This aura is deadly

Chapter 730 Killing someone with a borrowed knife

Chen Ke wasn't that surprised. Regardless of whether it was a trap or not, he had to face the Divine Will Secret Society. If there was only one person he didn't want to offend, it was the God of Thunder.

Gods cannot be killed. In fact, humans have not found a way to fight against gods until their demise. Otherwise, the foundation in the real world would not be so desperate.

Chen Ke's abacus is actually quite simple. He just wants to sneak the sacred diamonds in the hands of the Divine Will Secret Society from under the eyes of Thor. When he collects all six diamonds and gathers six witches, things will definitely turn around.

Although he doesn't know what the text message sent by Ling Yuhen actually means, Chen Ke doesn't dare to call it so easily. Moreover, as far as the current form is concerned, the entire island has not changed much. The three dead professionals are still there. Not found...

"What did the woman send again?" Shreli asked curiously.

"It's not a good thing. I just said it might be a trap." Chen Ke shook his head.

"Then shall we continue?" Shrili asked.

"Of course, we have to do this. You also heard that they are preparing to display a diamond. Maybe it is the one I want. So now I want to take a look." Chen Kedao.

"Are you not going to deal with the remaining three targets? I also have the same idea. There is no need for us to help her in the first place." Shrili said.

"Let's go take a look at the diamond for exhibition first..." Chen Kedao.

"Then you robbed and ran away?" Slyli asked.

"Slud must die too... We need six witches after all." Chen Ke reminded.

"Okay." Shreli shrugged.

After going down to the second floor, the security department's lines had been set up. A cleaner was talking to two guards. Chen Ke recognized the cleaner as the one he had sent away before.

When things seemed to be revealed, he raised his head and looked at the ceiling. Jiennening's body was still lying in that room.

The middle-aged man in charge of the exhibition was still busy, staring at the camera on his laptop. At the same time, a dark-skinned woman came over. She walked past Chen Ke and Shreli very angrily and went straight to Go to the security chief.

"Pasos, where is Jenenin?" the woman asked.

"Well, Ms. Jiennening and a cleaner went to the third floor." The security chief didn't hide it either.

"This slut is still thinking about that kind of thing!" The black woman sighed. Without saying a word, she turned around and walked upstairs.

Chen Ke saw a golden outline on her body. If he guessed correctly, this should be the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Sandilea.

But they couldn't move her now. Chen Ke and the others went to the first floor and came to the hall in the center of the Acropolis, which was decorated into a very luxurious art exhibition room.

The exhibition room is relatively dark, surrounded by blue low-brightness dark lights, combined with the dry ice spray sprayed on the floor, making the environment of the entire hall become dreamlike.

In the hall, there are many rectangular glass cabinets neatly placed, decorated with small white lights to illuminate the exhibits. The display and arrangement of these small cabinets reminded Chen Ke of the underground alien object containment center of the Psychic Research Institute.

They walked around and observed the exhibits with others. What was on display here was not antique oil paintings, but bloody heads and severed hands...

These heads are the heads of some unspeakable monsters. They are dead, otherwise Chen Ke might still be able to see something. I don’t know what method the gods used to deal with these heads. It was as if they had just been cut off from the body, and they still maintained a painful expression. The coagulated blood formed a black scar on the cross section of the neck.

Most of those severed hands were monsters, and a few had various human beings. Chen Ke could tell that the owners of these severed hands must have been very prominent during their lives, because they all wore gorgeous rings on their fingers, and some even The power of magic still remains.

"If you guessed it correctly, these are the trophies of Thor. He defeated many people, then chopped off their heads and hands and displayed them in this room." Chen Kedao.

"Intimidation or showing off?" Shreli smiled.

"Both." Chen Ke said.

"Look..." Shrili suddenly stopped smiling. She grabbed Chen Ke's wrist and nodded towards a certain exhibition cabinet.

Chen Ke followed Slaili's line of sight and saw a skull stacked in the exhibition cabinet.

"What?" Chen Ke didn't notice anything strange about the skull.

"Look at the nameplate below." Shrili prompted.

Then under the dim light, Chen Ke squinted his eyes for a while and found that there was a small metal business card under each exhibition cabinet, which said which unlucky person these collections came from.

And the owner of that skull is actually Olivia.

"Oh, poor woman, I didn't expect her final destination to be so cramped... I guess the house she lived in during her lifetime must have been bigger than this." Shrili covered her mouth and laughed.

"It seems that in addition to intimidation and showing off, this exhibition room also has the meaning of humiliation... No wonder Ling Yuhen doesn't want to have any contact with the God of Thunder." Chen Ke said secretly.

In mythology, Thor, the God of Thunder, is not a hero, he is just an unreasonable and reckless man. It seems that since mythology is history, people will not tell lies.

Chen Ke and the others could easily see a sacred diamond displayed on the middle booth.

Shrili walked over and took a closer look. The small green diamond was placed on a shelf, slowly glowing under the small white light, but Chen Ke remained unmoved.

"Fake..." Chen Ke whispered.

No information box popped up in his field of vision, and the thing had no psychic response. He glanced at the label, which read the words "God's Heart Fragment, Angel's Relic."

"This is what they are after. It is impossible to put the real thing on display." Chen Ke added that he should have realized this long ago. It seems that there is no value in staying here.

The two slowly walked out of the exhibition room, and several bodyguards ran past the corridor. They were holding MP5s in their hands, and they seemed to have noticed something fishy on the island.

"What are you doing now?" Shrilie asked.

"We don't know where they will put the Holy Diamond, so now the target is Slud." Chen Ke said.

Since the stone can't be found, let's get the witch's power first. In short, we can't go to the island empty-handed tonight. Moreover, Chen Ke does not need to think about evacuation. He can return to the city instantly by opening the door at will. He has given up hiding. As long as he can meet Slud, he will kill him with one shot. After receiving the witch inheritance, he can go home. Don't talk about anything else.

As for Ling Yuhen... she should be able to find a way to stay out of the matter, otherwise she wouldn't be helping.

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