This aura is deadly

Chapter 715 Arrival

The company's killers were dead all over the place, and Diana and Shrily took care of them. Now, Oliveira is also dead, and everything is over for the time being. What happened just now took less than half a second for Li Moyang.

He saw Parker helping Lucina walk out of the woods, Shrili sitting on the magical sofa she had transformed, Diana holding her waist, talking to Chen Ke, who was getting dressed.

"Get up, young master, how long are you going to kneel on the ground?" Lucina walked to Li Moyang and pulled him up. Although Lucina also had many wounds on her body, as she said, her own blood was thick, so these wounds were not considered. Nothing.

Chen Ke greeted Lucina and nodded to Li Moyang. Lucina ran to him and hugged him tightly. She put her hand into Chen Ke's clothes and rubbed it, like a coquettish wild cat.

"Why do you always get beaten up?" Chen Ke wiped the blood stains on Lucina's face and looked at the bloody scab on her shoulder.

"Maybe it's because the muscles on her body are too hateful." Shreli sat aside and looked at Lucina coldly, a little unhappy.

"It's people from the company. They really crossed the line this time." Li Moyang patted the dust on his body.

"I know that Oliveira was either blinded by her anger, or was forced to do nothing by something more powerful, otherwise the company would not have been so hasty." Chen Kedao.

"No matter what, she is dead. We can clean up for a while." Li Moyang said, looking at Oliveira's withered bones in the distance.

"It's not that simple. She is not the only witch in the company. I also met someone who can play with electricity in Risheng." Chen Ke said.

"Witch... Counting Diana and Shrily, I have met three witches this month." Li Moyang shook his head.

"We will meet more people later. Now is not the time to relax. Why don't you put on your armor?" Chen Ke asked.

"He wore it, but it was torn down." Lucina looked up and said.

"That's just part of the armor. I dismantled the MK-2 so that it can be moved easily." Li Moyang sighed.

move place? Chen Ke was puzzled.

Seeing his confused look, Li Moyang told him about the foundation.

"They came to me and turned into you. They brought the company." Li Moyang explained.

"Aren't you their founder? Why do they want to kill you?" Chen Ke was puzzled.

"No, they probably wanted to induce this situation and then force me to change my mind, but you are here. It's as simple as that. I don't know if they know you are here." Li Moyang spread his hands.

Shreli walked up to Chen Ke at this time, put a hand on his shoulder, and said with a smile: "They'd better know, because then they won't come to die."

"Ms. Shrili, don't underestimate the foundation...the company is not on the same level as them." Li Moyang said.

"There is nothing we can't kill. I am a witch who has even killed demons and angels." Shrili said proudly.

While Shrili was bragging, Diana began to check Lucina's physical condition. Most of the blood on her body belonged to others, but her shoulder was dislocated and there was a scary gash on her right upper arm.

"Little Tiger, come on, let's go to a nearby house to find a medical kit and bandage you." Diana said.

"Don't bother..." Chen Ke shook his head.

Lucina knew what Chen Ke meant. Oliveira was dead and the fate of the witch had befallen her.

Chen Ke held Lucina's hand. He didn't speak, but his eyes conveyed all the information that needed to be conveyed. He waited for Lucina to make a decision.

He didn't want to force anyone to become a witch, and he didn't want to convince people he didn't trust to help him. He decided to do it himself and couldn't go back on it.

"This way I can follow you forever." Lucina smiled, she nodded slightly and waited for Chen Ke.

"Uh... I think we need to interrupt the canonization ceremony of Knight Lucina... What do you see in the sky...?" At this time, Diana suddenly shook Chen Ke's arm.

Everyone looked up to the sky and saw five figures hanging in the air under the bright moon. They were watching everything below.

The five people slowly floated down. They were wearing black suits and their faces were covered with black cloth. They walked in a very solemn and hesitant manner. The five people were both men and women, and they looked very stylish.

"Who are you?" Chen Ke asked.

"We are O5." The five people said together.

"O5? What do you mean?" Chen Ke didn't understand.

"You don't need to understand, Mr. Chen Ke, you have destroyed the order of time, stopped things that should have happened, and allowed things that should not have happened to continue to happen... Our Supreme Council has made a decision on your behavior, You will be executed, and this time and space will become the past. All five votes passed." The five people said together.

"What if I refuse?" Chen Ke asked.

"We won't take action here, but the time left for you is very limited. At the same time, Li Moyang must follow us." The five said.

"Wait a minute...which foundation are you from?" Chen Ke understood.

"Which one? Only one." Five people corrected.

"No, I've seen two, maybe there are more. Lin Yayin or Xu Jing?" Chen Ke asked.

"..." The five people were silent, as if thinking.

"The old days are gone, and mankind is eternal. Mr. Chen Ke, live your life well every day, and wait for the end of the world in person, Li Moyang... We will see you in the future." The five people said.

"Wait a minute!" Chen Ke ran towards them, but the five people no longer existed.

Those five people are definitely from Lin Yayin's foundation. It seems that what they have done has completely blocked their founder's plan, so they have to show up...

"What will happen to me?" Li Moyang looked at Chen Ke worriedly.

He knew that the reason why the other party did not take him away now was because for the Foundation, time was infinite and they could change his experience at any time in the future or in the past.

"They won't succeed, you come with me." Chen Ke was not so anxious.

He just wanted to find a chance to visit 2137. As for Li Moyang's matter, as long as he also became a time transcender, the foundation could not take action against him at other times.

Several people walked to the nearest villa. Chen Kela opened the door and connected to the Dream Center, which is the end of time and the place closest to reality.

Li Moyang didn't know what was going on inside the door, but he understood that he had no choice now. If he had been providing shelter to Chen Ke before, then now it was the other way around.

Li Moyang took another look at the sky outside. The pale moon looked like an unspeakable future.

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