This aura is deadly

Chapter 717 Two months of leisure

Two months later…

The Hollyoaks incident subsided, officials closed down the casualty count, and the county police and FBI began to kick the ball. News reports pointed out that the city passed the incident to the Psychic Administration, as if all mass murders in the United States were It can be explained by "the monster ran out".

But this matter is not under the management of the Management Bureau. The upper management of the Opportunity City Management Bureau is also in a mess right now, so the Management Bureau has not yet come up with an explanation. When the fire department and the medical department were carrying out the aftermath work, all the information found at the scene was unknown. Classified as a state secret.

At the official press conference, Opportunity City Market claimed that the casualties in this incident were not serious because no one lived in the area affected by the monster, and only a few villas were lost.

When a reporter asked a question about the crash of two helicopters that day, the mayor explained that they were National Security Guard helicopters. The pilot was frightened by the monster and caused the crash due to improper operation in the panic. Fortunately, the crew members Only suffered minor injuries.

In order to make this lie more credible, the official even brought in six lower-level soldiers of the National Guard to hold a commendation speech a week later.

Chen Ke turned off the TV and lay on the big bed in the hotel, staring at the chandelier on the ceiling in a daze. After autumn, the temperature was a bit dry and cold, and the wind blew into the room from the terrace door. Lucina, Diana, Shreli, and Parker were chatting with each other. A few bodyguards were grilling meat outside.

After Lucina became a witch, Chen Ke returned to the 1989 Great Void for a period of time. On the one hand, he accumulated more souls and increased his time limit, and on the other hand, he wanted to familiarize her with her power as soon as possible.

These three witches have very different personalities. Chen Ke has led them to farm souls in the Great Void for so long. Even now, they have not really formed a close team.

Lucina is his girlfriend, so she will stand by him unconditionally in many matters, but the disadvantage is that she is impulsive and irritable, and after stimulating strength, she will rush out first at all costs...

Shreli has an arrogant personality. Because she has received an aristocratic higher education, her words and expressions always reveal a hint of disdain and contempt for the other two girls. And because she also likes herself, her relationship with Lucina has always been cold. They are all restraining themselves...

Diana is the most rational one among them. Her feelings for Chen Ke are limited to repaying the favor of saving her life. Diana has her own choices and positions, but she is willing to put them aside temporarily and do things against her own wishes.

Chen Ke has already seen what the relationship between the three of them is like. Because there is no emotional conflict and they have been together for a longer time, Lucina and Diana's relationship is already very close, as evidenced by the nickname Little Tiger.

But Shreli always behaved arrogantly, and occasionally made sarcastic remarks in her words. She only became normal when talking to Li Moyang and Chen Ke, which led to conflicts between Shreli and the other two witches. The relationship is very cold. Perhaps this is the antagonism between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.

Chen Ke also analyzed and compared the hard power and soft power of the three witches from the recent process of soul refreshing.

Hard power refers to the strength of abilities of different types of witches, while soft power refers to the strength of the three girls themselves. After a comprehensive evaluation, Chen Ke has a good idea of ​​who to take the lead when and under what circumstances.

To be honest, Lucina is the bottom of the witch team, and the Fury Witch's abilities are not outstanding.

Although the Furious Witch's strength, speed, physical defense, and rapid regeneration are very strong, it can be seen from Oliveira's battle that she is scared to death of injuries from other elements, and she lacks containment and long-range attacks. With her methods, coupled with Lucina's impulsive character, she could easily fall into a situation of being besieged, and then be mauled to death by the enemy during the siege.

To put it simply, the Raging Witch is a low-end version of Superman who cannot fly. Of course, the one in the comics, not the drug-killing Superman in this world...

Theoretically, the strongest one should be Shreli. The ability to create witches is really unexplainable. As long as you have an idea and can change whatever you want, the striking distance and range can basically be done as you wish, not just in combat, but also in daily life. This ability is very useful in life.

But Shreli herself is like a chainless existence. Her mental strength is not strong, and sometimes she even runs away because of fear. This makes her unable to withstand the pressure in adversity and greatly reduces the magic power of illusion.

So Shreli is not much better than Lucina. On the contrary, Lucina's perseverance and mental strength will make her more effective in adversity.

If we really want to say it, Diana is the true captain and the most powerful combatant in the witch team. She is an agent of the Administration. She can calmly analyze any psychic events and monsters and use her own experience. At the same time, she He has excellent HEMA swordsmanship, hand-to-hand combat, automatic rifle and pistol shooting abilities, and his every move is better than those two majors.

Diana's fire magic power is not weak in terms of output, but this ability is too single and can easily be restrained by opposite attributes, or the magic power will lose its effectiveness unilaterally when facing special monsters.

Lucina is low in both her own abilities and her witch abilities, Shreli is poor in herself but paired with an awesome witch ability, and Diana is super strong in herself but paired with a medium and extremely easily limited ability.

If given a second chance, Chen Ke might reconsider the distribution of the witch's power, but reality is not a game. There is no way to wash points, and it is impossible to delete the account and reconnect. Life is always imperfect.

Parker yelled into the house, asking Chen Ke to come out to join the barbecue party. Chen Ke ran out and saw several bodyguards sitting on several boxes of beer chatting.

Li Moyang was not among them. After the Holy Oak attack, Li Moyang realized that they could not live in a fixed place, so they rented many apartments throughout the Opportunity City. With Chen Ke's Dream Center, they could teleport to any place at will. room.

Now, he was analyzing the composition data of H.C.P armor in his apartment. For two whole months, he was immersed in it and could not extricate himself. He rarely contacted Chen Ke.

In order to no longer be tracked by the company, Li Moyang also prepared a new mobile phone and number for everyone, and forged a new identity. Chen Ke finally used an iPhone 3G and no longer had to worry about phone bills.

The barbecue party on the terrace was very lively. Diana was talking to Parker, and Lucina was arm-wrestling with a few bodyguards. It seemed that they would soon have a new nickname...

At this time, Li Moyang suddenly called Chen Ke. He walked to a place with few people and answered the phone. The other party mysteriously told Chen Ke that there was a piece of information about the company.

"I know you are looking for some kind of holy diamond, and one is in the hands of the organization behind Oliveira. You see, I have a reliable source of information that may be able to help." Li Moyang said.

"Oh? That would be great, tell me." Chen Kedao.

"Call them and meet at my place." Li Moyang was very cautious.

Chen Ke looked back and decided to go there later.

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