This aura is deadly

Chapter 650 [Psychic Branch Line: Kyoto Ghost Line]

"You want to play this with me?"

Chen Ke looked at the figure behind the frosted glass, but his emotions were not disturbed. After experiencing so many things, he had long been used to it.

Aren't you just a monster? If you dare to play tricks with me, I will let you die in the toilet.

Chen Ke's eyes lit up. Under the penetration of his spiritual vision, all the human figures on the 50th floor appeared behind the wall. He saw a group of people doing sports in the room to his left. It seemed that the sound insulation effect of this hotel was not good. So good.

The shadow behind the frosted glass did not show an outline. Either he was paranoid, or the monster was an illusionist. He sighed and felt that it was not that coincidental. Maybe the shadow was just a shower head?

Thinking this way, Chen Ke opened the door of the shower room, and a green-faced female corpse hanging in the air appeared in front of him.

The female corpse was wearing a business suit, with a red rope tied around her neck. According to the angle of her drooping head, her cervical vertebrae should have been strangled. She tilted her head, half of her tongue was sticking out, and her eyes were white. According to the condensation on the surface of the corpse's skin, Judging from the blood clots, he had been dead for a long time.

"Xie Te..." Chen Ke cursed secretly. He saw a lot of dead people. Although he was a little shocked to be so close to a corpse so suddenly, he did not step back. Instead, he noticed something that was not very coordinated. .

This female corpse gave him a very strange feeling. Chen Ke couldn't explain it for the time being, but this feeling did exist. It was very strange. How to describe it? It just doesn't feel real, and I don't know why it doesn't match reality.

Chen Ke raised his head and looked at the face of the female corpse. The more he looked at it, the more familiar it seemed. He took a breath. Isn't this face... that of Shen Yun?

All kinds of thoughts are surging in my mind. If Shen Yun dies here, what will be waiting for him tonight?


Chen Ke looked carefully again and finally noticed where the strange feeling on the corpse came from.

The red rope tied around the neck of the female corpse is very bright and eye-catching, but the color of the corpse itself is a bit gray, as if the RGB value has been adjusted, giving people an unreal feeling.

Chen Ke decided not to touch the body, took out the cell phone given by Shen Yun and dialed her number.

There must be a problem here. If there is a problem with this hotel, let the relevant departments in Kyoto solve it. If there is a problem with Shen Yun, she will be dealt with tonight.

"Hello? Mr. Chen? You called me so soon? Do you want night service?" Shen Yun joked.

"I suddenly have something urgent to ask you. Can you come to my room?" Chen Kedao said.

"Well...should I go to the supermarket to buy that first..." Shen Yun said.

"Come up quickly." Chen Ke urged and hung up the phone after saying that.

He had a premonition, so he took out his mobile phone and took a photo of the female corpse. He also stood a little further away and recorded a video of more than ten seconds facing the toilet, capturing most of the scenes in the toilet.

Shen Yun didn't go far. She was in the hotel lobby. She had been preparing to move here. As soon as she received Chen Ke's call, she hurriedly took the elevator up and ran to Chen Ke's door on high heels. forward.

"Mr. Chen?" Shen Yun knocked on the door.

Chen Ke put on his shirt and opened the door. He blocked the door and stared at her for a few seconds. His pupils were filled with blue light. Shen Yun blinked. He didn't know what Chen Ke wanted to do, but he could only stay there. , but Chen Ke's actions had already alerted her, as if something had happened.

In Chen Ke's eyes, Shen Yun had this blue outline. He was a normal human being. His cheeks were white and pink, and his lips were full, moist and shiny. He looked alive and kicking, not like a dead person.

"How..." Chen Ke was puzzled, grabbed Shen Yun's wrist, pulled her into the room, and closed the door.

"Hey! Mr. Chen, don't worry, should I take a shower first?" Shen Yun said with a blushing face.

"Don't think too much. I'm not asking you to do that with me. Come to the bathroom and I'll show you something." Chen Ke said seriously.

"What... could it be..." Shen Yun looked down at Chen Ke.

Chen Ke took Shen Yun to the door of the toilet. He pointed to the shower cubicle inside the door, looked at Shen Yun and said, "When you booked this room, did you check this place?"

Shen Yun followed Chen Ke's instructions and looked into the toilet, with a confused expression on his face, but he soon seemed to understand.

"Mr. Chen, do you think the bathtub is too small?" Shen Yun asked.

"Didn't you see it? Up there..." Chen Ke was surprised. He looked into the toilet as he spoke, but the female body hanging in the air was gone.

"Tsk..." Chen Ke frowned. This situation was expected by him. This is how horror movies are shot.

" there any problem?" Shen Yun asked confused.

"It doesn't matter, I saved it." Chen Ke took out his BlackBerry, opened the photo album, and found the photos he had taken before.

In the photo, there is nothing in the toilet except for the lone shower head slightly above the photo. The photo taken of the female corpse's face seems to have been replaced.

What about the photo...

Chen Ke turned to the previously shot video again.

In the video, the female body was missing, leaving only an empty bathtub and white walls.

"Mr. Chen? If you really want to, there is no need to hide it like this. We are all adults." Shen Yun said.

"Listen, I'm not that bored. There's something wrong with this room. You'd better notify the local Psychic Authority to investigate. I suspect this place will become a black box. Please help me check out tonight. Let's change it. A place to live." Chen Ke said.

He put away his cell phone, walked to the gate, put on his suit, and tied his tie. Shen Yun never came out of the toilet. He didn't know what he was doing. Chen Ke called out in the direction of the toilet, but she didn't answer. .

Chen Ke quickly ran to the door of the toilet. Shen Yun was no longer there. The female body was hanging above the bathtub in the toilet.


He pinched his chin and thought quickly, trying to make a hypothesis for the current situation.

When Chen Yun disappears, the female corpse appears. When the female corpse disappears, will Chen Yun appear?

Chen Ke paced in place, hesitated for a moment, walked to the female corpse, stepped on the edge of the bathtub, and picked up the female corpse from above.

The female body was cold to the bone, lying limply on Chen Ke's body. Chen Ke cut the red rope with a blasphemous dagger, and then laid the body flat on the toilet floor.

The neck was broken and he had been strangled. There were traces of vomiting at the corners of his mouth, and his neck was dirty, covered in blood and various dirty marks, but the whole clothes were clean.

Chen Ke unbuttoned the female corpse's business coat, pulled open the shirt inside, and exposed the female corpse's body. He found that her body was covered with traces of being beaten. There were hematomas and purple-black blood spots under the skin, and there were many cuts. Injuries and burns, it was obvious that she had been beaten before death. I am afraid that she was already in a semi-dead state before hanging. Moreover, hanging alone would not break her neck. She should have been hung after death. .

Chen Ke took out his phone again and looked at the videos and photos he had taken before. In the photos, the body was back again.

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