This aura is deadly

Chapter 743 The maggots that eat the gods

The Sphinx moved its huge body, raised its paw and pointed at the folding door behind it. At the end of that passage, there is a cargo elevator.

"Up, down, they are there and not there," said the Sphinx.

Saying goodbye to this big cat who loved to tell riddles, Chen Ke came to the elevator door and pressed the upward button. Only a rumble was heard from the elevator shaft behind the double doors, and the car slowly rose up from below.

The door opened. Chen Ke stood outside and looked inside. He found that the elevator car was upside down. No wonder the Sphinx said that to get to the bottom, you have to go up.

He looked back at the Sphinx, who had turned into a ball of sand. Chen Ke was not afraid that something might go wrong with the elevator. He walked directly in without thinking and found the floor button on the lower right hand side. many floors are there? Chen Ke didn't know, but based on his experience of reading countless Hollywood blockbusters, it should be at the bottom...

There are a total of twenty-four girls on this elevator floor, and they are not all numbers. The highest floor is 12, and the ones above are all positive characters. The bottom floor is minus six. He pressed the button for the sixth underground floor. , the elevator door slowly closed behind him, and the lights under his feet suddenly flickered.

"To be bad..." he thought to himself.

Sure enough, the lights suddenly went out, and the elevator suddenly became pitch black. At the same time, dozens of pairs of blood-red eyes appeared in the darkness, all staring at Chen Ke.

The whites of his eyes were blood-red, and his pupils were black. He didn't blink, and he couldn't hear his breathing. Dozens of pairs of evil eyes were only a punch away from Chen Ke. An ordinary person might have been frightened out of his wits.

Only then did Chen Ke discover that the elevator was also an alienated object.

"Do you want me to go down or not?" Chen Ke stood in the middle of the elevator with his waist in his hands.

Seeing that Chen Ke could not be frightened, the elevator shrugged for a moment, and then fell down. Judging from the posture of the elevator itself, it was indeed going up.

The eyes on the wall closed, and the darkness gradually disappeared, as if the elevator turned into a transparent glass cabinet, and Chen Ke gradually saw some of the scenery outside.

In the boundless darkness outside the elevator, there are many glass grids of different sizes, and each glass grid is equipped with a small incandescent lamp. Then the light came on, and you could see that it was filled with all kinds of strange things contained by the Foundation.

These glass partitions are built up like a building, and there are not only dead things inside, but also living things.

He saw a woman curled up in pitch black, with white eyes wandering over her body like a picture. He also saw a surging mist similar to a thundercloud, with red lightning coming out of it.

On the left, in the grid that he just passed, a girl in a sailor uniform is facing him, but she has no face, and her long hair hangs down to her skirt. In another grid, a big yellow field mouse is lying inside, with electricity coming out of her body. flower.

Dazzling the past, Chen Ke felt that he was sitting in the elevator and falling into a crazy place. This place was full of unfounded fantasies, puzzling creatures, dangerous artifacts, and the deepest secrets.

The echo of the elevator's clanging made Chen Ke couldn't help but think about how long the human species has existed? Are ancient myths just stories made up by the ancients, or exaggerated history?

If these things have existed since ancient times, what were people doing at that time?

The elevator fell slowly. I don’t know how long it took. It fell longer and deeper than Van Heder’s small iron cage. The glass grid filled with foreign objects was no longer visible. They were dropped on it. Now, the outside is really a piece of cake. Pitch black.

At the bottom of the black abyss, he heard a sound like chewing, chirping, chirping, like a man eating meat that was not chewed thoroughly.

When the elevator dropped to the bottom, it began to shake, and it slowly went down in a spiral wreath. Chen Ke was unsteady and wanted to hold on to the wall next to him, but his hand was empty. His feet sank, and his whole body collapsed. He fell out, and after falling less than half a meter, he fell to the ground and rolled around.

He got up and patted the dust on his body. When he looked back, it was pitch black and he couldn't see anything. He took out the moonlight sword. The orchid sword illuminated the surroundings. The ground was a marble floor and there was no elevator around. shadow.

The sound of chewing came from the right, and an unpleasant smell filled the dull air, like the smell of rotten fish mixed with the feces that had been constipated for several days, which made people unable to eat.

Chen Ke's eyes flashed with a blue halo. There was no one around, but something was entrenched here. That thing had better not be hostile, Chen Ke thought, heading towards the direction where the chewing sound came from.

After staying in the dark for a long time, his eyes began to adapt to this dark environment. Although it was still pitch black in front of him, he could see farther with the light of the moonlight sword.

After walking a few dozen steps forward, Chen Ke saw a huge maggot lying in front of him.

The maggot was extremely big...very big, even bigger than a big one. How should I put it? It was as high as four buses stacked on top of each other. It was as long as three buses. It was flesh-colored and had wrinkled skin. The translucent effect is disgusting.

Chen Ke walked around it and saw something even more disgusting. The insect-repelling head was not a bug, but a human face. It was just that the human face was about the same size as an average person's face. It had its eyes closed and a look on its face. With a painful expression, under the face, there is a big mouth, chewing... Lucina...

Only the upper half of Lucina's body was left lying on the ground. There were insects in her mouth from the waist down and she kept chewing them. Her arms were bitten off and her body was stained with blood. The look on her face was extremely painful, and green magic lines flickered on her body. It seemed as if bugs were constantly eating her while she was constantly repairing her body.

Chen Ke stood there without making any move. Under his red pupils, he saw through the illusion.

"Did you show this to me on purpose? You can't fool me." Chen Ke said.

He raised his sword, ready to give the bug a good blow. Suddenly, the entire space was shattered, like a mirror being broken. The bug disappeared in front of his eyes, and the darkness turned into fragments. Chen Ke felt a spin and white light. It got into his eyes and he almost went blind.

The dizziness lasted for a few seconds. He stabilized himself and found himself standing in a large gray observation room. It was no different from the one where the Sphinx lay prone.

The folding doors at both ends of the room were closed, and in front of them stood a man in a black suit.

"Hello, Mr. Chen, your performance is more calm than I expected. It seems that you have seen more things than we imagined. But even so, the power you gained should be returned Yes." Adams laughed.

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