This aura is deadly

Chapter 651 Omen of Death

Chen Ke exited the toilet and looked into the room. Something was wrong with the atmosphere. Although he had just entered the hotel tonight, the feeling of this room was different to what it had been a few minutes ago.

He looked at the left wall again and used his spiritual vision to detect the movement in the next room. They were still playing multiplayer sports over there, but now there was no human silhouette visible.

At the same time, Chen Ke felt something behind him looking at him, which felt like a thorn in his back. He turned back to look at the floor-to-ceiling window and saw a huge white object lying outside the glass, tilting its head and staring at it with its seven eyes. Own.

Once again...face it, isn't this the white god used by the Foundation to restart the world...

Last time in Maria's castle, this white thing disemboweled it and then sent it back to the Dream Center. What was it going to do this time?

Chen Ke was stared at by the seven eyes and did not dare to move. After all, his ability came from him. In reality, this thing is dead. What is it in this world now?

The white thing was so huge that the entire floor-to-ceiling window could only accommodate one-third of its face. Except for its seven eyes, it had no other facial organs, not even ears. The eyeballs of its seven eyes were golden. When Chen Ke saw it, Come on, it's as big as a basketball.

" messed up."

An idea popped into Chen Ke's mind.

Is it a black stone?

Chen Ke looked down at his chest, no, it wasn't it, Blackstone's style of wording and sentence making was not like that. He and Bai Wu looked at each other, and the other party looked at him quietly, but his eyes were very subtle.

This thing is communicating with itself.

"Chaos?" Chen Ke repeated.

Bai Wu stretched out his right hand, knocked through the glass, and pointed behind Chen Ke.

Chen Ke turned around, and the whole world returned to normal. He saw Shen Yun standing at the door of the room, looking towards both ends of the aisle, calling his name the loudest, and the phone on his body began to vibrate.

"Mr. Chen? Where are you?" Shen Yun called anxiously, looking down at his phone from time to time, obviously trying to contact him.

"Hey!" Chen Ke responded quickly.

As soon as Shen Yun turned his head, he saw Chen Ke standing in the room, and his frowning eyebrows relaxed.

"Mr. Chen! Where did you run just now?" Shen Yun hurriedly ran to Chen Ke's side.

"Did anything strange happen just now?" Chen Ke asked.

"No. It's just that you suddenly disappeared... You clearly said you were showing me something in the bathroom, but as soon as I turned around you were gone." Shen Yun shook his head.

"You look a little disappointed." Chen Ke said.

"I thought you were going to show me some treasure..." Shen Yun said.

"I have a lot of treasures, and I won't let others show them easily." Chen Ke said.

He briefly thought about it and made a preliminary judgment. There might be something wrong with the time in this building. He came here originally to find Shreli, but when he encountered this kind of thing, Chen Ke became a little anxious. Why is this weird happening? So many?

"Mr. Chen, are you worried?" Shen Yun saw the change in Chen Ke's attitude.

"No one posted this chapter." Chen Ke replied.

"Huh?" Shen Yun was stunned.

"This hotel... I want to change to another one." Chen Ke said.

"Oh... But it's too late tonight. It will take time to book other hotels. How about making do with it tonight?" Shen Yun said.

"I'll go walk around on the street. You go back and rest." Chen Ke shook his head. He didn't want to stay here. If there was a problem with this building, it had nothing to do with him. Risheng's Psychic Energy Management Bureau would come to solve the problem.

He and Shen Yun took the elevator downstairs. Shen Yun was not stupid. From Chen Ke's words and deeds, he could tell that there was something wrong here. His whole state had changed a lot, and he was back to what he was when he first met Chen Ke. That professional and formal attitude.

The elevator door opened slowly, and in front of him was the hotel lobby. The hotel's name was displayed in golden relief on the black decorative wall. The water curtain slid down, the service desk was empty, the glass door of the lobby was broken, and the ground was covered with debris. They were the bodies of the black-clad bodyguards.

"Here we go again..." Chen Ke stood there, and Shen Yun beside him disappeared.

The elevator door opened for a while, and the floor number showed 1. After a few seconds, it slowly closed. Chen Ke pressed the door open button again, and the door opened again.

He walked out of the elevator and stepped over the corpses at his feet. These people were all Asians, and he didn't know whether they were from Risheng or Feihuang.

These people were wearing black suits and leather gloves. There were no wounds on their bodies, but they were all bleeding from their orifices and had hideous expressions. Chen Ke has seen this kind of expression before. Only when people are extremely scared, they will show this kind of expression.

On the floor, a dozen MAC10 submachine guns equipped with silencers were scattered on the floor. Chen Ke picked up one at his feet and looked at it. It was just an ordinary firearm. The bullets were not finished and there were still some remaining ammunition in the magazine. It looked dead. Struggled before.

What are they dealing with?

Chen Ke looked out the door of the hall. The streets outside were filled with thick fog, just like Longton after it had just rained. The slippery asphalt road was very clean, but the city was no longer noisy and became dead.

There was movement from the foyer. In the thick fog outside the door, a man in a gray suit walked in, wearing a white Prajna mask and holding a samurai sword, standing less than 10 meters away from him.

The two stood face to face in silence. Chen Ke didn't feel the other's hostility, so he didn't make any unnecessary warning moves.

"He comes face to face with Toki." The man said slowly, his voice sounding a little deep through the mask.

"What are you talking about?" Chen Ke couldn't understand Japanese.

The man pulled his katana out of its sheath.

"Knowing the truth is the truth." The man said.

Chen Ke suddenly felt uncomfortable all over, and the time in the corner of his eyes was rapidly decreasing to replace the loss of his sanity.

Chen Ke turned around, and he didn't know when he saw a woman following behind him. She was wearing a white kimono, her long black hair fell to the ground, and she was standing half a meter behind Chen Ke in a bowing posture.

The woman in white kimono raised her head, and a pale and delicate face appeared in front of Chen Ke. She opened her eyes, without eyeballs, and the whites of her eyes were all black, and she smiled at Chen Ke.

Chen Ke had a splitting headache and subconsciously summoned the black gun.

"Attack the enemy." The man said.

"Hey!!!" Chen Ke shouted, aiming at the woman in white kimono and about to pull the trigger.

"Wait a minute! Mr. Chen! Control yourself!"

Shen Yun grabbed Chen Ke's arm and shouted loudly in his ear.

Chen Ke was stunned and found that the surroundings had become normal again. The hall was very clean. The two waiters at the service desk were so scared that they hid under the service desk and did not dare to say a word.

He looked at Chen Yun and saw that the other person was looking at him seriously, holding his black gun tightly in his right hand.

"Mr. Chen? Are you feeling better?" Shen Yun asked.

Chen Ke put away his black gun and looked at the two waiters at the service desk.

"Don't worry about them, nothing about tonight will spread." Shen Yun said.

"Miss Shen..." Chen Ke looked at Shen Yun, somewhat speechless. In a daze, Shen Yun's face was covered with blood for a moment, but after a moment, it returned to its original state.

"You'd better call the local administration. I'm afraid this hotel will become a black box." Chen Ke shook his head and walked quickly towards the hotel door.

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