This aura is deadly

Chapter 598 The Beginning

Chen Ke moved his stool and stood in front of the wall clock again, setting the time back to 2009. The scenery outside the window began to change. Blue-white light entered the room, and warm and gentle music and people's footsteps echoed in his ears. .

Chen Ke took off his 19th century clothes and threw them into the Dream Center, then changed back into his own suit. Opening the door, he and Parker walked out of the restroom of a Walmart.

"Did you choose this place on purpose?" Parker asked.

"No..." Chen Ke said.

Use the Dream Center to travel through time and space on a large scale. Each occasion is random, and you must adjust the time through the wall clock to travel. The simple action of opening the door can only teleport to various occasions in the same era, which is quite troublesome.

He took out his mobile phone and sent the strange pattern taken in 1888 to Laura via email. As for Drake, Chen Kedei didn't think about it... After all, in his impression, Drake was more like a simple thief. …

"I passed the pattern to an expert, maybe she can know something. Here we are now," said Chen Ke.

The two of them did not leave Wal-Mart for the time being. They were secretly wanted by the administration in Opportunity City. They were afraid that they would be caught by cameras when they went out on the street, so they sat down in the fast food area on the second floor and ordered two boxes of incense. The fragrant chicken sits and waits.

He didn’t know what Laura was doing now. He had not contacted them since he got off the boat. He thought of what he had experienced on that sea area as if it was yesterday.

Suddenly, Chen Ke realized something.

He remembered that he had changed the time and rolled back the time in Opportunity City by two months. After that, he went directly to find Li Moyang... instead of taking Conrad's ship to Norton City...

This also means that in this round of timeline, Chen Ke has never met Laura and Drake... they don't know him at all.

"Fuck...I missed one thing..." Chen Ke patted his thigh and beat his chest.

"What?" Parker was chewing fragrant chicken at this time, and his mouth was full of oil.

"They may not know me yet..." Chen Ke looked at Parker.

"Ah? Don't tease me...the friends you know don't know you yet?" Parker was also a little confused.

"Yes, after time turned back, there were some things I didn't do, so the subsequent development all changed. We were supposed to meet on a ship...wait a minute..." Chen Ke slowly thought forward, following his memories.

If he had not boarded the ship... but they had boarded the ship... with their abilities, Chen Ke would not have dared to imagine the subsequent development. Conrad will kill a shipload of Administration civil servants at sea, and then sail the ship into that strange sea area...

"I hope they didn't die." Chen Ke could only hope so.

Looking at the fragrant chicken in front of him, he had another question.

How come Opportunity City still sells fragrant chicken?

"This tastes really good. Although I don't have to eat, it's not bad to enjoy delicious food once in a while." Parker ate every last bit of his fragrant chicken.

Chen Ke pushed the fragrant chicken in front of Parker. He had no appetite for it now.

"Didi, didi, didi..."

A series of concise call ringtones rang, Chen Ke looked at the phone, and it turned out to be a call from Laura.

He hesitated slightly, but still picked up the phone and connected.

"Hello...are you, Laura?" Chen Ke said.

"Yes, sir, I saw the email you sent. Well, by coincidence, I was studying this. Who are you? Where was this photo taken?" Laura asked, now she I don’t know Chen Ke at all.

"My name is Chen Ke. I heard that you are a university history teacher and an archeology enthusiast, so I sent this photo to you without permission..." Chen Ke said.

"Oh, Mr. Chen, I am not a history teacher...but I am in the field of archeology and occultism, far beyond the scope of enthusiasts. The patterns on this photo are very precious and may relate to the 17th and 18th centuries. Some kind of ancient worship, you must be a fan of this, right?" Laura asked.

"Let's get right to the point with Laura. I need to know what this pattern means. This is very important to me." Chen Ke said.

“You haven’t told me where this thing was taken from,” Laura said.

"Is this important?" Chen Ke asked.

"I have to know your purpose...Also, I don't mean to offend, but there are many people in this world who are interested in this thing, and their purposes are not very pure..." Laura said.

Although Laura shows distrust, this also means that she knows better.

"My purpose is very simple. I just want to know what role this circular magic circle-like pattern can play. That's all. You are an archeology and occult enthusiast, and so am I. This is just a purely academic exchange. , There is no other meaning," Chen Ke said.

"I need time." Laura said.

"I have plenty of time." Chen Ke said.

"Okay... how about I tell you via email when I have new progress?" Laura said.

"I may not recover soon. If necessary, I will contact you again." Chen Kedao.

There was silence for a few seconds.

"Then...goodbye Mr. Chen." Laura said again.

"By the way... If you want to take a boat in the near future, there is a ship called Endurance... No matter what, don't get on it." Chen Kedao.

"Huh?" Laura was stunned.

Chen Ke hung up the phone, that's it for 2009, they need to go back to 1888.

Before leaving, Chen Ke thought for a while and bought a bunch of fragrant chicken, milk, and various fried chicken delicacies. Chen Ke and Parker walked into the toilet holding paper bags, attracting many passersby's attention.

They adjusted time through the Dream Center and returned to 1888. They left the food in the Dream Center to prevent it from getting cold, and then quietly returned to the two-story apartment provided by the band of thieves.

Although the apartment has two floors, it is very small and has only two bedrooms. Parker and Chen Ke have no need for sleeping, so they gave the beds to the two girls.

Lucina and Diana were sleeping soundly, and Poloz had also gone back. The room was dark, Chen Ke gently opened the door, and Diana was lying on the bed with her back to the door, snoring soundly.

He closed the door gently, walked upstairs, and came to the bedroom upstairs. Lucina was wrapped in a quilt, lying on the bed with her hands on her shoulders, her long brown-black hair hanging on her face, only her mouth exposed.

The moonlight shone in from the small window and fell on Lucina's exposed back. Her bronze skin looked a little white in the moonlight.

Chen Ke sat on the edge of the bed, put a hand on her back, brushed it gently, then lowered his head and kissed her forehead, then turned and left.

Time moves forward minute by minute, and the story of 1888 is just beginning.

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