This aura is deadly

Chapter 682 Internal Disputes

"The captain of the mobile team is repatriated, number 157."

Like a dreamless deep sleep, Li Weigang suddenly opened his eyes, the UI in the helmet was back online, and the release procedure began.

The sound of the mechanical wheel came into his ears, and his body, which was tied to the anti-impact inner pad and the fixing frame, suddenly felt relaxed. His eyes lit up, and the ceiling of the time diving department came into view.

He immediately sat up, turned over and jumped off the deep diving platform, wearing only a black tight combat jumpsuit.

"Report the situation! Where are the others?" Li Weigang shouted to the researchers who were fiddling with computing equipment around.

"Captain Li, personnel loss, KIA18." A white female researcher in her early 40s wearing a white coat answered.

"KIA? How is it possible?" Li Weigang was stunned for a moment. KIA is a military term for personnel killed in action.

"Except you, 412 and 321, no one else came back." The female researcher shook her head.

At this time, the other two armors were also passively opened, and a black man and a white man crawled out from inside.

"My leg... Shit, my leg is broken..." The black man cursed while checking his left calf.

"Don't get excited, your leg is still there." The white man said impatiently.

They got off the platform, stretched their muscles, and then looked at the others.

"No signs of life, no heat source detected." The female researcher looked at the electrocardiogram and various vital signs on the screen, but she suddenly realized something. She immediately ran to the operating table.

"Get my people out of it." Li Weigang said.

The female researcher tapped the keyboard a few times, and the other armor on the platform also began to execute the deactivation procedure. Mechanical sounds came one after another. The people who sneaked into the department all looked at the armor on the deep diving platform at the same time.

It was all empty inside.

"Where are the people? Could it be..." The female researcher frowned.

"Where did you take my people?" Li Weigang was furious and grabbed the female researcher's arm and asked.

"Captain, the repatriation failed. Your people were left in 2009-2 and are already dead." The female researcher explained.

"This is illogical! We don't exist in 2009-2 at all. It's just our projection over there!" Li Weigang said angrily.

"That's enough, Captain Li. She's right."

At this time, the electromagnetic door of the time infiltration department opened with a whoosh, and a woman walked in.

Li Weigang looked at Xu Jing with an unhappy face.

"Your people are trapped in 2009-2 by the clan. They can't come back." Xu Jing said.

"Clan? Why don't you think it was Chen Ke-2 who did it?" Li Weigang asked.

"We still need him. I told you before that there are many dangerous clans and gods in 2009-2. We have to let him use HCP0001 to eliminate the danger before we can carry out the containment operation." Xu Jing said.

"You actually expect a high-risk target to use HCP0001 to help you. He is a dangerous target, not a human, and not something worth communicating with. We have to control him, destroy him, and then find a controllable host for HCP001." Li Weigang said.

"He helped us kill Chen Ke-1." Xu Jing said.

"But you also promised to give him half a year, and look at what he did in just a few months? Who knows if you slept with him to gain his trust! Will the Foundation have to bargain for every containment target in the future?" Li Weigang accused.

Everyone else looked at Xu Jing at the same time, but Xu Jing didn't react.

"This is not bargaining, Li Weigang, this is a strategy, and I achieved my goal, you didn't, you failed, and you prevented your people from returning home." Xu Jing said.

"Don't tell me about this! If you had controlled Chen Ke-2 in the last operation, he would have stayed in containment station No. 52 now!" Li Weigang said angrily.

"It was not the Foundation's original intention to lock him up. He is the key to fighting the clan. How can you cooperate with an enemy?" Xu Jing asked.

"We don't need to cooperate with him. HCP0001 has changed hands many times in history. He is just a heartless freak." Li Weigang said.

"No matter what, you can't change the result of the operation's failure. You angered him. Now do you want to take more people to die, or leave the matter to me?" Xu Jing said.

"Well..." Li Weigang was speechless. The two team members behind him had not recovered from the fact that the team was killed.

"Look, we still have a chance. As long as you don't interfere again." Xu Jing said.

"Human problems should be solved by humans themselves. I don't want to leave the fate of mankind to those things. The threat level of Chen Ke-2 has exceeded expectations. I will report to the O5 Council. You know what they will do." Li Weigang said.

Xu Jing looked at his back as he left, and a trace of worry floated in his eyes. Li Weigang is a radical member of the Foundation. He doesn't like to use his brain. He is intoxicated by passionate and mindless battles and personal heroic intoxication.

Li Weigang will definitely exaggerate the seriousness of the matter in his report to the O5 Council. The situation of 2009-2 is indeed very dangerous, but it is not to be wiped out.

"Oh, let me guess, big boy, are you going to apply to the Foundation to erase and replace 2009-2? Just like 2006-2." Xu Jing said.

"I don't have this authority, but I and you should know that the purpose of the Foundation is to continue the existence of mankind at all costs. We don't have much time. Gods are transforming humans in every era. The Foundation replaces time and eliminates time. The purpose is to prevent human beings from becoming dependent on other things and to continue to exist independently!" Li Weigang said.

"Of course I know." Xu Jing said.

"I don't think you know clearly. This is not a special agent mission, Xu Jing. This is a competition between two groups. Don't use your logic to consider this kind of thing! There is no compromise or detour to save the country, only a head-on confrontation with the enemy! Monsters! They are just monsters, there are no gods at all. I hate the names given to these things by Western academic circles," Li Weigang said.

"You think about things too narrowly. There are many ways to achieve your goal." Xu Jing said.

"I want to use the most human way, not the year-end tricks. Chen Ke-2 is not a partner, not a friend, and is not even worthy of being used. He is just a monster who stole HCP0001, nothing more. When I find a way, I will go back and kill him. If he resurrects, I will kill him again and keep killing him until he cannot be resurrected."

"Then I wish you good luck." Xu Jing knew that the argument with Li Weigang was fruitless, so she stopped arguing.

At this time, the female researcher suddenly changed her expression. She looked at Xu Jing and Li Weigang and muttered some strange phrases.

"2006, the second time, green channel, typewriter, document upload."

Xu Jing and Li Weigang suddenly became nervous. The O5 Council asked them to go to the archives to report the situation.

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