This aura is deadly

Chapter 741 The beginning is also the end

The black building was extremely silent. Chen Ke pushed open the glass door and entered the hall. On the gray tile floor, there was a picture of the foundation's emblem and the full English spelling of H.C.P. It was a picture composed of seven eyes and a shield.

There was no one in the building. Six old-fashioned red telephones were placed on the service vise. Milk-white CRT monitors were lined up. There was also a black hanging clock hanging on the side wall.

The things used here are all very 1980s, not like the distant future of 2137 at all.

For a moment, Chen Ke felt as if he had returned to Xijin Building again, as if all his experiences along the way were a dream. He seemed to have just gotten up from the ground, and the dagger in his chest fell to the ground. All mysteries remained. Unsolved.

He looked down and was surprised to find that this thought affected him, and the black suit on his body turned into the blue woolen windbreaker that Lin Mo wore just after he traveled through time.

At this time, a phone on the service desk suddenly rang, which seemed too noisy in this silent building. Chen Ke stepped forward, hesitated for a moment, but still picked up the phone and put it to his ear.

He said nothing, waiting for a response from the other party. The other party was silent, as if he was also confirming the situation here.

Chen Ke competed with him for patience. Just when he was about to give up, the other party said in a familiar voice: "Adams is dead, remember this."

After saying that, the other party hung up the phone. Chen Ke seemed to be shocked, because he could clearly tell that the voice belonged to him.

"Hello? What do you mean? Who are you?" Chen Ke asked hurriedly, but the other party had already hung up the phone.

He also put down the phone, thoughts racing in his mind. There must be something wrong with this building. He didn't know if the call was a trap by the other party. But he also found that after answering the phone, his clothes changed back into a black suit.

Adams is a member of the O5 Council of that foundation. He kidnapped three witches on the island of the Divine Will. Now, if nothing unexpected happens, he is in this building. However, the phone call just now, the one who looked exactly like My own voice wants me to remember that Adams is dead. Why?

Chen Ke had no time to worry. At this point, no matter how many mysteries there were, it was meaningless. He looked at the elevator and navigation map aside, preparing to see if there was anything similar to a shelter or prison in this building. If Lucina and the others were still alive, , should be locked up here.

He came to the navigation map and confirmed his location. He found that the building only had 18 floors, which was inconsistent with the impression given by the outside. However, it was also possible that the height of each floor was relatively high. Now, he was in In the lobby on the first floor, turn your head and look at the glass door, and you can still see the street outside.

Different from outside, Chen Ke could see pedestrians and vehicles coming and going as usual, but no one noticed that there was a building here, which was caught between two worlds.

Many floor information on the navigation map was erased by black block stains, and only the 4th floor could be seen as the Foreign Substances Archives Office. He pressed the elevator button and walked in, and found that the elevator's take-off floor also started from the 5th floor.

I had no choice but to climb up on my own legs.

He walked out of the elevator and walked through a corridor, from the visitor reception area to the staff office area, where he found the stairs going up. The journey was smooth and there was not a soul in sight.

There are some office cubicles on the second floor. There are many old-fashioned typewriters neatly placed on the tables. There are ink cartridges next to them and white paper on the shelves. When Chen Ke walked through these office cubicles, the typewriter suddenly started typing automatically. Come, after the rows are filled, the paper falls to the ground. The paper holder of the typewriter clicks and automatically rebounds, and a new paper appears on the shelf out of thin air.

He saw the same sentence written all over the white paper: "You are seeking your own death."

The typewriters on the entire floor were running automatically, and papers were soon piled up on the floor. Chen Ke snorted coldly, took out the Gatling revolver cannon with both hands, set it up on the ground, and fired at the office room.

With the roar of the Gatling gun, the bullets shattered the glass curtain wall of the office room, along with the office chairs, tables, water dispensers, stone pillars and the typewriter above. Bullets flew out from under Chen Ke's feet. The blood flowed all over the floor, and the white paper flew. Chen Ke was like a bright red in a white world.

The shooting lasted for more than a minute, and the entire floor was in tatters. After the outer windows were broken, wind came in from the outside, but the world outside the window became a blank between A and B.

Chen Ke collected the Gatling cannon. At this time, there was only the last typewriter left in the room, leaning on the floor with the automatic keys clicking, but there was no paper on the shelf.

At Chen Ke's feet, the A4 papers with "You are seeking your own death" written all over them were stained red with blood. He showed a disdainful expression, straightened his tie, and walked to the three-and-a-half-story space behind the office.

The floor layout here is very strange. There is no staircase that can go up directly. Each staircase only connects to one floor. There is a manager's room behind the office, and on the side, there are stairs leading to the third floor.

However, Chen Ke was still very curious and went into the manager's office to take a look. The office didn't take up much space from the outside, but when he pushed the door in, the distance from the door to the desk was too far. A rough estimate was that the distance was at least There is one kilometer.

He thought it was an optical illusion. After all, the entire floor could not be even one kilometer wide. He closed the door, exited the manager's room, turned around and saw that he was still inside.

He turned around again and saw the door of the manager's office behind him, so he opened the door. Inside, there was still the manager's office.

Chen Ke encountered such a thing in Xijin Building. It should be an illusion. Chen Ke's left eye turned red. He peeked at the scene behind the door. Under the vision of his left eye, everything became normal, but as long as he walked over, he was still trapped in the manager's office.

Chen Ke didn't panic. He took out his large-caliber automatic rifle, then opened the door again and put the gun on the ground. He looked back at the floor behind him, but the same gun didn't appear on the floor.

At this time, he closed the door, but the gun still did not appear on the floor.

Chen Ke turned around and kicked open the door of the manager's room. The outside returned to normal. The large-caliber rifle was hit by the opened door and slid far away. It disappeared halfway and returned to Chen Ke's hand. superior.

There are no illusions here, just ubiquitous memetic interference.

If you want to prevent being affected by memes, you must constantly hint to yourself and constantly question the things in front of you.

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