This aura is deadly

Chapter 666 Testing each other

The sky was overcast, and the morning sun had gone nowhere.

Shen Yun felt a little cold. He held his arms, put his legs together, and leaned on the seat. A hole was broken in the stockings on his right leg, revealing the white and tender flesh inside.

The helicopter pilot fiddled with the small knob on the instrument panel. Chen Ke couldn't understand it, so he stopped looking and turned to look at the street view outside the window.

"I thought you had to stay near Kamurocho for a while, but I didn't expect to leave in less than a day." The helicopter pilot said. He spoke in Unova, and his accent sounded like a southern accent.

"I won't stay long. How long have you been flying helicopters?" Chen Ke asked.

"I have been flying for 25 years. I used to fly civil aviation, and then I was a pilot of a small private jet for a while, and then I flew a helicopter. By the way, my name is Bob, what's yours?" Bob smiled.

"My name is Chen Ke. Did you fly a civil aviation company before? It's a waste to fly a large passenger plane to fly a helicopter. I heard that it is quite profitable to fly small passenger planes for the rich. Why don't you do it?" Anyway, idle time is idle. Chen Ke became interested and started chatting with Bob, the plane pilot.

"Mr. Chen, you probably have no idea, but if you ask me, the sky is not a place where humans should stay." Bob said with a wry smile.

"So, you have a fear of heights? A plane pilot actually has a fear of heights?" Chen Ke didn't believe it.

"Not really, but you see, at my age I could still work in civil aviation, but I gave up. Do you know why?" Bob asked.

"You must have encountered something unpleasant. Have you ever been involved in a hijacking?" Chen Ke asked.

"No, no, it's worse than that. It was probably a few years ago. I had just been flying at an altitude of 10,000 meters for half an hour, and the two engines on the right side lost their function." Bob said.

" mean you encountered a plane crash?" Chen Ke asked.

"That's right, I was broadcasting the 747-400, Boeing's best-selling large civilian airliner. At that time, I was over the inland sea between Xiaoyao City and Opportunity City. It took off within half an hour," Bob said.

"The inland sea... I know that sea area. Did the engine recover in the end?" Chen Kedao.

"No, no, not so lucky. I was about to make an emergency landing. I turned off the balancer and the other engine, and then let the plane glide. I thought we would fall into the water. At that speed and altitude, 80% It would fall apart and become the next day's news." Bob shook his head.

"You are talking to me now, so you must have survived. It seems that you still found a way to make an emergency landing." Chen Kedao.

"I didn't," Bob said calmly.

Chen Ke looked at him without saying a word, his eyes scanning back and forth on him.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm a living person." Bob noticed Chen Ke's nervousness and smiled.

"So something must have happened that day." Chen Ke said.

"You won't believe it when I tell you, but that night, a flying guy restarted the engine outside the plane." Bob said.

"You mean Superman?" Chen Ke asked.

"Maybe, there was thunder outside at that time. I'm not sure Superman would find our exact location so quickly. You know, it only took a few minutes for me to contact the tower after the engine stalled, and the plane was still moving in the air." Bao Bo Dao.

"Anyway, you survived." Chen Ke shrugged.

"That night scared me. After thinking about it again, I resigned after getting off the plane. I am a flying enthusiast. Flying a plane has always been my dream, but it does not include falling with the plane." Bob said.

"This is just a small setback... You went through a long period of study, exams, and rigorous selection, and finally resigned just because of this?" Chen Kedao.

"It wouldn't be a small setback if there wasn't that flying guy that night, Mr. Chen." Bob smiled.

"But you are still flying a plane now." Chen Ke said.

"I said, this is my dream. I later flew a private jet, but I still can't let go of the accident. That night made me see a lot of things clearly, the real feeling of facing death... ...It's like there is a line of small numbers in your sight, counting if it is a countdown to life." Bob sighed.

"It's quite convenient to have a countdown in the corner of your eye." Chen Ke said.

"It depends on what you think. If you have a chance and experience that situation once, you will have a different view of the sky and airplanes." Bob said.

"We are in the sky now, doesn't it feel unlucky to say this?" Chen Ke sighed.

"The height of a helicopter is much lower than that of a passenger plane, which is why I am willing to continue to fly a helicopter. You are just higher than the building, but the passenger plane is different. There are clouds below, you can't see the horizon, and there is no instrument panel. You But you will get lost in the sky." Bob laughed.

"Let's change the topic. Why are we talking about the air crash..." Chen Ke shook his head.

"It's indeed too depressing. Let's talk about Mr. Li, shall we? If Mr. Li can arrange the trip himself, Mr. Chen's background will not be small," Bob said.

"For a pilot, you know a lot." Chen Ke became a little wary.

"To be honest, Mr. Li also hired me on a temporary basis. I had been working for the ranger and the Coastal Safety Association before," Bob said.

"He must have paid you a lot of money." Chen Ke said.

"Mr. Li is very generous. I only need to fly with you for a while, and I will make more money than working at the Coastal Safety Association for two years." Bob laughed.

"There is a big difference between flying a passenger plane and flying a helicopter... I have been thinking about this problem just now. You have been flying a large passenger plane for 25 years, and now you are flying a helicopter. It should be difficult to adapt." Chen Kedao.

"This..." Bob was speechless for a moment, but he soon laughed.

"Actually, it's not bad. Mr. Li is still in the United Federation of Nations, right?" Bob brought the topic to Li Moyang.

"The other person is in Feihuang Republic." Chen Kedao said.

"Oh... I thought he would go there personally to supervise the spiritual life business. Well, Mr. Chen, what are you looking for here?" Bob noticed something, so he stopped mentioning Li Moyang and asked about Chen Ke. .

"I'm curious. Last time in the plane crash, you said there was thunder outside. How did you know there was someone flying outside? It was still night." Chen Ke brought the topic back.

"My flight attendant told me that she was in the cabin at the time and said she saw someone following the plane outside the window," Bob said.

"If it were Superman, it would be too fast." Chen Ke shook his head.

"Are we going back to the plane crash now?" Bob asked.

Chen Ke smiled and said nothing. He felt that Bob was not just a hired pilot. His intuition told him that his operation had been infiltrated.

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