This aura is deadly

Chapter 740 Frame skipping

Chen Ke wandered around Xiaoyao City for a few days and walked through all the streets in the city. He found no trace of the foundation. Not to mention the iconic headquarters building, there were not even units related to psychic energy on the street. See, there is a strong contrast with the Opportunity City in 2009.

One is the era in the first few years of the 20th century, when the streets are full of traces of psychic institutions. The other is the future more than 100 years later, but the streets are no different from those around 2010.

As for what is noteworthy, it is quite obvious.

Chen Ke observed that the day and night changes in this era are very strange. Day and night add up to 24 hours. This is no problem, but the switch between day and night is instant... The sun is always at 12 o'clock in the afternoon. 12 hours later, it immediately becomes The moon... then starts over and over again. There is no morning, noon, or afternoon. There are only two periods throughout the day.

He observed the work and rest time of an office building and the clocks of street cafes, and judged that the commuting time of people here is around 8:00 to 18:00. However, the crowd throughput of any one building definitely exceeds that of the entire building. A building with a capacity of 1,000 people seems to have 2,000 people inside.

And when walking on the street, he always has the illusion of "insufficient frames". When walking on the road, pedestrians and vehicles around you will occasionally "stutter" for a few frames. In one second, it seemed like several frames had been replaced.

Chen Ke feels that those who play competitive games should be very miserable in this world, because this world has "unstable frame rates" and extraneous pictures mixed in. People living here are not aware of it, and only they can detect it. come out.

Chen Ke began to try to capture the "replaced" frames. He found a viewing platform by the inland river, sat on a bench nearby, and stared at the endless flow of people in front of him, the buildings reflecting the white sunlight, and the There are frames of cars stuck on the roadside, capturing the occasional stuck moment.

Stuttering did not happen frequently, and he waited for every jam attentively. What Chen Ke had to do was to seize that moment of "pause" and then stop time to see what happened.

He put his elbows on his knees, crossed his hands, rested his chin, and observed carefully with his eyes. The scope of the time-stopping position was controlled by him around the small bench. There were a few times when he almost succeeded.

Chen Ke continued to observe silently. When people passed by, they would cast strange looks at him. Chen Ke ignored them. He watched intently, waiting for the momentary lag in front of him.


After a long period of concentration, when Chen Ke's eyes froze again, he immediately stopped time.

"Portal list update: 2137-A..."


The things in front of me have not changed. The buildings, streets, and cold white sunlight are all the same as before, but the crowds and traffic on the street have all changed.

Chen Ke found that he was in a strange state now. He withstood the small area of ​​time and space around the bench. He existed beyond time, so he was not affected, but the chair was now in a superposition state.

The world in front of him was like a hole. The largest area in his career was 2137-B, where he and Thor were. However, there was a space-time distortion effect in front of him, similar to a magic mirror. The black circle faded. Behind the filter, is 2137-A.

Two worlds, overlapping each other... No, Chen Ke shook his head, these are not two worlds... but one world that was torn into two sides by some force. Two waves of people, intertwined in time and space, live in one world. middle.

No wonder, there is a problem with the throughput of those buildings. It turns out that this is the reason.

Chen Ke stood up, and the bench behind him turned gray and flashed crazily. He saw the pedestrians around him passing through the time and space hole in front of him, entering from the left and coming out from the right. The people would disappear for a brief moment, but they did not. Any feeling, this is a mortal trapped in time.

He moved forward, slipped into a hole, and collided head-on with another pedestrian. The man stumbled and sat on the ground, with the fedora hat on his head falling off.

Chen Ke stood there blankly, looking back at the bench where he was sitting. There was a white woman sitting on it, as if she had seen something, with a somewhat surprised expression.

"Look at me when you're walking?! Where did you come from?" The pedestrian picked up his hat and yelled at Chen Ke.

He waved his hand to apologize and looked around. This was still where he was before, but the world line had switched from B to A.

Chen Ke accidentally completed a "frame skip". He skipped the lag and entered a new world.

The year 2137 is indeed not simple... No wonder Xu Jing and Lin Yayin don't know each other, but they both swear that their own timeline is the most advanced. Are there really two foundations here...?

Chen Ke seized the next opportunity to get stuck, opened the hole again, and jumped to 2137-B. The bench in front of him was empty.

Is it parallel time and space? No, time doesn’t work like this. Chen Ke believes that this is a cognitive illusion. There is only one person in 2137, but people are divided into two parts, living in the second before and the second after each other, unable to perceive each other.

Chen Ke traveled between both sides of the world, looking for traces of the foundation. At the intersection of the two dimensions, Chen Ke discovered some clues.

He only needs to stop while walking through the hole, so that half of his body is at A and half of his body is at B, and a new scene will appear in front of him.

A gray line emerges under his feet. The city is empty with the noise of traffic and crowds, but not a single living thing is seen. The white sun will turn into golden yellow. This is the gap between A and B in 2137. The sun will Slowly move the trajectory over time.

It seems that only in this gap can the flow of time be normal. Chen Ke tried to stay on the white line, slowly withdrawing from the two worlds, and then completely squeezed his body into this third dimension.

Here is the time and space that is deliberately hidden. Chen Ke spent a few more days traveling through this deserted city, standing between the cracks of time and observing the real world.

In the end, all the clues pointed to a black building standing in the downtown area of ​​the city square. When Chen Ke switches to world A or B, this building does not exist in the original place.

Chen Ke stood in front of the building and saw that it towered into the sky. There were no windows on the stairs. The height was about 40 floors. Compared with the imposing commercial buildings built around it, it was not particularly high. However, the whole building was dark. It's dark and gives people a depressing feeling.

He scanned it with his spiritual vision. This building was isolated from all spiritual perception.

The answer to everything is right here. Now, he knows that all he has to do is walk in.

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