This aura is deadly

Chapter 731 Tonight...Ling Yuhen joins the hunt...

Chen Ke and Shreli gave up their transgender disguises, and in order to kill Sludder without fail, Chen Ke used the Dream Center as a transfer station to bring Diana and Lucina to the island.

Between the three witches and himself, Slud is dead tonight.

At this moment, under the disguise of Shreli's magic power, four people dressed in white robes were strolling through the castle acropolis.

Under the moonlit night, the sound of the waves mixed with the piano playing indoors. Chen Ke noticed that many guards were moving towards the VIP lounge outside the arch, and some male professionals were walking towards the third floor of the Acropolis, the side entrance. , the man in a black suit was pacing anxiously while talking on the phone. The deaths of Wu Guang and Jie Niening should have been noticed.

In order not to attract other people's attention, Chen Ke took the three witches to the place with the fewest people. The more the situation is like this, the less impatient it is. After all, the castle should not have entered a state of martial law. Even the Divine Will Secret Society does not want to Make your followers aware of the security issues exposed on the island.

At this time, Chen Ke's cell phone vibrated. He took it out and saw that it was a text message from Ling Yuhen.

"Come to the garden maze behind the castle."

Just one simple sentence.

He knew something had changed, so he led the three witches towards the back of the castle.

The journey was smooth and smooth. Occasionally, I met guests attending the meeting. They were all men and women having an affair. The large garden at the back was very quiet. In a protruding cliffside valley in the distance, Chen Ke saw some similar sacrifices arranged there. A white container truck was parked on the avenue beside the city wall, and many people were moving things to the basement.

They went deep into the garden maze and found Ling Yuhen in the center.

Tonight, Ling Yuhen was wearing a red evening dress, her hair was tied up with silver hairpins, her arms were wearing long dark red gloves, and her feet were wearing black high heels. Under the moonlight, her skin was very white, and her age could not be seen. , his lips were painted dark red. For some reason, Chen Ke thought of a vampire.

Seeing Chen Ke's arrival, Ling Yuhen showed a look of caution. When Chen Ke asked Slaili to remove her disguise, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't get excited...Ms. Ling, it's us." Chen Ke said.

"You brought them here too... I should have known earlier." Ling Yuhen said softly.

"You said this was a trap, what do you mean? We have been discovered? Our infiltration was planned by the Divine Will Secret Society?" Chen Ke asked.

"I can't say that, but it's obvious that your last meeting with Slude left a deep impression on her." Ling Yuhen said.

"A deep impression? What does this mean?" Chen Ke asked again.

Ling Yuhen touched his shoulder and breathed out hot breath. It was a bit cold tonight.

"Why don't you just tell us the current situation?" Lucina said impatiently.

"We haven't been exposed yet, but Slude has noticed that there is a mole in the Divine Will Secret Society... so she has been waiting for this mole to take action." Ling Yuhen said.

"Have you been targeted?" Chen Ke asked.

"It's not just me...Slud seems to have inherited her father's suspicious character and has begun to doubt every high-level high priest. And believe me...she will clean up the family after this memorial ceremony." Ling Yuhen said.

" mean that Srud wants to take advantage of the annual tradition of the Divine Will Secret Society to kill all the current high-level officials in the parliament?" Diana asked.

"You are very smart, girl. That's why I said this is a trap, not for you... but for everyone... She is eager to show her loyalty to her father and show her abilities." Ling Yuhen said.

"This crazy bitch," Lucina said.

"I don't care what she plans, she is a witch, and she and I have a life-or-death fight," Chen Ke said.

"I know, I don't doubt your ability, Mr. Chen Ke, but I still have to remind you that the witch is very powerful, but this is only a theoretical statement... There is also a difference between a witch and a witch." Ling Yuhen said.

" understand witches again? Are you a witch?" Lucina smiled.

Ling Yuhen's eyes flashed with a faint red light. Lucina suddenly hugged her right arm and bent down, gritting her teeth in pain, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead and back.

As soon as she let go, she saw that there was a large black area under the muscle cortex of her right upper arm. It was completely rotten inside, and many black blood spots appeared on the skin. When she touched it lightly, the muscles and skin seemed to be wet. Like cake crumbs falling down.

"Uh...ah..." She looked at Ling Yuhen, her eyes glowing with green magic light.

Chen Ke took a step forward and made a stop gesture to Ling Yuhen.

"Look, your power witch is too young. She is impulsive and reckless. After her body was traumatized, she did not let magic power restore her body for so long. Compared with Oliveira, she is far behind." Ling Yu Hen's eyes turned black and she shook her head.

"I...I was just attacked by you!" Lucina refused.

"Little Tiger, don't talk..." Diana helped Lucina up, and her body began to slowly recover.

"The power of the witch is a kind of inheritance, but the user needs time to adapt and learn. Mr. Chen Ke, your witch group is still too young, lacks combat experience, and does not have the ability to push the power of the witch to its due limit. What's more, Without the imagination to use power, even if you have three... you may not be Slud's opponent. She has been using the power of thunder since the mythical age, and has participated in countless battles with Thor. She is a veritable Vaal. Hala Valkyrie... Anyone who wants to take away her power will die under her thunder." Ling Yuhen said.

"I don't care who her father is or how many battles she has fought. She hasn't met us yet," Chen Ke said.

"Don't underestimate your enemies. Mr. Chen Ke. I'm not saying this to undermine your self-confidence, nor to stop you. I just don't want to see you fail. Witches also interact with each other. You have defeated at least three witches, so you should You're aware of it, right?" Ling Yuhen said.

Chen Ke nodded. The Power Witch is afraid of all elements. Although she has abnormal self-recovery ability, it is hard to say how much Lucina can use it. Diana is extremely afraid of ice. A few professionals with freezing abilities can surround her. Illusion The Witch Maker looks very strong, but Slyli's mental ability is too fragile and cannot withstand the pressure. Even after being trained in the Great Void, she is completely unable to compete with Sludger...

"She is the only one you can really use, Mr. Chen. The other two will only hold you back." Ling Yuhen looked at Slaili.

Shrili smiled proudly, stood next to Chen Ke, and looked at the other two witches as if to demonstrate, while Lucina and Diana showed displeasure on their faces.

"But, she's not ready yet..." Ling Yuhen said.

"What do you mean?" Shrilie asked.

"Don't be angry, everyone...Srud has lived for thousands of years, just think so..." Chen Ke comforted.

"With these three witches alone, your chances are very slim." Ling Yuhen said.

"You called us here just to talk about this?" Diana asked, leaning on her waist.

"Of course not... Mr. Chen, tonight is your only chance, Slud's only chance, and it is also my last chance... We don't need to ask more about each other's purpose, we just need to know that Slud must die, That'll be fine." Ling Yuhen said lightly.

"So...?" Chen Ke asked.

"So tonight, I will also fight with you." Ling Yuhen said.

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