This aura is deadly

Chapter 724 Lao Se Piao

From his words, Chen Ke could tell that Kissinger was an old American, even though the name of the United States here is the United States... In his heart, he didn't think much of the countries in Southeast Asia, even though the Scarlet Phoenix Republic has now He still despises the development.

At the same time, the Cold War mentality has taken root in his mind for a long time. Even though Su Luo is no longer fighting against the United Federation of States, he still hates this country very much.

Chen Ke also realized that Su Luo did not disintegrate from the main level of the country like the Soviet Union in his world. In 1989, Su Luo consumed a large amount of resources in the psychic arms race with the United States Federation, leading to a series of social problems.

In the League of Nations led by Sueros, many small countries successively broke away from its control, causing the social structure of Sueros' planned economic system to suffer serious setbacks, without the supply and support of these swing countries in light industry, agriculture, handicrafts and other industries. The social economy of Suluo, which focused on military industry and heavy industry, quickly collapsed. Coupled with the Western Alliance's sanctions and blockade of a series of economic fields in Suluo, Suluo soon became an empty steel tank, but no oil. A country without bicycles.

Without the support of strong national power, the number of Su Luo's supermen also dropped sharply, and they lost the capital to compete with the United Federation of States. In the end, the country's upper leadership circle collapsed, and after a series of self-shuffles, the new The regime emerged, the social system was reformed after imitating Western countries, and almost all state-owned capital was taken into the hands of a few oligarchs with nothing but white sheep. Sulo became what it once fought against.

Even so, Western society cannot accept such a big country. However, Su Luo has no intention to separate itself. The gap between them and the Western world still exists. Although it no longer poses a fatal threat, the confrontation still continues.

However, during the Cold War, another Eastern country gradually grew up and was slowly replacing Su Luo's position during the Cold War.

However, the hatred for the red camp has penetrated into Kissinger's bones. Even today, Kissinger still views the world with a Cold War mentality.

"Tell me, what do you most want to gain by joining this organization?" Kissinger looked at Slaili and Chen Ke and said meaningfully.

"I don't understand what you mean." Slyli said.

"The only people in charge of the Divine Providence Mystical Society are the top few people, and down to the high priests, including me. Look, I was already 50 or 60 years old when I became president in the 1960s. What do you think I am? Survive to this day?" Kissinger seemed to be suggesting.

"Are you immortal?" Chen Ke asked tentatively.

"It's about the same," Kissinger said.

"About?" Chen Ke asked.

"As long as I can continue to stay here, I have a way to maintain this state. In other words..." Kissinger smiled.

Chen Ke understood that Kissinger joined the Divine Will Secret Society just because he could get a way to extend his life. How passionate he was about the goals of the Divine Will Secret Society itself was another matter.

Seeing that Chen Ke and Shreli were silent, Kissinger took a sip of wine and then said: "Young people don't need to be so reserved. I have lived for so long, and finally I discovered that the more people want face, the more they have to do anything. Less than.”

"He and I want eternal youth..." Chen Kedao said.

"This is just right. As long as you listen to me, you will get what you want." Kissinger said with satisfaction.

"With all due respect, old man, this island is full of rich and powerful people. Not only you, the former president, but also the current president, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and the boss behind the capital investment bank... everyone has their own purposes. If you join this organization, why should we believe that you have this ability?" Shreli was a little unconvinced.

"It's normal for you to have these doubts. But what I want to say is that no matter what organization there is, no matter what your status is outside, at least on this island, you and most of the people are below me. ." Kissinger said.

"So, Mr. Former President, what do you want?" Chen Ke asked.

Kissinger put down the cup, tilted his head and said, "If you are smart enough, come to me in the innermost room of the VIP lounge." After saying that, he walked into the crowd, and Shreli and Chen Ke looked at each other.

"You should remember that he is also a target, right?" Shreli asked.

"Of course I know." Chen Ke said while looking at the bartender far away from the bar, who was cleaning glasses.

"He seems to want us to do something for him, but it might be a trap." Shreli said.

"Do you think he has seen through us?" Chen Ke asked.

"I don't think so. He's just a conceited old man." Shreli shook her head.

"Anyway, he's dead. Let's go find him now. No matter what he says, we'll kill him when he finishes." Chen Ke stood up as he spoke.

"What kind of accident are you planning to arrange this time?" Shrili asked.

"You won't know until you go see it...but don't be like the last one..." Chen Ke said.

The two walked through the crowd again and headed to the VIP rest area. After Whitney Houston finished singing a song, the crowd in the audience applauded politely. No one screamed. There may not be any Whitney fans in this group.

Before looking for Kissinger, Slaili took a short rest in the bathroom, so when they found Kissinger in the innermost room of the VIP lounge, the other party complained a little.

Next door to this room is the room where Chen Ke and Shi Laili crushed Wu Guang to death. His body was curled up on the bed at this time. The door was locked well and no one found it yet.

"It seems that you have been struggling for a while, but I understand. After all, taking sides is something that needs to be carefully considered." Kissinger sat on the sofa, the cigar in his hand, and the room was already filled with the smoke from his smoking.

"I thought there would be a bunch of bodyguards in the house." Chen Ke laughed.

"What international joke are you kidding? I don't need a bodyguard." Kissinger knocked his cigar against the edge of the ashtray a few times and continued to smoke.

Although professionals can also be killed, if they are prepared, it is not so easy to kill. Kissinger's special ability is to turn into water. Perhaps he has used this ability to escape many dangers.

The two stood in front of Kissinger, thinking about how to kill Kissinger. There was nothing available in this VIP room.

"Then, before I tell you something, you should show your loyalty." Kissinger smiled.

"Oh? What do you want us to do?" Chen Ke asked.

"Please ask your fiancée to leave for a moment while you take off your clothes." Kissinger ordered.

The two fell silent for a moment.

"Mr. Kissinger, she is my fiancée." Slaili emphasized.

"She is a woman, and she is a smart woman, but no matter what, women are just playthings. Do you want the chance of eternal life and want me to be your protector in the Divine Will Mystery Society? Then you'd better be obedient." Kissinger laughed. road.

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