This aura is deadly

Chapter 647 Flying to the Place of Sunrise

"Where is she going...?" Chen Ke couldn't help but be stunned.

"Risheng has a close cooperative relationship with the United Federation. Many spiritual companies also have branches in Sunshine. Moreover, Kamurocho in Kyoto is a mixed bag of clouds and dragons. It is ruled by four chaebols. Overtly and secretly, they are fighting for each other. I think If you want to hide people, that is indeed the best place." Li Moyang said.

"It seems I have to go to Risheng..." Chen Ke said directly without thinking.

"I knew you would say that. I have already arranged for you to take my private plane and go on a long trip in the name of the director of Risheng District of Wu'an Heavy Industry. I have also arranged for someone to pick you up over there. Customs I won't stop you." Li Moyang said.

"Do I need to use a pseudonym?" Chen Ke asked.

"The passport is a pseudonym, but the contact person over there knows who you are." Li Moyang said.

"When will we set off?" Chen Ke asked.

"Any time, as long as you are ready, just tell me." Li Moyang said.

"Then let's do it tonight." Chen Ke said.

"Are they going?" Li Moyang looked at the other side of the wall.

"They stay here. I'll talk about it later. This time I'll go by myself." Chen Ke shook his head.

When Chen Ke is away, Diana must stay with Li Moyang to provide protection. Parker and Diana can cooperate, and Lucina needs to rest.

"I understand... By the way, Chen Ke... if you find Shreli, what are you going to do with her?" Li Moyang asked cautiously.

"Do you still have to think about it? I want to bring her back." Chen Ke said.

Li Moyang smiled and seemed relieved.

"I'm not that heartless." Chen Ke said.

"Miss Shreli just suffered too much of a blow. I think she should regret it now, but she doesn't know how to face us." Li Moyang said.

"I know, and I also need her very much..." Chen Ke nodded.

Chen Ke's second green holy diamond is waiting for Shrili to consecrate it.

"But we must also be prepared for the worst." Chen Ke changed the subject.

"I understand that this is a difficult decision." Li Moyang also agreed. The operation of this world cannot be changed by human will, and sometimes we can only let nature take its course.

Chen Ke's idea was not that extreme. If Shreli's attitude still did not change, he would throw her to the Dream Center and lock her up.

The ability of the illusionary witch is very dangerous. Even if Shrili cannot be persuaded to help him, she cannot be allowed to stay in this world and become the second Fujiwara Makoto.

After saying goodbye to Li Moyang, Chen Ke returned to the villa on the other side and called everyone together for a team meeting in the lobby on the first floor.

It is said to be a meeting, but in fact it is just a circle of friends gathering together to talk. No one in this circle is suitable to be the team leader. Chen Ke and Diana both prefer to be alone, while Lucina is impulsive and irritable. , Parker looked like he had no desires or desires.

But now, everyone gathered together just because there was no place for them in this world. So when everyone heard the news about Shlaili, they all suggested Chen Ke to bring her back without thinking, because of Shlaili’s current situation. , no different from them.

"Are you sure you want to go alone?" Diana asked.

"Li Moyang needs care here. Last time in 1888, you helped me a lot. This time I have to handle this matter myself." Chen Kedao.

"I heard that the women at Risheng are very popular, you know what I mean..." Lucina said.

"They are not my type." Chen Ke smiled and stroked Lucina's shoulder.

"Although I want to help, I don't understand Japanese..." Parker said.

"Just play Oka here. If something happens, remember to help Diana." Chen Ke said.

"When are you leaving?" Lucina asked.

"I'll set off on Li Moyang's private jet this afternoon. I'll find out about this as soon as possible and bring her back." Chen Ke promised.

At this time, the doorbell rang, and a short-haired Feihuang man wearing a black suit walked in under the leadership of two bodyguards.

"Mr. Chen, the flight has been arranged and the car is waiting for you outside." The short-haired man said.

Chen Ke nodded, stood up, and straightened his tie.

"Remember to teach her a lesson." Lucina said.

"But don't make her cry," Diana said.

Chen Ke smiled and said: "I have my own sense of caution. You guys should guard Li Moyang here. I don't want to see him dead on the floor when I come back."

Saying goodbye to his friends, Chen Ke got into the black car with the short-haired man. The car drove all the way to Lescott Spiritual Products, where he went to the top floor, got on a helicopter, and headed to the nearby Opportunity City Airport.

When they arrived at the airport, Li Moyang's small passenger plane was already waiting on a separate runway. They applied for temporary landing and takeoff rights on the runway and must take off before 9 p.m.

"I will send you here. When you arrive at Risheng, there will be a Miss Shen to receive you. Have a nice trip, Mr. Chen." Cun Tou bowed slightly beside the car.

Chen Ke was not very used to being addressed in such a respectful manner, and seemed a little uncomfortable. He waved his hand and said, "Just be natural."

This small passenger plane carries eight people, including the crew. Li Moyang is not a playboy, and he has no weird hobbies, so the service staff on it are all normal. Chen Ke sat down in the passenger plane and was stuffed with an official document by a woman who looked like an agent. He opened the bag and saw that there were various forged documents inside, as well as the certificates of senior management of Wu'an Heavy Industry.

"So, now I am an executive of Wu'an Heavy Industry?" Chen Ke laughed at himself. He stuffed his ID into his briefcase, threw it on the table, and then looked at the interior of the aircraft. It was very simple, but also very luxurious. In one sentence To put it bluntly, it means low-key luxury with connotation.

The aircraft fuselage started running smoothly. The female agent sat diagonally opposite Chen Ke and reminded Chen Ke to fasten his seat belt.

He did as he was told, feeling that the plane was slowly taking off. Looking out the window, he could see the wings of the plane, and the airport below was gradually getting smaller.

The crimson sun in the west is falling below the clouds. After taking off, night falls. The sky is dark blue, and only the ground has a faint yellow color. The city has been abstracted into a picture made up of sparks and tassels on the streets. , at this moment, Chen Ke fell into a dreamlike feeling.

Opportunity City turned into a large spot of light under the clouds. Soon, the earth was no longer visible, only the dark blue night sky and gray clouds.

"You can unbuckle your seat belt now," the female agent said.

She had short black hair, a simple face, and a capable aura about her. Chen Ke wanted to ask her name, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

"Are you here to protect me?" Chen Ke asked.

"No." The female agent said simply.

"That is?" Chen Ke asked.

"I'm protecting this plane," the female agent replied.

What a boring woman, Chen Ke sighed, but he was not someone who had nothing to do without chatting, so he turned his attention to the window again.

In that land of sunrise, what strange things will I encounter?

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