This aura is deadly

Chapter 665 Get rid of

"Sir, please step back."

Seeing Shen Yun on the bed, the two people from the administration in front of them became a little wary. The woman took out a black revolver and pointed it straight at Chen Ke.

"You may have misunderstood..." Chen Ke said.

Akita pushed Chen Ke away, rushed into the room, and ran to the bed to observe Shen Yun's condition. Ryoko controlled Chen Ke while waiting for news from Akita.

Use a murderous trigger...? Or simply stop their time?

Chen Ke was thinking about countermeasures. The other party was from the Administration Bureau. He didn't want the people from the Administration Bureau to interfere in his affairs. In any case, the other party had already seen his face, and there was nothing he could do about it, whether it was a time bomb or a murderous trigger. Let the other party lose their memory. Even if they forcefully walk away now, they will bring more people to hunt them down later, right?

It would be tricky if things turned into a city-wide wanted manhunt...

"How is it? Akita? That girl." Ryoko asked Akita in Japanese.

Akita turned to the other side of the bed, squatted down and looked at Shen Yun, who had dull eyes and drooling at the corners of his mouth. He stretched out his hand, put his index and middle fingers on Shen Yun's neck, felt her pulse again, and looked up at Liangzi. .

"There are no signs of pulling on the clothes, but the mental condition is not good. Fortunately, we arrived in time." Akita said.

"So, he hasn't had time to make a move yet..." Ryoko sighed.

"Hey...what's your expression? Do you think it's a pity?" Akita winked.

"It's a pity for you, right? Aren't you very interested in the murder case recently investigated by the Criminal Division?" Ryoko retorted.

"Now is not the time for bickering. The suspect is still standing nearby." Akita spread his hands.

"Anyway, let's take it back to the management office first," Liangzi said.

"Take it back to the Bureau? I thought you would call someone from the Criminal Division to handle this matter." Akita said.

"In that case, they will have all the fun, right?" Liangzi laughed.

Chen Ke stood aside and watched them chatting endlessly without understanding a word. Do all the Risheng Administration officers have as many lines as in Japanese dramas?

"Let's ask him some basic information first. It's best to see if he has anything dangerous on him." Akita said.

"Then hurry up. The matter at Wu'an Heavy Industry has not been dealt with last night, and I only slept for 3 hours!" Liangzi was a little unhappy.

Akita came to Chen Ke, patted his sleeves and upper body, and then squatted down to roll up his trouser legs, while Ryoko gave some instructions to the boss about the aftermath.

This hotel is not big, but there are about a dozen residents. Because of the arrival of the administration, several residents stood outside the door curiously and looked inside.

"Hey, boss, get the other residents away. Don't let them gather around here. This may be a high-risk person." Liangzi said.

The boss nodded after hearing this and turned around to disperse the surrounding residents. Ryoko glanced back and confirmed that everyone outside the room had begun to disperse, then she turned to urge Akita.

"Are you okay? Does he have any weapons on him? Does he have a gun or a knife?" Liangzi asked.

As soon as she finished speaking, Ryoko saw and felt her wrist being grabbed. For a moment, it was as if time had been stolen from her. Her hand was still holding the gun, but the gun was gone.

Akita squatted on the ground and was stunned for a while. The man in front of him was gone.

"What happened?" Akita looked up at Ryoko.

"My... my gun...?" Ryoko's hands were empty. She immediately looked in the direction of the bed, frowning.

"The girl is gone too? Hey, what's going on?" Akita stood up, ran to the bed to check carefully, lay on the ground and looked under the bed, then ran to the window and looked outside.

Liangzi was puzzled. She exited the room and saw the boss lying on the ground outside the hotel, with saliva at the corner of his mouth, as if he had seen something scary.

Chen Ke and Shen Yun were sitting on a bench in a small park. Shen Yun had improved slightly. Although he was weak and sweating, he had finally regained his consciousness and could speak and think.

Chen Ke didn't know where this place was. He couldn't understand the Japanese characters all over the street. He couldn't take Shen Yun to the Wu'an Heavy Industry Consortium Building. He could only sit on a park bench and wait.

"Mr. Chen, what happened in Tang Naiyuan?" Shen Yun covered his forehead, trying to recall the scene before he was frightened.

"You heard a woman singing, and then she huddled on the ground motionless. Do you remember what she was singing?" Chen Ke asked.

"I don't remember it all. I don't know why. When I heard that singing, I was confused." Shen Yun said.

"It's normal. It's a psychic monster, maybe some kind of spirit body, which can cause mental damage to people. Fortunately, it's not aimed at you." Chen Ke explained.

This reminded him of the human-faced dog in Xijin Building, which can make people go crazy after just one hey-hey-hey.

"Then...we are sitting here now, Mr. Chen, have you killed it?" Shen Yun raised his head and looked at Chen Ke.

"No, no. It killed Eryu Asakawa. I didn't see it. If you can still remember what she sang, you might be able to get some clues about her." Chen Ke shook his head.

"Then, is it, is it Qian Chunye?" Shen Yun asked.

"I don't know, but it's very likely. I feel like Kamurocho can't ask anything, so I'd better go back to the Wuan Heavy Industries Consortium Building to re-enact memories." Chen Ke suggested.

Shen Yun hummed, took out his mobile phone and made a call. A rough man's voice came from the phone.

She explained a few words briefly, and the two of them waited on the bench for half an hour. A black limousine appeared in front of the park gate. A sturdy man with a strong back and a muscular body got out of the car and ran towards Chen Ke anxiously.

"This is Tong Lang." Shen Yun introduced.

Seeing Shen Yun's weak appearance, Tong Lang seemed very anxious, but he still did not forget to say hello to Chen Ke first and stretched out his thick and rough hand.

Chen Ke took his hand and shook it. His palm was full of calluses. This guy had also practiced.

"You are Mr. Chen! I am Tong Lang. Leave your trip in Risheng to us! Everything will be taken care of for you." Tong Lang said with a Northeastern accent.

"Let's go back to the consortium first. Shen Yun was a little frightened, but not injured." Chen Kedao.

"Okay! Get in the car first, I will contact the helicopter." Tong Lang said.

Chen Ke nodded, and Tong Lang picked up Shen Yun first, and then ran to the car on his own. He felt that in his eyes, Shen Yun was the one who needed protection.

The three of them got in the car and drove to the hotel where Chen Ke was staying without saying a word. Then, they went directly to the helicopter landing platform on the top floor through the elevator in the underground parking lot. The hotel waiter politely opened the access door, but the helicopter pilot still The one that sent them the night before.

Tong Lang helped Shen Yun onto the helicopter, then watched Chen Ke go up, and then stood below to watch. He also had to deal with some aftermath work here.

24 years after his birth, Chen Ke also enjoyed the humanistic care of capitalism. The helicopter slowly took off and flew them to the Wu'an Consortium Building.

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