What they do is exactly what their sect's name suggests, seance.

Chen Ke's mind wandered. He thought of the company that wanted to create a god. If these two organizations existed in the same era, they would probably get along very well...

"I will show this symbol to my friends over there... But right now I think the most important thing is to find the white-haired woman. If she is the Maria I call... things may become simpler. "Chen Ke said.

"Do you want to threaten her directly? I don't think this will be of much use to her." Jack shook his head.

"No, I don't want to conflict with her, because her abilities are extraordinary..." Chen Kedao.

A witch who is very skilled in power control will be very powerful. Diana is not familiar with her own power, so she suffered a bit in several battles. Although Chen Ke was not sure that Maria was a witch, he still did the worst. Plan, what if it is?

"Okay, since you're so insistent, is there any way you can lure him out?" Jack asked.

"As long as we know her purpose, we can lure her out. This is the case with everyone." Chen Kedao.

"Um...what do you mean?" Jack was confused.

"Obviously, she wants you to help her with things, right? If you disappear for a few nights, do you think she will come to you?" Chen Ke said with a smile.

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