This aura is deadly

Chapter 683 Two 2137

The streets of Kyoto were filled with monsters, but even so, the level of vigilance was much lowered. When Chiharu Ye disappeared, all the invisible monsters turned into entities, and the other reflection of the earth in the sky also disappeared.

The agents of the Sunrise Administration took to the streets and began to sweep away the monsters in the city. They might be able to kill them all in one night.

Chen Ke heard the roar of anti-aircraft guns, and the beams of artillery rushed into the sky. Some large monsters flying in the sky were blown apart from their flesh and blood, and fell from the clouds. Their flesh and blood hit the glass and roof of high-rise buildings. It looked quite spectacular. City cleaning units will surely have a headache for a long time.

I don’t know if there is such a thing in the sky of the United Federation of States. Before the people from the administration noticed the commotion on the street, Chen Ke left the street first. He found a random door on the street and entered the Dream Center.

What happened in Kyoto exceeded Chen Ke's expectations. He originally just wanted to find Shreli, but Qianharu Ye and the Foundation got involved. Everything was in a mess, and he got separated from Shen Yun. The whole thing The fragmentation made him feel sick, so he simply hid in the Dream Center and tried to figure out the clues to the matter.

It's been a long time since I've been to the Dream Center, and the scene here is still as boring as before. A beam of light penetrates from below the sea of ​​clouds on the floating island into the sky, surrounded by rolling light green clouds.

He walked into his dormitory from Kyoto, picked up the dark elf novel from the ground, and placed it on the table.

Chen Ke looked through the window and was surprised to see the huge white thing lying on the circular square outside. It also collapsed a stone pillar. Half of its body was hidden in the clouds under the floating island. He didn't know what it was. How high is it? When Chen Ke looked at it, the word "god" appeared in his eyes.

At this time, it was lying there, like a student who dozed off in class, with one arm resting on his head, one hand stretched out, poking at the black door in the center of the square with his finger, four of the seven eyes closed, There were three others who squinted their eyes and looked at them curiously.

Chen Ke pushed open the door, came down from the dormitory building, walked to the center of the square, and patted the big white thing's big finger angrily.

"Hey! Don't poke this thing!" Chen Ke shouted at him.

This is the first time he has faced a white object so close. This thing is obviously not so big in the foundation's underground base in the real world, but why can it grow bigger or smaller at will in 2009 and here?

The white thing tilted its head and looked at Chen Ke, took back his hand, rested his head on his arms, knocked his chin and shook his head, as if he was teasing Chen Ke.

This black door appeared here after a green holy diamond was opened. Chen Ke couldn't get in, but he could see through the black door that there were steps going down. Maybe a few more diamonds would be opened before he could get in.

He found a stone and sat down, face to face with the white thing. Now, it was time for the two of them to be alone. Chen Ke hoped that the thing would be willing to communicate with him, preferably to reveal something about 2137 and the real world.

"Okay, it's just the two of us now. No one can come in here. I have many things I want to ask you. Can you tell me the answer?" Chen Ke asked.

"Uh-huh." Baiwu nodded. It made no sound, but a mixed male and female voice appeared in Chen Ke's mind.

"Okay... then, let's start with this." Chen Ke stretched out his hand, and a black stone appeared in his palm.

"Hmm... um..." Bai Wu didn't know why, he hummed, his tone seemed to be a little disdainful.

Ever since the white object used the black gun, the black gun seemed to have been hollowed out and had no movement anymore, and some dark red lines appeared on the surface of the black stone.

"You can use it, why? What's wrong with it now?" Chen Ke asked.

Bai Wu narrowed his eyes, as if he was remembering something, and took a while before responding to Chen Ke.

"Gangnir is resting."

"Gangnir..." Chen Ke had heard of this name, Odin's weapon... When Blackstone communicated with him for the first time, he also said that he had been a weapon used by gods and human heroes.

"Have you known each other before?" Chen Ke asked.

"Odin, came to me and asked about some things." Baiwu responded.

"Are you the source of his wisdom?" Chen Ke asked.

In Norse mythology, Odin exchanged one of his eyeballs for the wisdom of the nine realms and became the king of gods.

"I lent him an eye to show him the end of humanity." Baiwu responded.

"I understand... the Ragnarok that Odin mentioned refers to the stranding of time in 2137?" Chen Ke said to himself.

All mythological systems in the world have mentioned a prehistoric flood and have also predicted the end of the world. Perhaps the flood does not necessarily refer to water. Isn't the phenomenon of time being stranded just like the tide?

"Tell me, which god transformed all mankind in 2137? Is it the white knight?" Chen Ke asked.

Bai Wu didn't seem to want to recall that incident. Tears actually flowed from his six eyes, and he buried his head in his arms and started to cry.

"... Damn, don't be embarrassed. You seem to have been beaten and cried. You are a god after all." Chen Ke sighed.

Baiwu refused to respond. It showed half of its face and opened its three eyes to look at Chen Ke.

Chen Ke walked up and touched its arm. The white arm felt slippery and felt a little disgusting. How to describe it, it felt like a thin layer of jelly on the outside and thick rubber on the inside. There are tiny invisible bumps all over, and it feels weird to the touch.

"You should know better than me that none of us actually exist. This is just a dream." Chen Kedao.

"Hmm..." Bai Wu responded.

"Why are you being used by the foundation? You are a god. They have no ability to kill gods. Moreover, you can also control time. There is no reason to be locked underground by them." Chen Ke asked curiously.

"Cooperative relationship." Bai Wu responded.

"This is quite rare...Are you and Gangnir the same type?" Chen Ke asked again.

He remembered that Black Stone said that he belonged to the old rulers, and those gods who wanted to turn humans into clans were from outside.

"No." Bai Wu shook his head.

"That's really interesting. You actually side with humans." Chen Ke shook his head.

Maybe, this white thing also wanted to turn humans into a family, but it couldn't defeat other gods, so it pretended to cooperate, right?

The giant white thing suddenly raised its body, hugged its chest, and turned around, as if it could read Chen Ke's thoughts. It was angry at Chen Ke's inference just now.

"Hey... I still have questions to ask." Chen Ke shouted.

But the white thing didn't look back and was still angry.

"Don't be angry, my friend. Don't be like this. I just made a random analysis. Everyone knows that my analysis is nonsense. Don't take it seriously." Chen Ke advised.

Baiwu looked back at it slightly.

"You also want to return to the real world, right? Anyway, I don't want to just disappear in my dream. We are on the same boat." Chen Kedao.

Bai Wu pinched his chin, as if thinking.

"We have to cooperate to find other ways to break the situation. I neither want to restart the world, nor do I want to sleep here forever, but I also know that with the level of this world... there is no chance of waiting until 2137..." Chen Ke spread his hands.

Baiwu turned around and lay down on the edge of the square again. It opened its six eyes and looked at Chen Ke carefully.

"Look, I have the ability to travel through time, but I can't travel through time at will, so I can't know many things. Since you can let Odin see the future, can you tell me about this restart of 2137? , what is the situation now?" Chen Kedao.

Bai Wu shook his head.

"Fuck, why?" Chen Ke asked.

"There are two 2137s, and they have closed themselves off." Bai Wu responded.

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