This aura is deadly

Chapter 597 Expert

The four people couldn't wait to come out of the sewer. The bamboo raft seemed a bit reluctant to carry four people, so Parker simply turned into ashes and was wrapped in clothes and held by Chen Ke.

They landed ashore, and at Jacob's suggestion, set off for the attic of the library where Jack was temporarily hiding.

It was already late at night, and only patrols were left on the streets. Moreover, people in Longtown were in a state of panic recently, and there was quite a trend towards a curfew. Four grown men wandering the streets late at night could easily be misunderstood by the security forces. It would also be troublesome if they got entangled with the Ripper case.

If it were Jack, he would prefer to walk on the roof, but climbing a building with bare hands is not easy. Jacob is too old to climb the wall, and Chen Ke is not a good wall climber, let alone Parker, so Jack can only accommodate himself. With the three of them, they walked through the dark paths and headed towards the library.

With the help of Chen Ke's spiritual vision, it is not difficult to avoid those patrols on the street in advance. Chen Ke has always hoped to encounter the monster Jack mentioned, but unfortunately, the biggest trouble along the way is limited to carrying Patrol of oil lamps.

The group arrived at the Longtown Academy Library smoothly. It was founded in 1753 and is one of the largest academic libraries in the world. This library would later become the famous British Library.

It is quite ironic that Jack found such a place to hide, because he himself is not illiterate and can only spell his own name... It is precisely because of this that when he first saw the patterns on the ground, he thought they were... The twisted symbols were letters he had never seen before.

The library is very large. There are guards guarding the main entrance, and there are people patrolling inside. Although they can't climb the wall, Chen Ke used time pause and murderous trigger to control many guards, allowing the four of them to walk up the stairs in a swagger. Go up.

The library looks solemn and solemn. Bookshelves more than ten meters high are piled up against the wall. On the open space, the bookshelves are arranged in a line of steam. With the low bookshelf group in the center of the hall as the center of gravity, they are emitted to the surroundings. Walking inside is like being in a sea of ​​books.

The large windows on the wall let in the moonlight, covering the books inserted in the cubicles with a layer of white frost. A very pleasant smell of pulp and paper wafted through the library, making people involuntarily feel humble.

"Maybe you should read the book, maybe the answer is hidden in it." Chen Kedao.

"If I could read, and if I really wanted to read, there would be too many." Jack said.

They went up the stairs and entered a door. They went up again and left the reading area of ​​the library. Jack pulled the trap door with ease and opened the chandelier repair channel. The four of them grabbed the escalator and climbed to the ceiling and roof. compartment.

There is another entrance to this compartment, but judging from the spider webs on it, no one has been there for a long time. A skylight leads to the roof, which is Jack's usual entrance and exit.

The space for living in the compartment is not big. There are roof beams in front of it. Large chandeliers are hung below. You can see the whole view of the library reading area below. Jack got a bunch of cardboard boxes from somewhere and spread them out. It became a bed and contained some household garbage.

"This is it. Before everything settles, Jacob and I will stay here temporarily." Jack said.

"I will show this pattern to my friends. Don't go anywhere now...just wait for news from me." Chen Ke said.

"I'd love to do that too, but considering the monsters on the streets..." Jack shook his head.

"The world doesn't need you to save it. Before you came into contact with that woman, weren't there things like that on the street? That woman was just using you." Chen Kedao.

"Chen Ke is right. She is just using you. I don't think you just joined the Keepers. Have you met the Queen?" Jacob also agreed.

"Maybe it's just that the time hasn't come yet? As long as I can help them get this done..." Jack said.

"Do you really want to be a secret keeper? Deal with those things every day?" Chen Ke asked.

"I honestly don't want to... I just don't want to turn into a bug." Jack chuckled.

"That's it, wait for my news. If you are short of food and water, I have a way to help you get it." Chen Ke said.

"Great, you don't know how hard it is to go out and get food every day." Jacob sat down on the cardboard box and entered the elderly mode. He hammered his waist and yawned.

"It's getting late, old man, it's time for us to rest, right?" Jack looked at Jacob and said.

"You should feel lucky! If Chen Ke hadn't come back, I really don't know how to continue with your bad business. You are still worrying me. After I and Ewe die, who else will be there for you? Wipe your butt? Have you ever considered the children in the thieves group?" Jacob pointed at Jack and seemed really angry.

Jack heard Jacob's anger and did not dare to say anything. He sat aside and spread his hands towards Chen Ke.

"Then I'll leave first." Chen Ke said.

"Well, by the way, Chen Ke, thank you again. My bastards have caused trouble for you. I hope you won't tell Evie about this..." Jacob looked at Chen Ke.

Chen Ke nodded and opened the skylight leading to the roof. What was outside was not the roof, but the Dream Center. He and Parker got in together and landed on the floor of the Dream Center.

"It's obvious Parker...Little Jack is lying. These ancient symbols were drawn by himself..." Chen Ke got up from the floor and patted his sleeves.

"How did you hear that?" Parker asked.

"We have all dealt with those monsters, do you believe he could kill them with a dagger?" Chen Ke asked.

"Did he say that he drank some kind of mysterious red liquid? Maybe that's why..." Parker questioned.

"He has cockroach legs growing on his body, so I don't doubt that he really drank something strange, but you have to pay attention to one thing. Taking Asra as an example, individuals after alienation can indeed fight against psychic monsters, but The medium used by Jack is an ordinary dagger," Chen Ke analyzed.

"Ah...that's true. Maybe he can defeat the monster by himself, but the dagger is an ordinary thing and shouldn't be that useful." Parker said.

"Half of his words are true and half are false. Jack must have done something on his own initiative to alienate himself. As a result, he didn't expect that he would become what he is now, so he asked Jacob for help. ." Chen Ke said.

Like a child who has stumbled onto the wrong path, Jack is now riding a tiger with a hard time getting off.

"Then what he said about the dream and the white-haired woman are also lies?" Parker asked.

"The dream and the white-haired woman should not be deceptive. His description is similar to what Diana saw through the Holy Diamond and the woman I know. Moreover, the world created by the dream of God is indeed bizarre..." Chen Kedao.

At Duke Meaux's mansion, he briefly entered Lady Catherine's dream. Everything there was so crazy, meaningless yet full of meaning.

"And Jack is illiterate, so he can't say anything about Pale Blood, Beyond Hunting." Chen Ke shook his head.

"So what are we going to do now?" Parker asked.

"First determine what Jack wants to do... Then I think Jack really met the white-haired woman, but the relationship between them is not what he said. Maybe... the woman may be hunting him... ..." Chen Ke pinched his chin and said.

One is the secret keeper and the other is the alienated individual. Everyone knows what will happen after they meet.

"Ah, all you need is a pipe, Chen Ke. Is there any way you can figure out the meaning of those symbols?" Parker asked again.

"I can't help it...but I happen to know two experts in this field..." Chen Ke took out his mobile phone and opened the phone book. He only had a few contacts. At this time, two names appeared on the screen. in the central position.

Drake and Laura.

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