This aura is deadly

Chapter 646 Approaching the Land of Fei Phoenix

After Chen Ke got dressed, he met Li Moyang at his villa. Chen Ke, who was dressed in a blue-collar black suit, didn't need to worry about whether the clothes could cover the holster since he had a dimensional pocket.

The underground passage was only a dozen meters long. Chen Ke went up the steps and pressed the red button. The wooden partition in front of him slowly slid open. This was Li Moyang's study.

When he came to Li Moyang's study through the tunnel, he was sitting at the table in his pajamas playing StarCraft: Brood War. The computer had no sound turned on. He was engrossed in the game and was mumbling in a low voice.

"jiong! jiong! jiong! Puff! Dad's tank is awesome! It will blow up all you idiots! Wait for Brother and the battleship... Uh-huh! You're here." Li Moyang heard his bookcase slide against the wall voice, he immediately calmed down and looked at Chen Ke who came out of the secret door with a serious look.

"Wardefake, what were you doing just now?" Chen Ke said, turning around and breaking off a green book on the bookshelf. The bookcase slowly slid back, blocking the secret door.

"It's nothing. I'm researching the information about Shreli. Also, I got the gun you want for you. It's in my yard." Li Moyang stood up and closed the laptop.

"Is the information accurate? Who disclosed it to you?" Chen Ke asked.

"Wu'an Heavy Industry has factories all over the world, and we also have our own satellite network, so there is no need to worry about this." Li Moyang wrote lightly.

Chen Ke knew nothing about the world of rich people and didn't know much about what industrial giants could achieve, so he didn't say anything.

"Let's take a look at the guy you want first." Li Moyang suggested.

"I remember the first time I asked you for a gun, you said it was very difficult." Chen Ke said with a smile.

"Yes, I have no connections in the arms industry, especially the underground arms industry, and I never want to deal with them." Li Moyang nodded.

"The guy I want this time is much more cunning than last time. How come you got it done so quickly?" Chen Ke asked again.

"I entrusted another friend to help me get it done because I owed him a favor." Li Moyang said.

The two walked out of the house and went to the backyard. They saw a row of tables beside the swimming pool, which were piled with wooden boxes of various sizes, which had obviously just been delivered.

People with Li Moyang's status should not easily ask for help. This kind of help would be very troublesome in the future. The interests of adults are interchangeable, which Chen Ke also knows very well.

If he didn't protect Li Moyang's life, Li Moyang wouldn't help him like this, and vice versa. Finding a rich man as a friend is very important to Chen Ke.

"This is what you want, it's all here." Li Moyang pointed to the things on the table and motioned for Chen Ke to take a look for himself.

The first thing that caught his eye was a dark green long weapon box. Chen Ke stepped forward and opened it. It contained a brand new AT12 rocket launcher, but there was no attached rocket launcher.

Chen Ke didn't know if Lin Mo knew how to use this thing. It shouldn't be a big problem if he went to the Dream Center to practice his skills when he had time. Based on his years of experience in watching movies, the rocket launcher shouldn't be difficult to use.

Then there was a black weapon box lying in a long wooden box. Chen Ke took out the weapon box and opened it. Inside was the NTW-20 anti-material sniper rifle that had been dismantled into parts.

"This gun shoots fighter cannon bullets. One bullet is thicker than a beer bottle... What are you going to do with it?" Li Moyang couldn't help but ask.

"When you encounter something big enough, you will know what use this thing is." Chen Ke said with a smile.

"I suggest you give priority to retreating after encountering something like that." Li Moyang said.

Chen Ke covered the sniper rifle box. He estimated that the gun would be twice as long as others when assembled...

He opened another weapon box. It was Su Luo's ShAK-12 automatic rifle. It is said to be an automatic rifle, but it can actually be understood as a shotgun that can continuously fire single-head bullets. The caliber of this gun reaches 12.7 mm, ignoring any body armor and It is a situation vehicle, but its range is only 100 meters and its magazine capacity is only 20 rounds.

Chen Ke didn't care about the short range. Looking back on his past battles, he found that in most cases, he either saw the enemy from a distance or engaged in hand-to-hand combat at very close range. There was no chance of mid-range engagement at all, so for him , the power is greater than the range.

Finally, there was a big box on the ground. It was already high enough to hook Chen Ke's waist, and there was a big guy inside.

"The M134 Vulcan cannon... the thing hanging from the United States Federation armed helicopter. When the gunsmith told me about this thing, I thought you were joking." Li Moyang said.

"Did you really get this thing?! Damn it, your buddy has a good relationship with the military." Chen Ke picked up the crowbar on the side, inserted it into the gap in the box, and pried it open with a bang, only to see the Vulcan cannon. It was dismantled into three parts: the barrel, the body and the cartridge, and lay in the wood chips.

"Of course not... It's not that easy. Even my friends found it difficult to handle this matter. Later, I simply bought an armed helicopter of the same model from the original manufacturer at three times the price, and then dismantled the cannon... "Li Moyang said.

"Think on the bright side, if I have this thing, it will be more difficult for others to kill you." Chen Ke comforted you.

"I'm not worried about money... I'm just curious, how many bullets do you need to bring? This thing can shoot hundreds of rounds in 10 seconds. If you want to use it, you have to prepare a lot of bullets." Li Moyang said.

"Bullets are not a problem. Besides, I have my own way." Chen Ke said.

His blood is bullets, but I wonder if he will be anemic if he shoots so hard? Recalling the previous battles, it seems that there has never been a precedent where oneself was shot out halfway through the shot.

Li Moyang also knew that Chen Ke was not an ordinary psychic, so he didn't ask any more questions. He couldn't help but be a little envious as he watched Chen Ke "collect" all the weapons on the table one by one and disappear into thin air.

"What is your ability?" He couldn't help but ask.

"What?" Chen Ke asked.

"As soon as you pull it off, the thing do you do that? Can you share this ability?" Li Moyang asked cautiously.

"No, there is no way to share." Chen Ke shook his head with an apologetic expression on his face.

"Oh..." Li Moyang was disappointed, sighed, and looked embarrassed.

"Tell me about Shreli... Where did your people find her? When did they discover her? How long has it been since now?" Chen Ke got straight to the point.

"She is far away from us, Chen Ke, she is not in the United Federation of States." Li Moyang said.

"What? Which country did she go to?" Chen Ke raised his eyebrows.

"It's very close to the Feihuang Republic, Chen Ke, very close. Do you want to take a trip back to your hometown?" Li Moyang laughed.

"Don't tell me that she went to Feihuang..." Chen Ke said.

"She is in Risheng. My people discovered a purple-haired woman appearing in Kyoto of Risheng Kingdom two days ago, in Tenka Street, Kamurocho." Li Moyang said.

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