This aura is deadly

Chapter 667 Human Rain

Seeing that Chen Ke had killed the topic and Bob had nothing to say, everyone had no choice but to remain silent. Shen Yun leaned on his seat and snored. He had already fallen asleep for a long time, and the situation suddenly became awkward.

Chen Ke continued to look at the scenery, watching the high-rise buildings passing by below him. He felt very strange, but for some reason, Chen Ke always felt that the scenery was slightly different from the scenery he had seen before. There were fewer cars on the street, and there were fewer cars on the street. There are no pedestrians.

Did he fly to some remote place? It shouldn't be so quiet. Chen Ke's peripheral vision suddenly spotted a small black dot falling towards the street. He was startled and quickly chased his sight. He saw a person walking along the edge of the bank building. It fell to the ground with a thud and turned into a pool of black dots.

Someone is jumping off the building?

"Oh... hell, what is going on?!" At the same time, Bob suddenly shouted.

"Someone is jumping..." Chen Ke turned his head and said half of his words, but the other half was abruptly cut off by what he saw in front of him.

I saw all kinds of people falling from the sky, men, women, old and young, wearing different clothes. I don't know if they are still alive. Human bodies all over the sky are falling towards the ground.

Chen Ke couldn't explain the situation in front of him. He watched those people falling freely in the air without struggling. Their limbs were flaccid and fluttering in the wind. They just fell straight down and hit the street with a loud bang. Into blood mud.

Bob controlled the helicopter and kept dodging because people kept falling from his head, and he was afraid that these people would hit the propeller.

Chen Ke grabbed the swaying Shen Yun to prevent her from being shaken down. At the same time, he tried to look above the helicopter. The people who fell were higher than the helicopter. He wanted to know where these people fell from.

"What are you doing?" Bob saw Chen Ke trying to open the plane door, and he freed up a hand to stop Chen Ke.

"I want to see what's up there." Chen Ke said.

"It's dangerous to open the plane door!" Bob yelled.

As he spoke, the helicopter shook violently, and the front windshield suddenly turned blood red. A section of intestines and half a lung were stuck to the glass window, and the two human body sections clattered to the side of the fuselage and fell down.

"Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Bob screamed in fright. He raised his head and the red light on the dashboard flashed, and the siren beeped.

"Mr. Chen... something happened... Oh my god..." Shen Yun woke up in a daze. Just as he was about to ask what happened, he was frightened by the internal organs stuck to the glass window and cursed.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! We're going to make an emergency landing!" Bob yelled.

Black smoke was rising from the helicopter's propeller, which must have been hit by someone who fell just now.

"Hold on, we're going to be bumpy for a while." Chen Ke said.

Shen Yun didn't know what was going on. She hugged Chen Ke tightly and closed her eyes tightly. She only knew that the plane was about to crash, and she was so scared that her inner thighs became wet.

Various people are still falling from the sky. The density of their falling is not high, but they continue one after another as far as the eye can see.

Some fell vertically to the street, while others hit the roof of the building, making a banging sound like it was raining.

Chen Ke had a bad premonition. He felt that he was in a situation similar to 2006 again. The world here looked different from the previous one.

"I'm going to make an emergency landing on the roof of that building, so hold on tight." Bob said.

Chen Ke saw the building Bob was talking about. It was a gray office building. It was estimated to have more than 50 floors. It was the closest and tallest building to them. The higher the building, the greater the impact of their forced landing. Small.

"Come on." Chen Ke said.

"Hoo ho ho," Bob sang.

The helicopter flew precariously towards the building. Bob tried to lower the altitude, but was afraid of stalling and falling. At this time, his 25 years of flying experience came into play. He was concentrated on it, holding the handle tightly with both hands, with an expression determined to win. .


Another person hit the helicopter, half of his head cracked on the windshield, and one leg hung on the top. As the propeller turned, blood flowed down the fuselage like a shower, covering most of the glass window. .

"It's bad luck, half of the body is still wrapped around the propeller." Chen Ke judged.

At zero hour, these people have no outlines, that is to say, they are all dead, and corpses are falling from the sky.

The helicopter plummeted downward for a while, and the propeller speed was getting lower and lower, and it had stalled. They were falling a bit fast, and even if they slid to the top of the building, they would just fall straight down.

Chen Ke opened the side door of the helicopter, snapped his fingers at the door frame, let the door fly out, and then grabbed the armrest above his head.

"I'm going to fall... Sit tight... If you're lucky, you'll only break your leg." Bob took a deep breath.

The engine of the helicopter's propeller had stalled and was only rotating by inertia. Fortunately, the roof of the building was right in front of them, but they were definitely going to hit it.

As Chen Ke thought, the helicopter's propeller suddenly stopped rotating. The blood sliding down on the glass window and the intestines swinging around also stopped moving. He paused the time of the helicopter.

"What...?" Bob didn't know what happened.

Chen Ke grabbed Bob with his left hand and hugged Shen Yun with his right hand, watching the helicopter fall in a parabola and hit the roof of the building.

Although the helicopter's time is suspended, it will still fall. After all, pausing objects with bare hands is targeted, and time bombs are regional time pauses. Chen Ke did not use time bombs to restrict the helicopter in the air, just because Bob and Shen Yun and the others will also be suspended, and Chen Ke can't fly, so staying in mid-air is of no use.

After the helicopter was paused, the inertia and shock it endured when it hit the roof of the building were also delayed. It wasn't until Chen Ke released the time pause effect that the helicopter's body slid to the edge along the cement rooftop, smashing along the way. Outdoor unit of central air conditioner.

He grabbed Bob and Shen Yun, jumped out of the open door with a whoop, rolled on the ground several times, and stopped only after hitting the pillar of the water tower.

The helicopter slid forward more than ten meters, crashed through the guardrail, and fell directly from the building. After getting out of Chen Ke's control, it was hit by the impact of the fall in mid-air and disintegrated.


A corpse fell about five meters away from Chen Ke and the others. It was a Risheng middle-aged man wearing a black suit. He fell to pieces, his arms and thighs flew out, and his whole body turned into a puddle of mud.

Chen Ke quickly got up, carried the two people who had fallen to pieces, and ran towards the roof passage. They were not out of danger yet. Bodies kept falling from the sky. Falling objects from such a height would be enough to hit them. .

He kicked open the iron door, threw Bob in first, and then ran inside with Shen Yun in his arms. Before running into the door, he looked up and saw a huge star similar to the earth, occupying most of the In the sky, a line of small words appeared in the field of vision: Familia.

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