This aura is deadly

Chapter 716: Guided Anger

The school dormitory of Fantasy Center.

Everyone was sitting around, while Lucina and Chen Ke stood in the middle of the dormitory. They all knew what would happen later.

"Hurry up Chen Ke, my shoulder hurts so much." Lucina leaned into Chen Ke's arms, breathing a little quickly.

Chen Ke held Lucina's hand and passed on the inheritance of the Furious Witch to Lucina.

A ray of green magic light flickered in Lucina's left heart, and then flowed down her forearm to her body. Lucina hummed, looked up at Chen Ke, her pupils were shining with emerald green light.

Chen Ke could feel something surging inside Lucina's body. The surface of her muscles were contracting and expanding repeatedly, and sweat was pouring out like a wet towel being wrung out.

"Fuck..." Lucina pushed Chen Ke away, bent over and hesitated on the ground, her breathing getting heavier and her voice getting deeper and deeper.

Seeing her like this, the people next to her became a little worried.

"Are you sure this is normal?" Li Moyang stood up and took a few steps back. He was sitting closest to Lucina.

"I've had two does hurt..." Chen Ke made a don't panic gesture.

Lucina's body made a rattling sound, as if her bones were being rejoined. The muscles in her arms were one size larger and covered with green magic light patterns, making her look like a demon. What was even more terrifying was that her growling was audible. Get very angry.

"Lucina? Little tiger...? How do you feel?" Diana tried to communicate with Lucina on the side.

Lucina ignored her, lying on her stomach on the ground, clenching her fists, sweat soaking her vest and forming a small pool under her body. The wounds on her body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, her muscles became thicker, and her skin became smoother. Her whole body seemed to be oiled, like a sculpture of an ancient Greek heroine.

When she raised her head and scanned the people around her with her green eyes, there was no "human" part in her eyes.

"I guess she has lost her mind... Chen Ke, you should consider changing your girlfriend..." Seeing Lucina's appearance, Shreli instinctively took a few steps back and put up a shield in front of her.

"Little quiet...little tiger." Diana walked into Lucina, squatted next to her, and gently touched her shoulder.

Lucina smelled her hand, her expression calming.

"Look...I said..." Diana looked at Chen Ke.

At this moment, Lucina grabbed Diana's neck with one hand.

"Uh..." Diana felt like her throat was about to burst. She grabbed Lucina's arm, trying to wake her up.

The next second, Lucina threw Diana out of the window. Diana was like a cannonball, flying out of the window. Lucina raised her head and screamed, and the glass products in the room were shattered.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!" Lucina roared crazily, with tears in her eyes. After taking a look at Chen Ke, she also jumped out of the window.

Li Moyang's eardrums were about to bleed. He squatted on the ground with a depressed look on his face. Slaili clamped a headset on her head. When Lucina jumped out of the room, she immediately said: "Chen Ke, she is crazy, Furious Witch The power turns people into beasts!”

" was that power that released the anger and sadness that had been hidden in her heart for a long time." Chen Ke shook his head.

Parker had long since turned into a pile of ashes and spread out on the ground. He didn't want to be blasted by the Furious Witch. At this time, he turned into a human again and looked at Chen Ke with questions in his eyes.

"You'd better let her calm down. We don't want to be killed by her, nor do we want to kill her." Li Moyang said.

Chen Ke nodded, his eyes glowed red, he turned into a demon posture, and then he jumped out of the window.

Diana flew in the air for a while, and a big hand caught her. The huge white left hand gently placed Diana on the ground. Then, Lucina rushed over and was about to punch Diana.

Baiwu made a fist with his right hand and punched Lucina.

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't!" Diana waved her hands towards Baiwu, but it was too late, and her big fist directly pressed on Lucina's body.

Baiwu tilted his head and looked under his fist, and saw Lucina holding his fist with both hands, kneeling on one knee, wrestling with it. Baiwu also became interested. He narrowed his eyes and wanted to drive Lucina into a scumbag. He kept using his fists hard, but it did not stop Lucina from slowly standing up.

Lucina grabbed Baiwu's fist, her arms tensed, her feet pressed against the ground, the green magic lines on her body shone with dazzling luster, and she was trying to pull Baiwu up from the edge of the cliff.

Baiwu's body moved. It was a little panicked and quickly raised its hand, trying to throw Lucina off the cliff.

At this time, a black figure flashed, and the demon-like Chen Ke jumped up and picked up Lucina from Bai Wu's wrist, then landed with a bang and pressed her to the ground.

"Wake up." Chen Ke said to Lucina.

Lucina grabbed the horn on Majin Chen Ke's forehead.

" hurts..." Chen Ke let go of Lucina and tilted his head, as if she had grabbed his ear.

Lucina hugged Chen Ke's waist, threw her over her shoulder with a sudden force, and threw Chen Ke aside. At this time, a purple magic cage fell from the sky, covering her inside with a bang.

Shreli floated down from the air, her hands flashing with purple magic light, and several automatic rifles suspended above her head.

Diana stood below and said to Lucina: "Put the gun away!"

"I can't let her hurt Chen Ke unless she stops making trouble." Shrili refused.

Lucina clenched her hands tightly on the iron bars of the cage and roared. The muscles in her arms were like iron blocks, and the magic of the cage trembled between reality and reality.

Shrili's face was ugly. She felt a lot of pressure and fell from the air. All her strength was used to maintain the stability of the cage.

Diana is outside the cage, still trying to wake Lucina up.

"Little tiger! Don't be controlled by this power, but control this power!" Diana said urgently.

Lucina bent the bars of the cage and stretched out a hand.

Diana took a deep breath, hesitated for a moment, and held her hand. The next second, she was pulled by a strong force.

With a bang, Diana's face hit the cage, and her entire left arm was pulled into the cage by Lucina. The forearm was bruised by her hands.

" are so energetic..." Diana was in pain, the red magic lines on her arms were passively activated, and her eyes burst into flames, but she resisted the urge and still comforted her.

"We can't spend the whole day with her here! Not here, not outside!" Shrili said painfully.

"What do you want to do?" Diana asked.

"It's time to make a decision! She failed!" Shreli shouted.

At this time, Demon Chen Ke ran over.

"Chen Ke! What should we do?! We can't abandon her yet!" Diana looked back at Chen Ke.

"She's right, it's time to make a decision." Demon Chen Ke said.

His body swelled twice as much as before, becoming even burlier and taller, reaching 2 meters in height. Bloody red stripes appeared on his black iron-like muscles. Chen Ke winked at Shreli, who gritted his teeth and withdrew. Magic iron cage.

Lucina let go of Diana and immediately rushed towards Chen Ke. Her whole body was covered with green magic lines, and the magic power was about to overflow from her body.

Chen Ke ran towards Lucina without dodging, pinched her arms, pressed her to the ground, and kissed her on the mouth.

Lucina's eyes widened and she struggled twice, but her body soon softened. Her sad and angry eyes slowly changed, the green halo in her pupils gradually faded, the magic lines slowly penetrated into her skin, and the trapped fists also disappeared. Slowly stretch it out and open it softly.

"Oh... come on..." Diana hugged her left arm, sat aside and sighed.

Shreli was lying on the ground, the expression on her face was unpleasant.

Lucina closed her eyes and felt the kiss seriously. When she opened her eyes again, she had calmed down from her extremely angry state.

Seeing that Lucina returned to normal, Demon Chen Ke slowly stood up and stared at her face.

The four of them were silent for a moment,

Lucina was lying on the ground, her hair disheveled, and she licked her lips with her tongue. She stared at Chen Ke's demonic appearance for a while, and then said:

"Follow me like this from now on..."

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