This aura is deadly

Chapter 760 Escape from the future

After the violent magic power cut open the octopus's tentacles, the entire space collapsed and returned to the appearance of an underground panopticon. On the other side of the corridor, there was actually Diana supporting Lucina.

They were covered in blood and looked like bloody people. There was a deep cut on Lucina's waist, and she seemed to have fainted.

"Diana?!" Chen Ke said in surprise.

"'s here again. This time it's him!" Diana immediately removed Lucina, flames burst out of her arms, and high-heat energy condensed in her eyes, and she was about to shoot in the direction of Chen Ke.

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute!" Wang Aileen quickly waved her hands, trying to explain to Diana.

Diana hesitated for a moment and asked sternly: "Give you 5 seconds to convince me that you are not an illusion!"

"You don't want to kill her indirectly, right?!" Chen Ke said.

"Two seconds left!" Diana didn't seem to believe it, and the surrounding temperature increased significantly.

"Stop, the one with the fire. Stop, I've turned off the illusion device. The one in front of you is real." Xu Jing's voice came from the hidden speaker in the corridor.

"How can I trust you?!" Diana said worriedly.

"Don't be stupid, girl, this wouldn't have happened if you went out with me." Xu Jing said again.

After hearing these words, Diana relaxed and the flames on her body slowly extinguished. Chen Ke immediately came to Lucina, hugged her up, and checked the wound on her waist. It seemed that a dagger had been severely inserted and then cut open.

Diana hugged Aileen Wang and wanted to see if she had any hands on her. Aileen Wang shook her head and said nothing.

"What happened to you after we fell?" Chen Ke asked.

"After you fell, we jumped after you...but we didn't find you. Then we found ourselves at Lucina's house..." Diana sighed.

It seems that this space has customized different illusions based on everyone's memories.

Just when Diana and Lucina were confused, they met Heinard and Pihom... Although Diana was very wary, the rough Lucina ran over excitedly to hug her father.

Then he was stabbed in the back.

"We also met Baldr and the Director... Damn, I hate this place." Diana cursed.

"Xu Jing? Where are you now?" Chen Ke asked.

"I'm in the control room, but you'd better hurry up. There are hundreds of deformed mobile teams of seance sects behind me." Xu Jing's voice came from the speaker.

Chen Ke picked up Lucina. The wound was too deep. In addition, she had accumulated a lot of injuries before, and she immediately shut down, so he could only carry her away.

Wang Ailin followed Chen Ke, while Diana took the Angeli armor from Diana's hand, put on the full suit, and opened the way in front.

Walking along the only corridor with lights on, many corpses of the mobile team slowly appeared on the ground. They were all roasted to charcoal by the electric current. The blue armor was roasted and discolored, and the charred flesh exuded a stench inside the armor.

Coming out of the corridor, they were in a circular underground central hall, which was connected to many passages, and in the middle was a tower connected to the ceiling.

The height of this space is probably more than a hundred meters, and the cylindrical tower in the middle is crawling with mobile teams. They lie on the wall in weird postures, like locusts. On the ground, dense piles of mobile team corpses were scattered.

"How many did she kill..." Diana was surprised.

In Chen Ke's eyes, these mobile team members are full of text reminders of "alienated individuals". They are all deformed like Asra and are no longer human.

Xu Jing broke the window and flew out of the control tower. A large number of mobile team members immediately followed Xu Jing. Like a moth being chased by a swarm of bees.

Her eyes flashed with white light, and blue lightning flowed from her body, hitting the mobile team, causing a chain reaction. The mobile team fell to the ground in pieces, and the armor was overloaded by the electric current and fell to the ground. There was a clanking sound when it fell, and the people inside were electrocuted into cokes.

Diana also flew up, and two flame beams swept away the mobile team. With the cooperation of lightning and fire, the mobile team in the hall was quickly cleared.

The two witches flew down and stepped on the corpse of the mobile team, with the magic lines on their bodies still flowing.

"How do we get out of here now?" Diana asked.

"There is a driveway under the panopticon, which is used to transport large containers. The tunnel is 40 kilometers long, extending from the underground to the top, but we may not be able to get a car." Xu Jing said at this time.

"I can help with this... After Lin Yayin brought me here, I was given very high authority." Wang Aileen said.

"You happen to have the car keys?" Diana asked.

"The foundation's car does not require a key, you only need permission to drive it." Xu Jing smiled, as if she was laughing at a country bumpkin.

"Then what are you waiting for? Lead the way." Diana glanced at Xu Jing.

A bunch of cleared mobile teams appeared out of nowhere. They retreated while fighting. Under the leadership of Xu Jing, they arrived at the special parking lot. The special vehicles used by the Foundation to transfer contained objects have many specifications, including large ten-wheel vehicles. There are everything from small four-wheelers to small ones. There were five of them, Chen Ke, so they chose a pickup truck.

Xu Jing deployed an electromagnetic force field, and those deformed mobile units were like mosquitoes equipped with mosquito killer lamps, stuck in the buttons of the parking lot. Chen Ke also deployed a time stance behind the electromagnetic field to block the incoming bullets.

Wang Aileen patted the car door. After a brief permission authentication, the door immediately opened and she got into the driver's seat. Only she could start and drive the car.

Chen Ke put the unconscious Lucina into the back row and asked Diana to sit in the back row to protect her. Then he got on the tow truck, took out the Gatling and put it in the tow truck.

"Leave!" He shouted to Xu Jing who was sitting behind him.

The car started, Xu Jing shot a violent arc, creating a gap, then turned around and flew towards the car, grabbed the pylon at the rear of the car, hung it outside, and used an electromagnetic field to form a bulletproof field to ensure that Wang Aileen, who was driving, would not be shot to death by stray bullets. in the car.

The pickup truck drove along the 40-kilometer underground tunnel, followed by locust-like mobile team groups. They flew close to the tunnel and squeezed each other. Some mobile team members were actually squeezed to the ground by their own people and crushed by those who came after them. Like a horde of steel golems or mecha zombies, unafraid of pain and death.

Chen Ke pulled the trigger, spinning the Gatling and letting out a roar. The blood bullets hit the iron stream, erupting into red fire and blood mist. Xu Jing also released lightning, electrocuting a large number of people.

In the driver's seat, Diana stroked Lucina's hair. The other person hadn't woken up yet, but the wounds on her waist and abdomen had healed. She rested Lucina's head on her lap and placed her left hand gently on her abdomen. Feel Lucina's heartbeat and the rise and fall of her body when she breathes.

"The gate in front seems to be closed..." Wang Aileen worried. The display screen in the middle of the bridge issued a warning. The advice pattern on the screen showed a white line that was cut off by a red line.

Diana looked across the seat and asked, "Can you please open the door?"

"I really want to say yes...but I don't know. There are still 2 kilometers to gate 3." Wang Aileen said nervously.

"That means we have passed through two gates?" Diana asked.

Wang Aileen nodded.

Diana opened the car door and shouted at Chen Ke: "Chen Ke! There is no road ahead!"

"Can't hear you! Louder!" Chen Ke vaguely heard Diana calling him, but the sound of the wind and the machine gun were too loud.

"There's no way ahead!" Diana shouted again.

Chen Ke looked back and saw that the closed gate could already be seen with the naked eye. He understood immediately.

"How far did we drive?" Chen Ke asked.

"Almost 15 kilometers. It has left the scope of the main building and the panopticon." Xu Jing said.

"Hold on, don't slow down." Chen Ke said, taking out a soul and preparing to open the door.

Diana fastened her seat belt and hugged Lucina. Xu Jing didn't know what Chen Ke was going to do, but she subconsciously jumped into the tow truck and held on to the edge of the tow truck.

The group of tin cans were still following. Chen Ke took out a rocket launcher and aimed it at them. The rockets exploded in the tunnel, and thick blood-red smoke billowed. Many tin cans fell to the ground and tripped those behind them. , but there are still more flying out, one after another.

Chen Ke squeezed his soul, and the portal opened at the front of the car. The SUV rushed into the Dream Center, landed on the circular open space, and ran towards the cliff. The next second, he immediately closed the door, and an iron can was half-expanded. The body was cut off and fell to the ground.

In the tunnel, the group of mobile team members bumped into the gate in a daze.

"Brake the brakes, Eileen!" Diana shouted.

Wang Ailin stepped on the accelerator in panic, and the car rushed down the cliff at full speed. Xu Jing jumped out before the car fell. She rolled on the ground several times, groaning in pain. After getting up, she saw lying on the edge of the cliff. A huge white giant with seven eyes.

The giant looked at her, then raised one hand from under the cliff, grabbed the still accelerating SUV, and buckled it to the ground.

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