This aura is deadly

Chapter 744 News of Death

"Don't talk as if this power should belong to you." Chen Ke said while looking at him with red eyes.

There is nothing abnormal about Adams. He is not an alienated individual or an illusion. He is just an ordinary person, standing opposite Chen Ke.

Maybe it was the many alienated objects he carried that gave him the courage to fight against Chen Ke. Chen Ke didn't know, but he had something to ask Adams.

"Where are they?" Chen Ke asked.

"Who?" Adams asked with a smile.

"You know what I'm asking." Chen Ke raised his head slightly.

Adams thought for a while, and a perverted smile appeared on his face. He shook his head slightly, opened his arms, and made a helpless gesture.

"Look. If you wanted to save them, you should have come earlier." Adams smiled.

Chen Ke said nothing and listened to him quietly.

"Have you ever thought about a question? Mr. Chen. Humanity has existed for millions of years, but the recorded history is only more than four thousand years. What on earth were we doing in that unrecorded deep sea era?" Adams asked .

"Unspeakable things once ruled the universe. Our ancestors used the power of the old kings to fight against their threats to preserve the fire of human civilization. Then they disappeared and we rose." Seeing that Chen Ke did not answer, Adams continued Speaking.

"Now, they are back, but the great man who can control the old king is still missing. Mr. Chen, you live in the past and don't know how desperate the future of mankind is. This power is not a free gift, but we still haven't Learn how to use it," Adams said.

"What does this have to do with me?" Chen Ke said coldly.

"The gifts given by God are all marked with a secret price. Mr. Chen, we know your secret, because what you have, we also have. Why not open the skylight and speak openly? You can control time, you can control the old king, Maybe others don't know what's unique about you, but the Foundation is always observing you." Adams said.

Chen Ke stared at Adams closely.

"We have been observing your every move since the Xijin Building. You were summoned by some kind of power from the distant past and merged with the power of the outer gods. We originally thought that your arrival had a special meaning, but you But he has always been doing things that only third-rate killers would do," Adams said.

"You have been monitoring me? How did you do it?" Chen Ke asked.

"You should have guessed that you looked up and looked at it, didn't you?" Adams laughed.

"Moon..." Chen Ke said secretly. Whether it was on the rooftops of downtown Lafite Road or at night in the mysterious sea... the moon was always watching him.

However, when the sun rose, Bai Wu borrowed his gun to shoot the moon out. The current foundation should not know what happened after the sun rose.

"Tell me where you kept them. I'm not interested in other things." Chen Kedao.

"Those women with special abilities...well, what do they belong to you? Partners? Lovers? Or just...bedding?" Adams tried to anger Chen Ke.

"They are family." Chen Ke said.

"It's a boring relationship. It seems that it was just some kind of coincidence that you received its gift. But your ability is not complete, right? After all, you only have half of it, and the other half is with us." Adams laughed .

"That's enough, tell me, where are the witches?!" Chen Ke took a step forward and summoned a large-caliber automatic rifle with his right hand.

Adams waved his hand, trying to calm Chen Ke down a little.

"I just said, if you want to save them, you should come early. They have powerful energy, and this energy is the key to unlocking the mystery of psychic energy. We once had a witch, an Asian girl, with the help of her We tried to give her abilities to others... As a result, they all became deformed... Later, the witch ran away with the deformed children, so we upgraded the facility to contain the witch this time. " Adams said.

After hearing this, Chen Ke suddenly realized that this is where Asra and Fujiwara Makoto came from...

"Thank you for bringing these witches, Mr. Chen. We tested them with advanced instruments. The chocolate-skinned power witch, we dissected her and studied her internal organs and muscle structure. The regeneration speed is amazing. It's amazing, if we can understand the secret of this power, we can make all human beings immortal." Adams said.

"We also conducted an autopsy on the fire-breathing witch, trying to figure out the source of the flames. The combination of spiritual energy and the human body has always been a mystery, but we have made new breakthroughs in her liver organ, which will always be Maintaining a very high temperature, an ordinary person would have died of liver cirrhosis long ago," Adams continued in an understatement.

"The witch who can discharge electricity has been trying to escape before. We cut off her limbs and then soaked her in formalin solution. She is now in a cycle of death and regeneration. We want to see her limits. Where is it?" Adams looked at Chen Ke.

"Look, if the secrets of the three witches can be unlocked, it will advance the technology and bioengineering of human society for another 100 years. Nothing is more important than the well-being and progress of mankind. And this, with you "A credit to that." Adams laughed.

Chen Ke looked at Adams. He seemed to be very proud of the foundation's actions. That pride radiated from his bones and was reflected on his face. He firmly believed that he was doing the right thing.

What is more important than the progress of human society? They were just three women, and they were no longer human beings.

What's wrong with sacrificing a few to benefit all of humanity?

Chen Ke raised his gun and two bullets shattered Adams' knee.

"Ahhh!!!" Adams fell to his knees and screamed with his hands on the ground.

Chen Ke held the gun with one hand and pulled the trigger on Adams' chest, shooting him through the upper body.

The flower of flesh and blood bloomed, internal organs and blood stains were splashed on the ground, and a slight heat was emitted.

Chen Ke walked forward and looked down at Adams. He had a cruel smile on his face. The gunshot wound on his chest was so deep that the bones were visible. The chest muscles were shattered in the full-length film. The sternum was turned out. The wound from the large-caliber bullet was too big. When the wound is large, the wound is open, and a small poking of the large intestine is exposed on the upper abdomen.

"Hiss...what do you mean...?" Adams smiled and looked at Chen Ke, but Chen Ke could see that he was also in pain.

"I'm a killer." Chen Kedao said, putting the muzzle of the gun on Adams' head and pulling the trigger.


Adams's head was like a popped tomato, and blood splattered all over the barrel.

Adams was completely motionless and lay motionless on the ground. However, after a few seconds, his body slowly turned white, and then turned into a large handful of white ash. This situation was very similar to when Xu Jing traveled through time and space. .

The white ash slowly became transparent, and after a few breaths, it was no longer visible. Only the blood remained on the ground.

Chen Ke watched Adams' body disappear from his eyes and felt an ominous premonition.

"Pah...pah...pah..." From behind, there was the sound of applause.

Chen Ke turned around and saw Adams coming out from behind.

"At least, your reaction was as I expected." Adams smiled.

He was still wearing a suit and his body was intact as before. Chen Ke looked at him with red eyes and found nothing strange. What is the reason...?

"You can't kill me, Mr. Chen. Time here will always cycle between when you see me and when you kill me. Time tricks are not your patent." Adams smiled.

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