This aura is deadly

Chapter 752 Little Tiger

Just as he jumped over from the door, Chen Ke stepped into the flesh and blood, and his whole foot sank in. The warm viscous liquid poured into the shoe along the seam. Three witches jumped in at the same time. Lucina pinched her nose, He complained.

He smelled a pungent stench, and the air around him was like a mixture of vomit and feces.

"Are you sure we are in the right place?" Diana covered her mouth and nose, lit a fire in her right hand, and used the light to try to figure out where this place was.

Under the light of the fire, Chen Ke discovered that he was surrounded by a wall of flesh that was a mixture of milky white and blood red, and the flesh under his feet was covered with tiny blood vessels.

In the center of this space, there is something similar to a culture tank, with a skeleton bound inside.

"Yes, this is the other side of 2137." Chen Kedao.

He walked toward the cultivation tank with one foot deep and one foot shallow, followed closely by the three witches.

Chen Ke came to the tank. The tank was very old, and the silver-white shell was covered with rust. Inside the broken transparent observation window, there was a skeleton huddled in it, wearing a white uniform.

Like Slud, this skeleton was also covered with various energy-absorbing tubes during its lifetime, so Chen Ke judged that this skeleton was also a witch.

The energy-transmitting tubes extend toward the darkness above the space. The only way to know what the Foundation is powering is to fly up and take a look.

"Do you think this is also a panopticon? Is there a place like this in the foundation?" Chen Ke looked at Xu Jing, who was holding her chest and standing aside quietly waiting.

Unlike Diana and Lucina, Xu Jing seems to be very resistant to the stench around her. Seeing Chen Ke asking for her help, Xu Jing did not put on airs and said straightforwardly: "Judging from the scene around here, it is quite suitable for a spiritual trance." Pie decoration style..."

"So, this foundation is most likely a deity sect..." Chen Ke also fell into deep thought.

Xu Jing and Lin Yayin belong to two foundations without knowing it, and the so-called founder plan has always been in the clouds. Maybe this time they can figure everything out at once.

"Chen Ke, is this the mirror world or an unknown time period?" Xu Jing asked.

"You cannot simply use the mirror world to describe this place, but I have observed it outside, and the phenomenon I see is that the two of you in 2137 seem to coexist in the same time period, but in two different dimensions. Moreover, the foundation building you are in is located between the two dimensions of 2137." Chen Ke explained a lot, and he didn't know if Xu Jing could understand it.

She was thoughtful and did not give a clear answer, so she stopped mentioning the matter. However, it could be seen from her frown that her knowledge of certain things or phenomena was facing a reshuffle.

"What are we going to do now? If Wang Aileen is here, how do we find her?" Diana was most concerned about this issue.

"Go up first, but the problem is that I can't fly, and I don't know how high it is." Chen Ke pointed upward.

"I can't fly either, but it's surrounded by flesh. If I have a knife, I should be able to climb up." Lucina said.

"Diana can fly, Xu Jing, can you fly?" Chen Ke looked at Xu Jing.

Xu Jing tried it, and the magic lines on her body sparkled, electricity flowed on her arms, and her eyes became white, as if she had cataracts.

She floated up slightly, but soon fell down. Xu Jing tried a few more times, and finally let herself rise slowly into the air. In order not to be hit by the electric current she radiated, Chen Ke and the others retreated far away.

As a senior agent of the Foundation, Xu Jing mastered the power of the witch much faster than others. Thanks to her deeper understanding of psychic powers, control of flight and power, she immediately equaled Diana's. .

"Who wants to take a ride?" Xu Jing asked while hanging in mid-air.

"You will electrocute the hitchhiker." Chen Ke spread his hands.

The principle of Xu Jing's flight is electromagnetic force, and fatal electric current is flowing all over her body. Chen Ke has no equipment to defend against electricity, so he can't withstand her touch.

"You lend me that little dagger... I can climb up along the flesh wall." Lucina whispered close to Chen Ke.

"I can take you up, but after you put on that armor, it may weigh more than 200 kilograms in total... I don't know how high it is. If I lose strength halfway through the flight, you may have to fall... "Diana said helplessly, holding her chest.

"It's very simple. I can fly up first to see how high it is." Xu Jing said. After saying that, without waiting for Chen Ke and Diana to respond, she flew upwards.

"I'll go take a look too..." Diana was worried and flew after Xu Jing, leaving Chen Ke and Lucina below who couldn't fly.

Chen Ke didn't stop them either. Xu Jing's whole body was filled with white electricity, and Diana turned into a burning person. They were like two searchlights in the dark, one white and one red, lighting up the surroundings as they flew higher and higher. , the light became more and more distant, and finally turned into two points, completely swallowed by darkness.

The surroundings turned dark, and the two of them were silent. Lucina suddenly hugged Chen Ke, saying nothing, and just stayed close to Chen Ke quietly.

"I've always wanted to ask you something." Chen Ke suddenly said.

"What?" Lucina looked up. In the darkness, her green pupils glowed with a circle of green light. The witch's eyes were really beautiful.

"Why did Diana call you little tiger?" Chen Ke asked.

"It's just a nickname." Lucina said perfunctorily.

"There is always a reason for nicknames." Chen Ke added.

"I call Shreli Pony, just because she always has purple hair and wears colorful clothes. Diana calls me Little Tiger, just because she thinks I am stronger than her," Lucina said.

"Strong..." Chen Ke squeezed Lucina's arm.

Lucina is indeed considered strong in the category of women, but compared with real muscle tyrants, she is not good enough. After all, bodybuilders cannot develop large muscles without using drugs.

"That's it?" Chen Ke asked.

"What do you want to know?" Lucina asked.

"Nothing." Chen Ke ended the topic.

"You seem to have something in your words." Lucina didn't want to end it yet.

"I just feel that your relationship with Diana has suddenly made great progress..." Chen Kedao.

"Isn't this bad?" Lucina smiled.

"It's rare. The relationship between you and Shreli has never been good." Chen Ke said.

"Don't pretend to be stupid, Chen Ke. Shrili has always wanted to have sex with you, but Diana has no intention of doing so." Lucina said bluntly.

"Maybe Diana is just faking it," Chen Ke said.

"Although I really want to admit...your body with scars all over your body, well-defined muscles, and just the right amount of fat and thin is indeed quite appetizing...but...Diana doesn't like this." Lucina laughed, her hands moving restlessly. He went down and touched Chen Ke's shirt.

Chen Ke grabbed Lucina's wrist, now was not the time to get hard.

"Why are you so sure?" Chen Ke was puzzled.

"You don't need to know." Lucina smiled.

At this time, two witches flew down from the sky.

"The height is not too high, and there is an abandoned laboratory above, and there seems to be a big pit for throwing garbage below." Diana landed first and came to Chen Ke.

"This should be a section of the intestine of a giant alien creature, and it also has the function of digestion. They threw garbage from above and let it be digested, but something must have happened here before. They sealed off the entire research facility, and we happened to At the bottom." Xu Jing also came down and gave her own judgment.

The situation was generally clear, and it was time to act.

"I can climb up by myself, I only need two daggers." Lucina said.

"Hurry up, I'll go up and look out." Xu Jing didn't say anything. Seeing that she couldn't help, she took the first step and flew up again.

Diana walked past Lucina, hugged her waist, kissed Lucina on the cheek, and said: "Lend me your boyfriend, I promise not to break him."

Lu Xina smiled awkwardly and took the two blasphemous daggers handed over by Chen Ke.

"Are you ready Chen Ke?" Diana turned into flame form again.

At this time, Lucina held the dagger in both hands, jumped, and flew to a high place. She inserted the dagger into her flesh arm and hung it on it. Then she jumped off the wall and flew upward diagonally in the opposite direction.

"Let's go." Chen Ke put on Angel's elegy and held Diana's hand.

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