This aura is deadly

Chapter 753 Strange Wall

Diana carried Chen Kefei out of the intestines and placed him on the ground of the abandoned laboratory. At this time, Lucina happened to be climbing up by Hengchi Hengchi. He grabbed Lucina's hand and pulled it. Xu Jing walked away from him. Walked by.

The equipment in this laboratory has not been started for a long time. There are several 90s-style CRT monitors and large chassis on the table. Diana gently wiped off the dust on them and looked at them carefully.

Chen Ke looked down. The abyss used for dumping garbage was in the middle of the laboratory. There were some guardrails that had not been removed. Bloody sarcoma-like openings appeared on the white floor, as if they had opened on the ground. A ** son.

Diana tried to connect the computer to see what was inside these devices, but was stopped by Xu Jing, and the two almost had a quarrel.

"what happened?"

Chen Ke stepped forward to mediate and tried to understand the situation.

"Don't touch these things. If the seance sect is really operating here, you will kill us all." Xu Jing scolded Diana.

"These computers are not plugged in network cables, and there may be some key information in them." Diana argued.

"It's not a good idea to turn on the computer, and I really want to ask...Xu Jing, this is 2137, why are everything I see products from the 1990s?" Chen Ke asked.

"I don't know what's going on here." Xu Jing shook her head.

"Not only here, but there is something wrong with the year 2137 you are in. Apart from those beautiful armors and large underground prisons, I can't see other technologies that are more than 100 years ahead of Opportunity City." Chen Kedao.

"Don't be stupid, Chen Ke. If you can do many things with your spirit, then there is no need to develop technology." Xu Jing said.

Chen Ke took a deep breath. What Xu Jing said... Human beings in 2137 may have given up on developing technology and focused all their energy on the development of psychic powers.

Seeing Chen Ke's expression, Xu Jing already understood his guess, so she said: "I was born in 2109, Chen Ke. When I was a little girl, the world was already different from yours. I There is a gap of more than 100 years between you and me, and you don’t know what happened in these 100 years. The development of human science and technology has come to a certain level.”

"How could it be? We are experiencing the fourth industrial revolution, and information technology and technology are developing at a rapid pace. Do you believe it? Five years ago, I was still using devices like the green screen flip phone ne." Diana expressed dissatisfaction. She is a typical person living in the mobile Internet era of the 21st century. Various rapidly developing electronic products make her have no doubt about the potential of technology.

But Chen Ke is a person who lived in 2018. He has witnessed the toothpaste-like upgrades of iPhone and graphics cards in the later period...

"You are living in the last happy era of mankind. In 2050, mankind fell into a period of great confusion. In my history textbook, we call this period the Technological Middle Ages." Xu Jing said with a smile.

Diana couldn't refute this, so she looked at Chen Ke for help. After all, Chen Ke could travel through time and space. She hoped that he had been to the era Xu Jing mentioned, and hoped that he could give a different statement to refute Xu Jing. .

"A period of great confusion...? Why do you say that?" Chen Ke asked.

"Material science and applied physics strangled mankind, and until the end, mankind failed to make a breakthrough in batteries. We did not fall into crisis, but we also lost the power to move forward. This is just like the stagnation in the first Middle Ages. It has been the same for thousands of years, whether it is technology, humanities, medicine, or other things, it is as if it has been suspended, and humans have begun to care about trivial things." Xu Jing said.

"It sounds bad enough. Is this why the Foundation is still using CRT monitors after more than 100 years?" Chen Ke asked.

This statement is far-fetched. There were LCD monitors in 2009. At least, the era he lived in before time travel was more advanced than what the Foundation used.

"I know you won't believe it. This involves psychic energy. Do you think such a large place is powered by generators? And not everything in the Foundation is so retro." Xu Jing explained.

"You mean...witch..." Chen Ke said.

"That's not...but it's definitely not a generator. Fortunately, there is psychic power, otherwise the Second Middle Ages might have lasted until now. But I really don't know what the foundation is going to use the witch for." Xu Jing spread her hands.

"That's enough, that's enough... You guys talked a lot of nonsense over there, Aba, Aba, Aba, Aba, but is there any way to quickly find that girl named Wang Aileen?" Lucina, who had been silent for a long time, interrupted the topic at this time. She was already waiting. for a long time.

"Yes, Wang Aileen is here, but how are we going to find her?" Diana suddenly realized the crux of the problem.

"This is an abandoned research department. Generally speaking, the foundation will wall up the entire abandoned part and let it slowly disappear in the building." Xu Jing said.

"Slowly...?" Chen Ke asked.

"The foundation's building is not an ordinary building. It is also a kind of alienated object. If you don't believe it, you can use your spiritual vision to see. It should be impossible to penetrate the wall." Xu Jing said.

Chen Ke tried it. He glanced around, but didn't see anything in his blue pupils. He looked around again with the pupil of his left eye. He didn't know, but he was shocked when he saw it. In their field of vision, on the walls surrounding the laboratory, there were countless faces with dull expressions, staring at them.

"In other words, this building is actually a living thing?" Chen Ke said.

"That's right. The sealed space will slowly disappear. I think this should be some kind of reality distortion ability." Xu Jing said. She noticed the red light in Chen Ke's left eye and realized that Chen Ke seemed to have seen something, but she did not ask.

"So, we have to break through the wall. But this will definitely disturb the people outside." Diana said and walked towards the wall, leaning against the wall to listen to what was going on outside. In Chen Ke's eyes, she just Stick it on a face.

"Lucina...can you make a hole in the wall quietly?" Chen Ke looked at Lucina.

"I can dig a hole, but I can't guarantee it will be quiet." Lucina shook her head.

"Try to be gentle, little tiger." Diana said.

Chen Ke took out his automatic rifle and stood by the wall, trying not to think about those faces. He pointed at the wall in front of him and said, "This is it."

Lucina stretched her muscles and clenched her fists loudly. She touched the wall to see what material it was made of.

"The concrete structure is very dull when knocked. It seems that this building did not cut corners." Lucina commented.

"Maybe there is blood in the wall." Xu Jing said sarcastically.

Lucina snorted, and the magic lines climbed up her arms to her neck. She punched the wall with a punch. A big hole was blasted out of the wall, and bricks and rubble flew out. There was a violent and dull echo.

Chen Ke raised his gun and bent down to aim outside the hole in the wall. Diana also arrived at the right time and used fire to illuminate the space behind the hole in the wall.

Chen Ke looked at it for a long time and found that there was also a laboratory behind the hole in the wall. In the center of the laboratory, there was a huge meat pit.

He noticed something was wrong, and took a closer look, and saw four figures on the far opposite wall of the laboratory. Like them, they were squatting by the wall, looking further inside...

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