This aura is deadly

Chapter 723 Former President

The concert outside was still going on. Chen Ke and Shreli blended into the crowd. The searchlights on the city wall illuminated the small square. Whitney Houston was singing hard on the stage.

I wonder if Whitney knew who she was performing for? Chen Ke had never heard of her song, so he didn't know what she was singing now, but Shreli hummed along.

There is a saying that no matter what industry you are in, as long as you reach the top and become one of the top few people, you will be contacted by some organizations and forces that go beyond pure capital.

This may sound like a conspiracy theory, but the United States is indeed a country built on conspiracy. Who knows?

The first goal is tantamount to throwing yourself into a trap. Fortunately, it was handled properly and it can be considered a quick victory. There are five more left.

The gate to the port is closed. Almost all the members of the parliament participating in the meeting tonight are here. It seems that no one can leave before the things here are finished.

Not everyone likes to watch the show. Chen Ke and Shreli came to the bar counter of the bar. It was far away from the crowd and there was a bathroom nearby. Shreli's magic power had a limited battery life, so they had to keep moving and hiding. Repeat this to give her time to rest.

An old man with gray hair was drinking alone. He was holding a cigar in his left hand and pouring XO into his mouth with his right hand. When he saw two people walking in front of the bar, he greeted them friendly and proactively.

Chen Ke and Shreli looked at each other. It seemed that this bar was really their lucky place. The second target was so easily encountered by them in the same place.

"There have been a lot of young people here recently. It seems that they are constantly absorbing new energy." The old man said with a smile.

Slaili didn't know if he was Kissinger, so she couldn't determine his identity just because he had a cigar in his hand, right? And the old people all have white hair...this cannot be used as an identification mark.

Chen Ke was not sure, but from his perspective, the other party was indeed a professional. He looked very kind and not as cunning as those old politicians on TV.

Kissinger was the president of the United States, but it was probably in the 1970s and 1980s or earlier, and Slali was probably not born yet.

"Hey, old handsome guy." Chen Ke also greeted him.

"It feels good to see some young faces here. Are you two husband and wife?" the old man asked.

"So, she's unmarried, but I'm sure of her." Slaili put her right hand on Chen Ke's back, rubbed it intimately, and rested her chin near his forehead.

"I can regret it at any time," Chen Ke said.

"Hehehehe... In our time, unmarried candidate members had to get married before they could join the organization. Their recruitment standards have been lowered, or are you really better than your peers?" The old man seemed to be testing. .

"I think it's both." Chen Ke smiled.

"Your fiancée reacts very quickly. It doesn't matter what business you are in, but you must be wary of her." The old man said with a smile.

Shrili didn't know how to answer the question and smiled stiffly.

"Why don't you go to the concert and drink here with an old man like me? I thought young people would like those things very much." The old man said again.

"Excuse me...I seem to have seen you somewhere?" Shreli said with an idea.

"Humph, you must have remembered it wrong. I am just a rough old man." The old man smiled mockingly.

"You seem to be...President Kissinger?" Chen Ke singled out in his speech at this time.

The old man drank a glass of wine and asked the bartender to refill himself. He swung the glass and looked at Chen Ke, his pupils shining brightly.

"You are either crazy or stupid. No one dares to recognize me in the Divine Will Conclave." Kissinger smiled, but his tone was ruthless.

Chen Ke didn't feel murderous intent, Kissinger was just pretending, and he was smelling of alcohol now. I'm afraid if there was a fight, he might not be able to tell what kind of situation he was in.

"Is there such a theory?" Shrili didn't believe it.

"It seems you are really new here." Kissinger laughed and let out a long breath.

The atmosphere relaxed, and Kissinger started chatting with Chen Ke and others like a lonely old man who had been holding back a lot of words and had no one to talk to.

Kissinger first talked about his past experience. From 1961 to 1963, he was the president of the United States.

At that time, Su Luo and the United Federation of States were engaged in a cold war, and the people on both sides were under psychic deterrence. At that time, both countries prohibited residents of the other country from entering their own territories, mainly because of the psychic detection technology at that time. Immature, unable to distinguish Superman from the crowd. Even if they were identified, there was no foolproof counter-strategy given the conditions at the time, and it was impossible to station a superman at every airport and transportation station in the country.

The confrontation between countries has nothing to do with pure personal will. The president is just a projection of the will of the country's main force and an agent of unspeakable power.

At that time, the potential of psychic energy had just been discovered by humans, and there was rapid development in the civilian field. Many infectious diseases and cancers that were previously difficult to conquer were overcome by various secret skills and medicinal materials containing the entrails of psychic monsters.

Humanity itself is also exploring the various possibilities of spiritual energy for racial evolution.

In the 1960s, the two most powerful countries in the world, Su Luo and the United Federation of States, should have joined forces to push mankind to a new horizon.

However, because of their different systems and ideologies, the two countries chose to oppose each other.

All newly discovered technologies must be given priority for military use, exploration of the universe, and research on human possibilities. Funding applications for these projects have been rejected by Congress on the grounds that they "do not want to waste funds."

While the two countries were developing Superman armaments, they also encouraged neighboring countries to establish regional alliances. At that time, Superman was also the most popular comic hero image in the entire United States.

"What was the Scarlet Phoenix Republic doing at that time...?" Chen Ke suddenly asked.

This question caused Kissinger's brain to shut down for an instant. He held his chin and thought hard, as if he was lost in the library of memory.

"I remembered..." He took a sip of wine and said suddenly.

At that time, the United Federation of States and Su Luo focused all their attention on each other and invested all their money and manpower in the project of cultivating supermen. Many civilian products, light industrial products, and heavy industrial projects were outsourced to Southeast Asian countries. .

"If I tell you that every United States Federation and Suroite has worn a T-shirt made by the Scarlet Phoenix Republic, you will probably know what the Scarlet Phoenix Republic was doing back then." Kissinger said.

They are working with children in Southeast Asia to make money from two super giants.

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